16 Topics Quiz Flashcards
the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period
maternal health/care
Focuses on the health and welfare of women throughout their pregnancy.
Includes the adolescent pregnant and meeting the unmet needs for family planning contraceptives of women into its priority agenda until 2030
The National Safe Motherhood Program
list the types of service for maternal health/care
-PhilHealth Benefit Package
-Implementation Support Materials
list the key strategies for Women’s Health and Safe Motherhood
-Standardized Care
-Capacity Building
-Health System
-Strengthening Community
-Engagement Monitoring and Evaluation
The Adolescent and Youth Health Policy
Administrative Order 2013- 0013 aims to achieve the following health outcomes among adolescents
list them
-Healthy Development
-Healthy Nutrition
-Sexual and Reproductive Health
-Reduction of Substance Use
-Reduction of Injuries and Mortality, -Morbidity and Psychosocial -Consequences of Injuries
-Reduction of all Forms of Violence and -Mortality, Morbidity and Psychosocial -Consequences of Violence and
-Mental Health
list issues and concerns that the Adolescent Health Program tackles
- Adolescents are not fully informed about available health services, including newborn care.
- Health workers lack training on the Adolescent Job Aid Manual (AJA) and Peer Education for adolescents.
- No prototype IEC materials provided by DOH Central Office for parents and adolescents.
- There are gaps in recording and reporting within the FHSIS.
- There are limited Adolescent-Friendly Facilities.
- Awareness of risky behavior prevention among parents and adolescents is low.
- Increasing neonatal deaths among teenage mothers.
- Most teenage mothers are not delivering in CEmONC facilities.
Disease or caused by a dietary deficiency of vitamins or minerals
micronutrient malnutrition
This condition diminishes a person’s ability to fight infection which contributes to maternal mortality and other poor outcomes of pregnancy. It usually occurs together with Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) among children
list signs and symptoms of micronutrient malnutrition
-Night blindness
-Photophobia or light sensitivity
-Bitot’s spots
-Corneal opacity
-Corneal ulceration or Keratomalacia
Poor mental health and development.
May develop mental retardation (cretinism)
It is the addition of micronutrients to food during production and preparation
Deworming of children ages 1 to 12 years old is done every ____ months to help reduce risk of developing ___________ among children.
- 6
- malnutrition
A program which enables couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and to have access to a full range of safe, affordable, effective, non abortifacient modern natural and artificial methods of planning pregnancy
list the 4 pillars of Family Planning
- Responsible Parenthood
- Child Spacing
- Respect for Life
- Informed Choice
The couple has the right to determine the number of children they want to have provided they can support the needs and provide a better life to their children
which pillar
Responsible Parenthood
A birth interval of 3 to 5 years is encouraged to prepare the mother’s uterus for a new pregnancy and more time for the couple and other children to establish a strong relationship or bond
which pillar
Child Spacing
Abortion is considered illegal based on Philippine Law and culture. It is mandated that preservation of life of the fetus be observed regardless if the his or her condition.
The 1987 Constitution protects the life of the unborn from the moment of conception
which pillar
Respect for Life
The couple has the right to determine the kind of family planning methods based on their religious beliefs, culture, ethical values subject to conformity with the universally recognized international human rights
which pillar
Informed Choice
list benefits to the mother in family planning
-Enables to regain her health after delivery
-Prevents pregnancy-related health risks
-Gives enough time and opportunity to love and provide attention to her husband and children
-Gives more time for her family and own personal advancement
-When suffering from illness, gives enough time for treatment and recovery
list benefits to children in family planning
-Reduces infant mortality
-Healthy mothers produce healthy children
-Will get the attention, security, love and care they deserve
list benefits to father in family planning
-Lightens the burden and responsibility in supporting his family
-Enables him to give his children their basic needs
list natural methods in family planning
Fertility Awareness Method
Cervical Mucus/billing Ovulation Method
Basal Body Temperature
Symptho-Thermal Method: observe cervical mucus and body temp.
Standard Days Method
Lactational Amenorrhea Method
list artificial methods in family planning
Combined Oral Contraceptives: contains estrogen and progesterone
Progestin Only Pills
Intrauterine Device: T shaped inserted in the uterus
Male Condom
Female Sterilization/ Bilateral Tubal Ligation
Male Sterilization/ Vasectomy
A serious illness that mainly affects the lungs. It spreads through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. One of the oldest and deadliest diseases worldwide and Philippines ranks as the 8th leading
what does DOTS stand for
Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course
list the 2 types of TB
Refers to tuberculosis involving the lung parenchyma
Pulmonary TB
Case of tuberculosis involving other organs other than lungs
Extrapulmonary TB
what does RIPEs stand for
list the 2 test used for TB
-Mantoux test/Skin test
-Sputum test: phlegm
is an infection that attacks the body’s immune system
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
what does AIDS stand for
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
list symptoms of HIV/AIDS
-Muscle aches and Joint pain
-Night sweats
list causes of HIV/AIDS
-Sexual contact
-Sharing needles
-Blood contact
-Mother - to - child transmission
list symptoms of STI
-Sores or bumps on the genitals or in the oral or rectal area
-Painful or burning urination.
-Discharge from the penis.
-Pain during sex.
-Unusual or Odorous vaginal discharge
A protozoan parasite responsible for the most severe form of malaria
Plasmodium falciparum
One of the most common forms of malaria and is characterized by recurring fever due to the parasite’s ability to remain dormant in the liver. This can lead to relapses even after initial treatment
It is less common than Plasmodium vivax but can also cause relapsing malaria due to the parasite’s ability to form dormant liver stages
Known as quartan malaria due to the fever pattern occurring every four days. It is less common than other malaria species and typically causes milder symptoms, though it can lead to chronic infection if untreated
malariae (Protozoa)
list signs and symptoms of malaria
-Recurrent fever preceded by chills and profuse sweating, malaise, anemia.
-Difficulty breathing
-Dark, bloody urine
-Abnormal bleeding
-Muscle aches
most people experience symptoms of malaria between ____ days to ____ weeks after infection
- 10
- 4
describe a fever cycle
a combination of chills, fever, and sweating, which can recur either every 48 or 72 hours depending on the species of Plasmodium
list the modes of transmission of malaria
-Vector (female Anopheles Mosquito)
-By transfusion of blood from infected people
list the preventions and control for malaria
-mosquito control
-chemical methods; insecticides
-biological methods; stream seeding
-environmental methods
-protectuve screening
-educational methods
-mechanical methods
-screening of blood donors
People diagnosed with malaria cannot donate blood for ____ years after treatment
the preferred treatment for sensitive parasites, but in many regions, resistance has made it ineffective
Chloroquine phosphate
Use two or more drugs to target malaria parasites in different ways and are preferred for chloroquine-resistant malaria
Artemisinin-based combination therapies
used to treat malaria and prevents it from coming back after treatment (relapse). It belongs to a group of medicines, called antiprotozoals. It works by treating malaria, a red blood cell infection transmitted by the bite of a mosquito
an antiparasitic drug used in the prevention and treatment of toxoplasmosis( long term infection) and malaria. One of the folic acid antagonists that is used as an antimalarial or with a sulfonamide to treat toxoplasmosis
used to treat malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Plasmodium falciparum is a parasite that gets into the red blood cells in the body and causes malaria. Quinine works by killing the parasite or preventing it from growing
are a class of medication used to manage and treat various bacterial infections. It classifies as protein synthesis inhibitor antibiotics and are considered to be broad-spectrum
Tetracycline HCL
mosquito-borne illness that occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world
The severe form of dengue fever, can cause serious bleeding, a sudden drop in blood pressure (shock) and death
dengue hemorrhagic fever
a disease that results from an infection transmitted to humans and other animals by blood-feeding anthropods
-Febrile Phase
-Critical Phase
-Recovery Phase
enhanced 4s Strategy for dengue
-Search & Destroy
-Seek Early Consultation
-Self Protection Measures
-Say yes to fogging only during outbreaks
a zoonotic disease caused by Lyssavirus, causing 55,000 deaths annually worldwide
lists ways of transmission of rabies
-transdermal bites
-saliva contact
-inhalation of virus-containing aerosol
-organ transplants
list symptoms of rabies
-fluctuations in consciousness
-phobic or inspiratory spasms
-autonomic instability
In the Philippines, rabies is the most acutely fatal infectious disease, causing ____-____ deaths annually
disease caused by parasitic roundworms usually transmitted through mosquito bites
known as “Elephantiasis”, is a chronic parasitic infection that puts at risk more than a billion people in 83 countries including the Philippines
Lymphatic Filariasis
what is the causative agent of filariasis
Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi
what is the mode of transmission of filariasis
Bite of mosquito
what is the incubation period of filariasis
8 to 16 months
list signs and symptoms of filariasis
chills, fever, myalgia, lymphangitis with gradual thickening of the skin (commonly affecting limbs, scrotum) resulting in elephantiasis and hydrocele
Lymphatic Filariasis can affect various parts of the body
list them
-Scrotum and/or penis
infection caused by blood fluke and it is acquired through infection from fresh water infested by larva cercariae with adequate toilet facilities
list symptoms of Schistosomiasis
-abdominal pain
-blood in stool
-liver enlargement
-accumulation of fluid in the peritonea cavity
-hypertension of the abdominal blood vessels
-enlargement of the spleen
The leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year
Physical inactivity
Tobacco Use
Harmful use of Alcohol
Unhealthy Diet (obesity)
The DOH-CAR implements the ‘Go 4 Health’ program on healthy lifestyle to lessen the risk factors associated with CVD
list them
Go smoke-free,
Go Sustansya,
Go Sigla,
Go Slow saTagay
ious chronic, metabolic disease characterized by high levels of blood sugar due to inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin, or inability of the body to effectively use the insulin it produces
symptoms of diabetes
-Increased frequency and amount of urination (polyuria)
-Constant hunger (polyphagia)
-Increased thirst (polydipsia)
-Weight loss
-Vision changes
The body stops producing insulin or produces too little insulin to regulate blood glucose level
Type 1 Diabetes
The body is partially or completely unable to use this insulin
Type 2 Diabetes
described as a type of diabetes that occurs in pregnant women who did not suffer from diabetes prior to her pregnancy
Gestational diabetes mellitus
Maintain a healthy diet.
Exercise regularly.
Drink alcohol in moderation
the global standard for systematically monitoring adult tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) and tracking key tobacco control indicators
The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)
(WHO) estimates that about ___ million people die every year of tobacco-related diseases
prohibiting smoking inside enclosed public places including public vehicles and other means of transport, and other enclosed areas, and directs local government units (LGUs) to implement the prohibition
what act is this
RA 8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
It prohibits smoking in certain public places and prohibits purchase and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products to and by minors and in certain places frequented by minors and provides penalties for any violation of the prohibitions
what act is this
RA 9211 or the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003
an antidepressant medication used to treat depression and seasonal affective disorder, it also supports smoking cessation and weight management
used along with education and counseling to help people stop smoking. Is in a class of medications called smoking cessation aids. It works by blocking the pleasant effects of nicotine (from smoking) on the brain