16 Rules Of Grammar Flashcards
Rule 2
Subject verb agreement
Verb before subject - inverted word order:
1) “there” phrases e.g. There are/there is
2) Shakespeare syntax - strange word order
Rule 1
Subject-verb agreement
Subject and verb are separated due to:
1) Modifying clause
2) Prepositional phrases
Rule 3
Subject-verb agreement
Subject seems plural:
1) Either…or… / Neither…nor… constructions
2) Prepositional phrases
Rule 4
Simple past vs. participle
1) Participle without auxiliary
2) Replacement of participle with simple past
Rule 5
Infinitive vs. gerund
Rule 6
Wrong verb tense
1) Time references
2) Other verbs
Rule 7
Wrong preposition
1) Idiomatic - refer to flash cards of list of recurring phrases
Rule 8
Wrong word
1) Homophones
Rule 9
Adjective vs adverb
1) Adjective/adverb substitution
2) Comparative vs. superlative
Rule 10
Double negative
1) Obvious negatives
2) Less obvious negatives e.g. Hardly, scarcely, without
Rule 11
1) Faulty comparisons - illogical/ grammatically inconsistent comparisons
2) Faulty lists - grammatical inconsistencies
Rule 12
Noun number agreement
1) Logical number relations - nouns must agree in number
2) Countable vs. uncountable nouns - see list
Rule 13
Pronoun number
1) Consistency between subject and pronoun used
Rule 14
Pronoun case
1) Wrong case in compound noun phrases (2 nouns in a phrase)
2) Case confusion with relative pronouns (who,whom,when,where…)
Rule 15
Pronoun shift
1) Shift in viewpoint e.g. Switching from first-person to second-person
2) Shift in number - singular/plural pronouns
Rule 16
Pronoun with ambiguous reference
1) Multiple antecedents - more than one noun to refer to
2) Missing antecedents - pronoun with no subject