16- plant responses Flashcards
What are some of the known functions of auxins within plants?
- Controls cell elongation
- prevents leaf fall (abscission)
- maintain apical dominance
- involved in tropisms
- stimulate the release of ethene
- involved in fruit ripening
What are some of the functions of gibberellins in plants?
- cause stem elongation
- trigger the mobilisation of food stores in a seed at germination
- stimulate the pollen tube growth in fertilisation.
What are some of the roles of ethene in plants?
- Causes fruit ripening
- promotes abscission in deciduous trees
What are some of the roles of ABA (abscisic acid) in plants?
- Maintains dormancy of seeds and buds
- stimulates cold protective responses e.g. antifreeze production
- stimulates stomatal closing.
Explain the role of plant hormones in seed germination.
- When the seed absorbs water, the embryo is activated and begins to produce gibberellins.
- This in turn stimulates the production of enzymes to break down the food stores found in the seed.
- The food store is in the cotyledons in dicot seeds and in the endosperm in monocot seeds.
- The embryo plant uses these food stores to produce ATP for building materials so it can grow and break through its seed coat.
- Evidence suggests that gibberellins switch on the genes which code for amylases and proteases (the digestive enzymes required for germination).
- These is also evidence suggesting that ABA acts as an antagonist to gibberellins, and it is the relative levels of both hormones that will determine when a seed germinates.
Explain 2 pieces of experimental evidence that support the role of gibberellins in the germination of seeds.
- Mutant varieties of seeds have been bred which lack the gene that enables them to make gibberellins. These seeds don’t germinate. If gibberellins are applied to the seeds externally, then then germinate normally.
- If gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitors are applied to seeds, they don’t germinate as they cannot make the gibberellins needed for them to break dormancy. If the inhibitor is removed, or gibberellins are applied, the seed will germinate.
What are auxins?
- they are growth stimulants produced in plants e.g. IAA
- They are made in cells in the tip of the roots and shoots, and in the meristems.
- They can move up and down the stem and up the root both in the transport tissue and from cell to cell.
- The effect of the auxin depends on its concentrations and any interactions it has had with other hormones.
How do auxins stimulate the growth of the main apical shoot?
- Evidence suggests that auxins effect the plasticity of the cell wall- the presence of auxins means the cell wall stretches more easily. Auxin molecules bind to specific receptor sites in the plant cell membrane, causing a fall in the pH to about 5.
- This is the optimum pH for the enzymes needed to keep the walls very flexible and plastic.
- As the cell matures, auxin is destroyed. As the hormone levels fall, the pH rises so the enzymes maintaining the plasticity become inactive.
- As a result, the wall becomes rigid and more fixed in shape and size and the cells can no longer expand and grow.
How does auxin stimulate apical dominance?
- High concs of auxins suppress the growth of lateral shoots. Growth in the main shoot is stimulated by the auxin produced at the tip so it grows more quickly.
- The lateral shoots are inhibited by the hormone that moves back down the stem, so they cannot grow very well.
- Further down the stem, auxin concs are lower, and so the lateral shoots grow more strongly.
What is the experimental evidence for the role of auxin in apical dominance?
- If the apical shoot is removed, auxin producing cells are removed and so there is no auxin.
- As a result, the lateral shoots, freed from the dominance of the apical shoot, grow faster.
- If auxin is applied artificially to the cut apical shoot, apical dominance is reasserted and lateral shoot growth is supressed.
How do low concentrations of auxin promote root growth?
- Up to a given conc, the more auxin that reaches the roots, the more they grow. Auxin is produced by the root tips and auxin also reaches the roots in low concs from the growing shoots.
- If the apical shoot is removed, then the amount of auxin reaching roots is greatly reduced and root growth slows and stops.
- Replacing the auxins artificially at the cut apical shoot restores the growth of the roots. High auxin concs inhibit root growth.
What are the effects of gibberellins?
They are involved in the germination of seeds and are important in the elongation of plant stems during growth.
- They affect the length of the internodes, the regions between the leaves on the stem.
How can gibberellins be used in farming?
- scientists have bred many different dwarf varieties of plants where the gibberellin synthesis pathway is interrupted.
- Without gibberellins, the plant stems are much shorter.
- This reduces waste and also makes the plants less vulnerable to damage by weather and harvesting.
What is synergism and antagonism?
- If different hormones work together, complementing each other and giving a greater response than they would on their own, the interaction is known as synergism.
- If the substances have opposing effects e.g. one promoting growth and one inhibiting it, the balance between them is known as antagonism.
Explain the process of abscission.
- Falling light levels results in falling concs of auxin. The leaves respond to the falling auxin concentrations by producing ethene.
- At the base of the leaf stalk is a region called the abscission zone. This is made of 2 layers of cells sensitive to ethene.
- Ethene seems to indicate gene switching in these cells resulting in the production of new enzymes. These digest and weaken the cell walls in the outer layer of the abscission zone, known as the separation layer.
- The vascular bundles which carry materials into and out of the leaf are sealed off. At the same tie, fatty material is deposited in the cells on the stem side of the separation layer. This layer forms a protective scar when the leaf falls, preventing the entry of pathogens.
- Cells deep in the separation zone respond to hormonal cues by retaining water and swelling , putting more strain on the already weakened outer layer.
- Then further abiotic factors such as low temps or strong autumn winds finish the process.
- The strain is too much and the leaf separates from the pant. A neat, waterproof scar is left behind.