16: Basic Ciphers Flashcards
What is the basic idea of cryptography ?
A sender sends a plain text input message which is encrypted using a secret key and an encryption algorithm (cypher), and then decrypted to the plain text using the key.
Who has the key ?
Both the sender and the recipient.
Which way do we turn for Caesar’s cypher ?
Left (unless mentioned otherwise).
For letter A, what is the encrypted letter for
1) k = 25 ?
2) k = 26 ?
1) B
2) A
What is the key to a strong encryption algorithm ?
The secret key.
How can we break Caesar’s cipher ?
- We can calculate the offset k
- We can try all the 25 offset possibilities until text decodes
- We can look at language’s letter frequency
What is Playfair’s cipher ?
Each pair of successive letter by another pair letter.
Key is 5x5 table.
What is a mono-alphabetic cipher ?
It uses an arbitrary permutations of letters.
A bijective key (1-1 map): A->B and B->A