1.6 Wills - Intestacy Flashcards
What are the types of intestacy?
Total intestacy
- NO will
- Will NOT valid
- Revoked will
Partial will
- Valid will BUT NOT dispose whole estate
- UNLESS valid residuary gift
- UNLESS substitution gift of residue (principal residuary gifts fail for any reason)
Who is a spouse/civil partner?
Living/NOT living together
Same/Opposite sex spouses
NOT divorced spouse
NOT dissolved civil partner
NOT cohabitee
How may an estate pass to a spouse/civil partner with issues?
Estate < £270k => Spouse/Civil partner (surviving)
- Married at T’s death
- Survive intestate by 28 days
Estate > £270k => Spouse/Civil partner (surviving)
1) 50% residue
2) £270k statutory legacy + interest (since death)
3) Personal chattels
- Non-business tangible moveable property
Estate > £270k => Issues (surviving) (18yo/married before 18yo at T’s death)
- 50% residue (on statutory trust)
How may an estate pass to a spouse/civil partner with no issues?
Estate (100%) > Spouse/Civil partner (surviving)
How may an estate pass with no surviving spouse?
Estate (equally) => Surviving issues
- Children (legitimate/illegitimate/adopted children)
- Remoter descendants
- NOT stepchildren
- NOT natural child adopted by another
NO surviving issues => Estates passes to (in descending order);
1) T’s parents (surviving)
2) T’s siblings (full blood)
3) T’s siblings (half blood)
4) T’s grandparents
5) T’s uncles/aunts (full blood)
6) T’s uncles/aunts (half blood)
7) Crown Duchy of Lancaster/Duke of Cornwall
How may Testator’s matrimonial home be appropriated?
If T solely owned home => 100% goes to Estate
- Spouse can purchase home > Special right (Schedule 2 AEA)
If T + spouse jointly owned home (TiC) => T’s share goes to Estate
- Spouse can purchase home > Special right (Schedule 2 AEA)
If T + spouse jointly owned home (JT) => T’s share goes to Spouse (right of survivorship)
What is a statutory trust (s. 47 AEA)?
Estate > All children > Issues
- Equally (per stirpes/by branch > each family branch receives share due to ancestor)
- Living at T’s death
- Conceived (NOT born) at T’s death (en ventre sa mere)
- Contingent on Ben living at T’s death > Getting married/reaching 18yo
Remainder (NOT disposed by will) => PRs (trust for sale) => Proceeds + Intestate used to pay off;
- Funeral/Testamentary/Admin expenses, debts and liabilities
Remainder (pecuniary legacies) => Residuary estate