1.6: Chemical Energy Flashcards
What is the energy stored within chemical bonds called?
What does bond breaking require?
requires energy, which is an endothermic process
What does bond breaking do?
release energy, which is an exothermic process.
What occurs in an exothermic reaction?
when more energy is released when bonds form than was needed to break bonds.
△H is negative.
What occurs in an endothermic reaction?
When more energy is needed to break bonds than is released when bonds form.
△H is positive.
What is bond enthalpy?
The energy required to break one mole of bonds in a gaseous molecule.
How do you calculate enthalpy change △H?
Enthalpy of bonds broken - enthalpy of bonds formed.
What is activation energy?
The energy needed to start a reaction by breaking bonds.
How do you measure the enthalpy change of combustion?
A simple apparatus is set up, where a known mass of fuel is burned and is used to heat up a known mass of water (or other substance), the fuel (usually in a spirit burner) is then reweighed and the temperature rise is measured.
The temperature rise is then used together with the specific heat capacity of the water (4.18 JK-1g-1) and the mass of water (1 cm3 = 1 g of water) to calculate the amount of energy released:
What is the equation for calculating an energy change?
q = mc△T
q = mass x specific heat capacity x temp change
How do you calculate enthalpy change? (step by step)
- q = mc△T
- calcuate the number of moles, n, of fuel burnt
- calculate the enthalpy change of reaction
For calculations to be accurate several assumptions are made, what are these?
- all the heat energy released by the burning fuel is absorbed by the water.
- the fuel undergoes complete combustion.
What is the reality of the assumptions made about heat energy?
- Heat energy is lost to the surroundings (air; apparatus etc)
- incomplete combustion occurs.
What improves the accuracy of the heat energy calculation/ method?
- The combustion chamber is surrounded by water to maximise the absorption of the heat energy.
- A good supply of air / oxygen promotes complete combustion of the fuel.
What is enthalpy of neutralisation?
The standard enthalpy change of neutralisation is the enthalpy change when solutions of an acid and an alkali react together under standard conditions to produce 1 mole of water.