16 - IP Services I - Device Management and NAT Flashcards
Where do log messages display to by default without needing any further configuration?
How do you tell IOS to send log messages to all logged users (Telnet, SSH)? What extra command must you use?
logging monitor
EXEC: terminal monitor
What does the terminal monitor
command do?
Tells IOS that this terminal session would like to receive log messages
What does the logging monitor
command do?
Tells IOS to enable sending of log messages to all logged messages
What two primary options does IOS provide to keep a copy of log messages?
- In RAM
- Syslog server
How do you tell IOS to store copies of log messages in RAM?
logging buffered
How do you configure a router / switch to send log messages to a syslog server?
logging host {address | hostname}
How would you disable timestamps and enable sequence numbers for logging?
no service timestamps
service sequence-numbers
What are the Cisco logging levels from 0 - 7?
Emergency Alert Critical Error Warning Notification Informational Debug
How would you set logging to levels 0 - 4 for console?
logging console 4
How do configure logging message levels for Syslog?
logging trap 4
How do you show logging configuration settings, basic stats and buffered logs?
show logging
How would you debug something such as OSPF messages?
debug ip ospf hello
Why should you be careful when enabling debug commands on production devices?
It uses the router CPU so can have performance impacts
How can you monitor CPU use?
show process cpu
What command enables the NTP client functionality on a device?
ntp server
What should you do before enabling NTP?
Set the time, and correct date / timezone.
Also tell the device to adjust for daylight savings time
How would you set the date, time and time zones?
clock timezone EST -5
clock summer-time EDT recurring
clock set 20:00:00 1 January 2020
How do you show the date and time?
show clock
What two ntp configuration commands does IOS supply?
ntp master
ntp server
What command is used to configure a device to only run as an NTP server?
ntp master {stratum level}
What command is used to configure a device to run as an NTP client and server?
ntp server {address | host}
How do you check NTP status?
show ntp status
How do you list all NTP servers a device can attempt to use and status information between them?
show ntp associations
What is the NTP stratum level?
Stratum level represents accuracy of a reference clock, based on number of hops away from an original given clock source. Lower stratum level is better
What default stratum level do routers and switches using for their internal reference clock?
What is the possible range of stratum values?
1 - 15
What are NTP primary and secondary servers?
Primary servers only act as a server, with a reference clock external to the device. They have a stratum level of 1.
Secondary servers use the client/server mode, relying on synchronization with some other NTP server
How would you configure an NTP server to use external servers but fallback to internal clocking if they fail?
ntp server time-a.com
ntp server time-b.com
ntp master 7 (worse stratum)
How can you use loopback interfaces in NTP for better availability?
You can use a virtual loopback interface and assign it an IP, which routing protocols can advertise about the subnet
How would you configure an NTP server to use a loopback interface?
interface loopback 0
ip address
ntp master 4
ntp source loopback 0
What is CDP and LLDP?
Cisco Discovery Protocol
Link Layer Discovery Protocol
What does CDP do?
Discover basic information about neighboring routers and switches without needing to know the passwords for them
What are some useful details CDP discovers?
- Device ID (usually host name)
- Address list (network and data-link)
- Port identifier
- Capabilities list
- Platform
What is the Port identifier in CDP?
The interface on the remote router or switch on the other end of the link that sent the CDP advertisement