16 Fundamental Truths AG Quick Study Flashcards
- BIBLE is the infallible and verbally inspired word of God
2 Timothy 3:15-17 - scripture God inspired.
2 peter 1:21 - Prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit spoke FROM God
- GOD eternally self exists as one being of three persons
Matt 28:19 - Great Commission
John 14:16-17 - “I will ask Father to send The Advocate”
- JESUS is His only begotten eternal Son
Matt 1:23 - look the virgin…
Philippians 2:9-11 - …Seated Him at the right hand… Name above all names…
- HUMANKIND voluntarily severed his relationship with God through sin
Gen 1:26-27 - God creates man in His own image.
Rom 5:12-19 - 1 man’s sin condemns all, but 1 messiah’s sacrifice can redeem all.
- Salvation of Man. Only the BLOOD of Jesus redeems man from sin and death
Luke 24:47 - through the authority of His name, there is forgiveness of all who repent
Rom 8:16 - His Spirit confirms with ours that we are children of God
- Two ORDINANCES of the church: baptism and holy communion
Matt 28:19 - Great comm
Rom 6:4 - we died and were buried with Him through our baptism.
- BAPTISM OF HOLY SPIRIT is a separate experience after salvation open to all believers
Luke 24:49 - For I will send the Holy Spirit, wait for Him
Acts 1:4;8 - wait to receive my power when I send you the Holy Spirit
- TONGUES is the initial evidence of that baptism
Acts 2:4 - Everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.
1 Cor 12:4-10,28 - There are different kinds of spiritual gifts…
- SANCTIFICATION is a life separated from sin realized through the death and Rez of Jesus
Romans 12:1-2 - be a living and holy sacrifice
1 Peter 1:15:16 - be holy in everything you do as God is holy.
- The CHURCH is the corporate body of Christ and the habitation of God called to a 4 fold purpose
Eph 4:11-16 - Christ who is head of his body, the church.
Eph 1:22-23 - the church is His body
- Church is to be led by the divinely called and ORDAINED ministry
Eph 4:11-16 - apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors & teachers
Mark 16:15-20 - Mark’s Great Commission
- DIVINE HEALING is integral part of the Gospel
Isaiah 53:4-5 - he was whipped so we could be healed
James 5:14-16 Any sick? Call for the elders
- The RESURRECTION of the righteous dead and rapture of the living believers is the blessed hope
1 Thess 4:16-17 - first the Christians who have died will rise…
1 Cor 15:21-52 - when the trumpet sound those who have died…
- The SECOND COMING of Christ will be visible and lead to a reign of 1000 years
Rev 19:11-14 - white horse, rider named Faithful and True…
Isaiah 11:6-9 - wolf and lamb will live together…
- The FINAL JUDGEMENT awaits the wicked dead, and living
Matthew 25:46 - they will go away into eternal punishment…
Mark 9:43-48 - …better to enter the kingdom of heaven with one eye…
- NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH for the redeemed in Christ.
2 Peter 3:13 - …we look forward to a new heaven and a new earth…
Rev 21-22 …new heaven and new earth…