1.6 A Virtuous People Flashcards
Article 1 section 4:
Amendment 15:
Black Suffrage, voting for black men
Amendment 19:
Women’s Right to Vote, In effect this means women cannot be denied the right to vote simply because they are female
Amendment 24:
Poll Tax Ended, makes it unconstitutional to place a tax on voting.
Amendment 26:
Vote for Eighteen-Year-Olds,
2. You could be drafted and fight and die for your country at age 18, but you were not allowed to vote.
3. This amendment lowered the voting age to 18 from 21.
Article 1, section 5:
Rules for Congress
Rules for Congress
Each chamber also decides how to deal with disciplinary issues of its members.
2. They can kick a member out with a 2/3 vote of their respective chambers
3. The House deals with House members. The Senate deals with Senators.
Senator John Fetterman
refuses to abide by Senate dress code and Senate passed dress code rule for Senate floor.
George Santos
Representative from New York kicked out of the House.
2. He was voted out basically for being a chronic liar and embezzler.
Article I, Section 6:
Perks and Privileges
Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their
Article 1, Section 6: Perks and Privileges
Compensation was justified on the basis that without a salary, only wealthy people would be able to serve
. Members of Congress receive how much in a year in salary
$174,000 a year in salary
27th Amendment
Congressional Salary
27th Amendment
This amendment prohibits members of
Congress from taking a pay raise until after
an election has occurred.
Members of Congress are protected from prosecution when performing their official duties True or false
Member of congress They cannot be prevented from attending legislative sessions by being arrested.
3. They cannot be sued for anything they say during official debates.
4. These protections were designed to prevent abuse of power by political enemies.
Article 1, section 6 Perks and Privileges
What do we require of
our representatives?
Civic virtue
who is Cincinnatus
the Roman hero who held up as a model of civic virtue
U.S. Term
Limits, Inc. v.
States that have instituted limits have
been told by the Supreme Court that
such limits are unconstitutional.
3. The only way to change this would be to
amend the Constitution, thus making
limits constitutional.
The reelection rate for House members (Congressmen) is about what percent and due to gerrymandering
The reelection rate for members of the Senate (Senators) is about what percent and due to the power of incumbency
Most members resign because the job is what?
exhausting – physically, mentally, emotionally, and sometimes financially