16. Molecular genetic methods and applications in human genetics III Flashcards
Applications of genetic tests
1) Diagnostic/predictive
- Direct detection of mutation, confirm/excude mutation or qualify prognosis
2) Population wide screening
3) Prenatal diagnosis
Prenatal diagnosis
- CV=chorionic villus sampling (10-12 wks gestation)
- Amniocentesis (14-16 wks gestation)
- Maternal serum screening at 16 wks (AFP)
- US
- Study of fetal cells from maternal blood
Preimplantation diagnosis
Non-invasive studies to test Down syndrome
1) US - nuchal translucency increased + nasal bone absent
2) Maternal age
3) Maternal serum markers - hCG increased
Maternal serum markers
- PAPP-A (pregnancy associated plasma protein A
- AFP (alphafetoprotein)
- Estriol (UE3)
- Inhibin-A (inhibin)
- hCG (human chorion gonadotrophin)
Microsatellites are di-, tri-, or tetra nucleotide tandem repeats in DNA sequences. The number of repeats is variable in populations of DNA and within the alleles of an individual - kind of a “fingerprint”.
- PCR of chromosome specific markers
- Capillary electrophoresis
Non-invasive prenatal testing
- Can identify 7 chromosomal disorders
Comparative genome hybridization (CGH)
Whole genome of patient and control as samples
- Nick translation
- Fluorescent dyes - red for patient, green for control
- Chromosomes are fixed in metaphase + hybridized to slide
- Where patient and control are equally hybridized - rate of fluorescent signal is also equal (=1 - yellow)
- More intense patient signal - genome has extra copies
- Less intense patient signal - genome has a deficit
CGH advantages compared to karyotyping and FISH + disadvantage
1) Advantages over karyotyping
- Easily noticable differences
- Higher resolution (100 kb vs 5-10Mb)
2) Advantages over FISH
- Can examine more than only specific, pre-selected regions
3) Disadvantage
- Contamination (in tumor samples are also healthy cells)
Microarray technology
High resolution nucleotide chain hybridization
1) Nucleotide probes bound to solid surface (glass chip, bead)
2) Labelled samples are hybridized to probes
3) Measure signal intensity
Microarray applications
- Gene expression
- microRNA
- Methylation array
Clinical use of aCGH
- Disease focused arrays (DMD array)
- Hematological and cancer arrays
- Prenatal arrays
- Preimplantation arrays
Gene expression microarray
- Mainly in research
- Compare mRNA expression in tested samples
- Complex bioinformatical analysis (GSEA)
Gene expression microarray applications
- Microbiology-pathogen and host interaction studies
- Drug development, drug efficiency testing
- Biomarker studies (tumor diagnostic)
Check breast cancer - risk of recurrence within 10 years after diagnosis (early stage breast cancer)
- Low risk vs high risk
- Expression pattern of 70 genes
- Low risk: don’t need chemo after surgery
microRNA microarray
microRNA profile is distinct in healthy and cancer tissues, or between tumors