1.6 & Chapter Summary Flashcards
Number Formatting Buttons and Review of Chapter
Accounting Number Format
Add a dollar symbol, any necessary commas, and a decimal point followed by two digits even if none are typed; right-align the number in the cell.
Percent Style
Multiply the cell value by 100 and display the result with a percent symbol; right-align the number in the cell.
Comma Style
Add any necessary commas and a decimal point followed by two digits even if none are typed; right-align the number in the cell.
Increase Decimal
Increase the number of digits displayed after the decimal in the selected cell.
Decrease Decimal
Decrease the number of digits displayed after the decimal point in the selected cell.
A filed created in Excel. Consists of individual worksheets.
The intersection of a column and a row. Defined by horizontal and vertical gridlines.
Cell Name (Cell Reference)
displays in the Name box at the left side of the Formula bar. Includes the column letter and row number.
If data entered in a cell consists of text (letters) and does not fit…
it overlaps the cell to the right.
If data entered in a cell consists of numbers and does not fit…
the numbers change to number symbols (###)
Save a workbook
Click the save button on Quick access or by clicking File tab and then clicking “Save as” option. Click “Browse” and navigate to desired folder, type the workbook name in the File name text box, and hit Enter.
To replace data in a cell
click in the cell and type new data
To edit data in a cell
double click in the cell and make necessary changes
Print a workbook
You hit print….
Close a workbook
You hit close or Ctrl+F4
Close Excel
by Close button or Alt + F4
inserts a previous entry automatically if characters match a previous entry.
simply corrects many typographical errors
fill handle adds the same or consecutive data into a range of cells (the best one)
Open a workbook
click the File tab and then click “Open”. At the Open backstage area, click the “Browse” option. At the Open dialog box, double-click the workbook.
button in Editing group on the Home tab to find the total or average of data in columns or rows
To select all cells in a column
Click the column header
To select all cells in a row
click the row header
Select all cells in a worksheet
click the Select all button to the left of the column headers
Change column width
dragging or double-clicking the column boundary line
Merge and center adjacent cells
by selecting them and then clicking the Merge & Center button in the Alignment group on the Home tab.
Format numbers in cells
with buttons in the Number group on the Home tab
The Tell Me feature
provides info and guidance on how to complete actions. The “Tell Me” text box is located on the ribbon to the right of the View tab.
Using the Tell Me feature
click a hyperlink in a button ScreenTip, or press F1 to display the Excel Help window. At this window, type a topic in the search text box and then press the Enter key.
Help Button
some dialog boxes and the backstage area contain a Help button that, when clicked, displays the information specific to the dialog box or backstage area.