큰 어휘 - 16-25 Flashcards
경제Common Usages:경제적이다 = economical세계 경제 = world economy경제학 = economics (the study of economy)Example:요즘에 세계 경제는 좋아지고 있어요 = The world economy is getting better these days아시아의 경제는 요즘에 좋아지고 있어요 = The Asian economy is getting better these days
경제적Common Usages:경제적인 이유 = economic reason경제적인 결정 = economic decision경제적인 문제 = economic problem경제적으로 = economicallyExample:미국은 경제적인 결정을 했어요 = The US made an economical decision
역사 Common Usages:역사적이다 = historical세계역사 = world history역사가 = historian역사 수업 = history classExample:저는 한국역사에 관심이 있어요 = I am interested in Korean history우리 학교에서 학생들은 역사와 지리를 같이 배워요 = At our school, students learn history and geography together
역사적 Common Usages:역사적으로 = historicallyExample:한국과 미국은 역사적으로 좋은 관계가 있다 = Historically, Korea and the US have had a good relationship
과학 Common Usages:과학적이다 = scientific과학 기술 = science and technology과학자 = scientist과학연구 = science (scientific research)자연과학 = natural sciences과학수업 = science classExample:한국 학생들은 다른 나라 학생들보다 과학을 더 잘 해요 = Korean students are better at science than students of other countries
과학적Common Usages:과학적인 설명 = scientific explanation과학적으로 = scientific
충동 Common Usages:충동적이다 = impulsive성적 충동 = sexual urgeExample:저는 그녀한테 키스하고 싶은 충동을 참지 못했어요 = I couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her
충동적Common Usages:충동적으로 = impulsivelyExamples:PLAY저는 자주 옷을 충동적으로 사요 = I often buy clothes impulsively저의 누나는 충동적인 여자예요 = My older sister is an impulsive girl
문화 Common Usages:문화적이다 = cultural문화 차이 = differences in culture동구문화 = Eastern culture서구문화 = Western cultureExample:한국문화는 오래됐고 흥미로워요 = Korean culture is long and interesting
문화적 Common Usages:문화적으로 = culturallyExample:한국 사람과 중국 사람은 문화적으로 달라요 = Korean and Chinese people are culturally different
민주(주의) Common Examples:민주주의자 = democratExample:북한 사람들은 민주주의가 무엇인지 몰라요 = North Koran people don’t know what democracy is
민주적Common Usages:민주적으로 = democraticallyExamples:PLAY미국은 민주적인 나라예요 = The US is a democratic nation미국은 대통령을 민주적으로 선출해요 = America elects its president democratically
개인Example:그 헬스장은 개인 사물함을 제공해요 = That gym provides a personal locker
개인적 Example:저는 그녀랑 개인적으로 얘기하고 싶어요 = I want to talk to her personally
자연Common Usages:자연스럽다 = natural자연의 법칙 = the laws of nature자연과학 = natural scienceExample:사람들은 자연을 지켜야 돼요 = People need to protect nature
자연스럽다 Examples:PLAY그는 한국어를 자연스럽게 말해요 = he speaks Korean naturally그 여자는 자연스러운 머리를 가지고 있어요 = That girl has natural hair
실망(하다) Notes: 실망하다 describes the feeling of being disappointed. 실망스럽다 describes something that is disappointing. 실망스럽다 is sometimes used in sentences that translate to one’s feelings being “disappointed” using the Subject – Object – Adjective form. See Lesson 16.Examples:저는 실망했어요 = I was disappointed.실망하지 마세요 = Don’t be disappointed
to be disappointing
실망스럽다Notes: 실망하다 describes the feeling of being disappointed. 실망스럽다 describes something that is disappointing. 실망스럽다 is sometimes used in sentences that translate to one’s feelings being “disappointed” using the Subject – Object – Adjective form. See below in this lesson for more information.Example:PLAY결과는 조금 실망스러웠어요 = The result was a little bit disappointing저는 결과가 실망스러웠어요 = I was disappointed in the result
love/(to love)
사랑(하다) Common Usages:사랑에 빠지다 = to fall in love서로 사랑하다 = to love each other사랑니 = wisdom toothExample:저는 그 여자를 사랑해요 = I love that girl저는 그 여자를 그때만 사랑했어요 = I only loved her at that time저의 여자 친구가 완벽해서 저는 그녀를 사랑해요 = I love my girlfriend because she is perfect저는 친구들로부터 사랑을 많이 받았어요 = I received a lot of love from friends그 남자는 자기 여자 친구를 아직 사랑해요= That man still loves his girlfriend저는 내일 저의 여자 친구를 위해 사랑편지를 쓸 거예요 = Tomorrow I will write a love letter for my girlfriend
to be lovely
사랑스럽다 Common Usages:사랑스러운 여자 = A lovely girlExample:그 여자는 사랑스러워요 = That girl is lovely우리 딸은 사랑스러운 여자예요 = Our daughter is a loving/lovely girl저는 그를 사랑스럽게 봤어요 = I looked at him lovinglyLyrics from ‘강남스타일’: “아름다워 사랑스러워 그래 너 hey 그래 바로 너 hey”
satisfaction/(to be satisfied)
만족(하다)Notes: 만족하다describes the feeling of being satisfied. 만족스럽다 describes something that is satisfactory. 만족스럽다is sometimes used in sentences that translate to one’s feelings being “satisfied” using the Subject – Object – Adjective form. See Lesson 16.Common Usages:만족시키다 = to satisfyExample:저는 만족해요 = I am satisfied그는 만족해요 = He is satisfied부장님을 만족시키는 것은 어려워요 = Is it is difficult to satisfy our boss
to be satisfactory
만족스럽다 Notes: 만족하다describes the feeling of being satisfied. 만족스럽다 describes something that is satisfactory. 만족스럽다is sometimes used in sentences that translate to one’s feelings being “satisfied” using the Subject – Object – Adjective form. See Lesson 16.Examples:PLAY결과는 만족스러웠어요 = The results were satisfactory저는 음식이 만족스러웠어요 = I was satisfied with the food
관계 Example:미국과 한국의 관계가 좋아요 = Korea and the US have a good relationship저는 엄마랑 아무 관계도 없어요 = I don’t have any relationship with my mother
연필 Example:연필 몇 개가 있어요? How many pencils do you have?저는 그 수학문제를 연필과 종이로 풀었어요 = I solved that math problem using a paper and a pencil
색깔Common Usages:“색” is used after the words of most colors.For example: 빨간색 (red), 노란색 (yellow), 녹색 (green)Example:보라색은 제가 가장 좋아하는 색깔이에요 = Purple is my favorite color가을에 잎의 색깔은 변해요 = The color of the leaves changes in the fallPLAY그 여자의 머리 색깔은 자연스러워 = That girl’s hair color is natural
결과 Common Usages:결과가 나오다 = for the results to “come out”결과가 만족스럽다 = for the results to be satisfactory결과가 실망스럽다 = for the results to be disappointingExample:저의 시험 결과는 좋아요 = The result of my exam is good (my exam results are good)간부들은 그 결과를 회의에서 발표했어요 = The executives announced that result at the meetingPLAY결과는 만족스러웠어요 = The results were satisfactory우리가 만족스러운 결과를 받았어요 = We received a satisfactory result
세상 Examples:세상에 가장 예쁜 여자는 누구예요? Who is the most beautiful girl in the world?제 남편은 세상에서 제일 멋있어요 = My husband is the coolest in the world힘과 권력이 있는 사람이 세상을 지배해요 = People with power (and strength) rule the world그 아이는 세상에서 고립된 채로 10년간 살아왔어요= That child lived isolated from the world for ten years제가 세상에서 제일 싫어하는 것은 말다툼을 하는 거예요= The thing I hate the most in the world is arguing (with people)세상에는 아직도 여성의 인권이 매우 낮은 곳이 많습니다= In this world even now, there are still many places where the rights of women are terribly low댓글을 읽다 보니 세상에는 정말 다양한 사람들이 있다는 것을 깨닫게 되었어요= After reading the comments I came to realize there really are all kinds of people in the world
세계 Common Usages:세계 평화 = world peace세계 지도 = world map세계화 = globalization현실 세계 = real world전 세계 = the whole world세계여행 = world travelExamples:요즘에 세계 경제는 좋아지고 있어요 = The world economy is getting better these days전 세계에서 온 관광객들은 그 축제에 갔어요 = Tourists from all over the world went to that festival
회화 Common Usages:영어회화 = English conversation영어회화수업 = English conversation class영어회화교사 = English conversation teacher중국어회화 = Chinese conversationNotes: “회화” is usually placed after the name of a language to refer to the conversation aspect of that language. It is not used to mean “to have a conversation.” The words 이야기하다 or 대화하다 should be used for that meaning.Examples:저는 중국어회화 수업을 듣고 있어요 = I am taking a Chinese conversation class한국 학생들한테 영어회화는 중요하지 않아요 = English conversation isn’t important to Korean students
가슴Common Usages:닭가슴살 = chicken breastNotes: Just like in English, this word can be used to refer to the general area of one’s chest, or a woman’s breasts. It can also be used to refer to one’s “heart.”Examples:한국사람들이 가슴에 털이 없어요 = Korean people don’t have hair on their chest그 여자가 가슴이 커요 = That woman has big breasts심장이 멈춘 듯이 가슴이 아파요 = My chest hurts as if my heart has stopped당신의 눈을 응시할 때 가슴이 설레어요 = When I gaze into your eyes, my heart flutters가슴이 떨릴 때는 심호흡을 깊게 하면 진정이 돼요 = When you are nervous, if you breathe deeply you can be calmed down
title of something (book, etc)
제목 Common Usages:노래 제목 = the name of a song책 제목 = the name of a bookExample:그 책의 제목은 뭐에요? = What is the title of that book?
close/near by
근처 Notes: 근처 and 가깝다 are words that have similar meanings. 근처 is actually a noun but I feel it acts and feels like an adverb. 가깝다 is an adjective, which means it can predicate sentences and describe upcoming nouns. 근처 is most commonly used after a noun (like 위, 안, 밑, 뒤, etc…) to mean “close to…” for example:대학로 근처에 극장이 많아요 = There are a lot of theaters near 대학로It can also be used to generally just mean “close” to here. In these cases, 여기 can be omitted:저의 친구는 (여기) 근처에 살아요 = My friend lives close (to here)
최근 Notes: This can be used before a noun to describe it. For example:최근 날씨가 추워요 = The recent weather is coldIt can also be used with ~에 to generally mean “recently.” For example:Example: 최근에 사람이 많이 와요 = Recently, many people have been coming
to untie, to unfasten, to loosen
풀다 Common Usages:코를 풀다 = to blow one’s nose스트레스를 풀다 = to relieve stress문제를 풀다 = to solve a problem신발끈을 풀다 = to untie one’s shoesExamples:운동은 스트레스를 풀어요 = exercise relieves stress저는 그 수학문제를 연필과 종이로 풀었어요 = I solved that math problem using a paper and a pencil저는 그 수학문제를 연필과 종이로 풀었어요 = I solved that math problem using a paper and a pencil이 붕대를 풀자마자 애기가 기어 다니기 시작해도 돼요 = As soon as you unravel this bandage, the baby can start crawling around
to dream
꿈꾸다Common Usages:이상한 꿈을 꾸다 = to have a weird dreamExample:저는 어젯밤에 이상한 꿈을 꿨어요 = I had a strange dream last night
to be born
태어나다 Common Usages:태어났을 때부터 = since I was born/my whole life한국에서 태어나다 = to be born in KoreanExample:저는 캐나다에서 태어났어요 = I was born in Canada저는 한국에서 태어난 게 아니라 캐나다에서 태어난 교포예요= I wasn’t born is Korea, I am a foreign-born Korean born in Canada가난한 집안에서 태어나 이렇게 큰 성공을 이룬 이 사람의 이야기는 신화와 같아요= The story of this person being born into a poor family and achieving this much success is like a myth/legend저는 한국에서 태어났지만 태어나고 바로 미국으로 이사해서 한국어를 알아들을 수 없어요. 그래서 한국어를 이제 배우기로 했어요.= I was born in Korea but moved to America right after I was born, so I can’t understand Korean. Therefore, I decided to learn Korean now.
to go somewhere frequently
다니다 Common Usages:기어다니다 = to crawl around돌아다니다 = to wander around학교를 다니다 = to attend school다녀오다 = to go, and then come back다녀오세요 = This can be used to say “goodbye,” as it literally translates to “to go somewhere, wander around, and then come back.”Example:어느 학교를 다녀요? = What school do you go to?우리 딸은 그 고등학교를 다녀요 = Our daughter attends that high school우리 어머니는 서울대학교를 다녔어요 = Our mom attended Seoul University저는 6개월 동안 동남아시아에서 돌아다녔어요 = I wandered around South East Asia for 6 months
to believe, to trust
믿다Common Usages:신을 믿다 = To believe in god종교를 믿다 = To have/believe in a religion저를 믿어 주세요 = (Please) Believe me!Examples:저는 그 사람을 믿을 수 없어요 = I can’t believe/trust that person저는 그런 사람을 믿지 않아요 = I don’t trust that type of person/those types of people관객은 대통령이 하는 말을 믿지 않았어요 = The audience didn’t believe what the president said옛날에 그리스인들은 여러 가지의 신을 믿었어요= A long time ago, Greek people believed in a variety of gods그 친구는 남의 말만 믿고 저를 무시했어요= That friend believed what other people said (about me), and ignored me그 생물 선생님이 종교를 믿어서 자기가 가르치는 내용을 안 믿어요= That Biology teacher doesn’t believe the content he teaches because he is religious (believes in a religion)
to be close to, to be near
가깝다Examples:저의 친구의 집은 가까워요 = My friend’s house is close저의 친구는 가까운 집에 살아요 = literally – my friend lives in a near by house성수기가 가까워질수록 숙소비가 더 비싸져요= As it gets closer to the peak season, the price of accommodation gets more expensive그래서 나는 여행을 가기로 결심을 했다. 아일랜드와 지리적으로 매우 가깝지만 한 번 도 가지 않았던 영국에 가기로 결심했다= So, I decided to go traveling. I decided to go to England, which, although geographically very close to Ireland, I had not been to once.
to be difficult to do something
힘들다 Notes: This is a word that is difficult to translate. It’s usually used on things that are physically straining. However, something mentally straining (like solving a math problem) could also be ‘힘들다’ because those types of things might also elicit a physical response as well.You’d be surprised how often you hear this word in Korean. Everything is ‘힘들다.’Going out for a walk: 아~ 힘들어!Taking the subway: 아~ 힘들어!Cooking a meal: 아~ 힘들어!Common Usages:힘든 일 = difficult work힘들겠다! = That must be difficult!힘들어 죽겠다 = a common phrase people say “It’s so hard it’s like I’m going to die.”Examples:학생들을 가르치는 것은 힘들어요 = It is hard to teach students이 문제를 극복하는 것이 힘들 거예요 = It will be difficult to overcome this problem그 일이 힘들지 모르겠어요 = I don’t know if that work will be difficult소방 훈련이 힘들어 보여요 = Firefighting training looks difficult저는 멀리 살고 있기 때문에 집까지 걸어가기 힘들어요= It is difficult to walk home because I live far오늘 너무 힘들어서 저는 따뜻한 목욕을 하고 싶어요= Today was really difficult, so I want to take a warm bath
to be pure
순수하다Example:그녀는 아주 순수해 보여요 = She looks really innocent하얀색은 가장 순수한 색깔이에요 = White is the purest color
과일 Common Usages:과일즙 = some sort of juice made from the juice of a fruit과일이 상하다 = for fruit to spoil과일이 신선하다 = for fruit to be freshExamples:저는 과일을 싫어해요 = I dislike fruit저는 주로 과일과 야채를 먹어요 = I mainly eat fruits and vegetables사과는 가장 맛있는 과일이에요 = Apples are the most delicious fruit저는 보통 점심식사로 과일만 먹어요 = I usually only eat fruit for lunch저는 과일도 좋아하고 야채도 좋아해요 = I like fruit, and I like vegetables too
술 Common Usages:술에 취하다 = to be drunk술을 마시다 = to drink alcohol술집 = bar (literally, “alcohol house”)술배 = beer belly술을 깨다 = to get soberExamples:술을 마셨어요? = Were you drinking? (did you drink alcohol?)건강해지려고 술을 안 마실 거예요 = In order to get healthy, I will not drink alcohol시간이 있으시면 술을 마시러 술집에 갑시다 = If you have time, let’s go to a bar to drink alcohol!
잎Common Usages:나뭇잎 = a leaf from a treeExamples:가을에 잎의 색깔은 변해요 = The color of the leaves changes in the fall
교회 Common Usages:교회를 다니다 = to go to/attend churchExamples:우리 가족은 일요일마다 교회를 다녀요 = Our family goes to church every Sunday저는 내일 오전에 교회에 가야 돼요 = I have to go to church tomorrow in the morning
강 Common Usages:한강 = The Han River강남 = south of the river/Gang-namExample:강 옆에 큰 산이 있어요 = There is a big mountain next to the river그 강은 완전히 말랐어요 = That river has completely dried up
계절 Common Usages:사계절 = four seasonsExample:한국은 사계절이 있어요 = There are four seasons in Korea
부엌 Example:요리사들은 저녁을 부엌에서 준비했어요 = The chefs prepared the dinner in the kitchen
homeroom teacher
담임선생님Examples:담임선생님이 누구예요? = Who is your homeroom teacher?그 문제에 대해 담임선생님과 함께 얘기했어요 = I talked about that problem with my homeroom teacher
방학 Common Usages:겨울 방학 = winter vacation여름 방학 = summer vacation방학 동안 = during vacationExamples:방학은 언제야? = When is vacation?저는 방학 동안 공부를 많이 했어요 = I studied a lot during vacation방학 동안 집에 안 갔습니까? = You didn’t go home during vacation?한국에서는 겨울 방학이 여름 방학보다 더 길어요 = In Korea, winter vacation is longer than summer vacation저는 방학 동안 책 두 권을 읽고 싶어요 = I want to read two books during vacation방학 동안 저는 학교에 있고 싶지 않아요 = I don’t want to be at school during vacation
배 Common Usages:배즙 = pear juiceNotes: Pears in Korea look more like apples, not like typical western pears.Example:한국 배는 서양 배와 달라요 = Korean pears are different from western pears
무 Notes: A Korean radish is different from a western radish. In Canada, I am used to radishes that are red on the outside and about the size of a golf-ball. Korean radishes are about the size of an American football and green and white in color.Example: 한국 사람들은 무김치를 많이 먹어요 = Korean people eat a lot of radish kimchi
감자Common Usages:감자튀김 = fried potatoes (French fries)감자조림 = potatoes in soy sauce (common Korean side dish)감자를 삶다 = to boil potatoesExamples:저는 감자를 30분 동안 끓였어요 = I boiled the potatoes for 30 minutes저는 감자를 칼로 잘랐어요 = I cut the potatoes with a knife
칼 Common Usages:칼로 자르다 = to cut with a knife칼 바람 = a very cold wind칼날 = the blade of a knifeExample:저는 감자를 칼로 잘랐어요 = I cut the potatoes with a knife
바다Common Usages:바닷가 = the area around the ocean/sea바닷물 = sea waterExamples:저는 아이들이랑 바다에서 수영했어요 = I swam in the sea with the kids바다 근처에 바람이 세게 불어요 = The wind is strong near the ocean바다는 춥고 더러워요 = The ocean is cold and dirty
신문Common Usages:신문지 = literally the paper of a newspaper신문을 읽다 = to read the newspaperExample:한자는 한국 신문에는 많이 사용돼요 = Hanja (Chinese characters) are used a lot in Korean newspapers
고객 Common Usages:고객님 = a polite way to say “customer”고객센터 = customer centerExample:고객님들은 항상 맞아요 = The customer is (customers are) always right그 주인은 고객님들을 잘 대우해요 = That owner treats the customers well오늘 고객이 많고 분위기가 좋아요 = Today there are a lot of customers and the atmosphere is good
교육 Common Usages:교육을 받다 = to receive education교육청 = school board/office of education서울교육청 = Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education교육과정 = curriculum (often said as “커리큘럼” these days)교육감 = the superintendent of a school board교육 제도 = the education systemExample:한국 교육 제도는 미국 교육 제도와 달라요 = Korea’s educational system is different from America’s educational system
기분Common Usages:기분이 좋다 = to be happy, feel good기분이 나쁘다 = to feel sad, “not good”기분이 상하다 = for one’s feelings to be “spoiled” or hurtExample:그 말을 들었더니 기분이 상했어요 = My feelings were hurt after hearing that그 일이 다 끝나서 지금 기분이 아주 좋아요 = Now that that work is finished, I am very happy
turn (turn to go)/order
순서Common Usages:순서대로 = in order순서를 바꾸다 = to change the orderExample:제가 말을 할 순서예요 = It is my turn to speak
시험 Common Usages:시험을 보다 = to write an exam시험을 망하다 = to do bad on a test (literally, to “mess up a test”)Examples:저는 내일 시험을 볼 거예요 = Tomorrow I will write an exam시험을 끝내기 전에 답을 확인하세요 = Check your answers before finishing the test시험을 잘 못 볼까 봐 걱정돼요 = I’m worried that I won’t do well on the exam저는 어제 시험을 잘 못 봤어요 = I did poorly on the exam yesterday학생들의 20퍼센트만 시험을 합격했어요 = Only 20 percent of the students passed the exam학생들이 시험을 보는 동안 저는 그들을 감독했어요 = I supervised the students while they wrote an exam저는 영어 문법을 열심히 공부했고 시험을 잘 봤어요 = I studied English grammar hard and then did well on the test
to stay
머무르다 Common Usages:장소에 머무르다 = to stay at a placeNotes: 머무르다 can be used as 머물다, which is actually a shortened version of 머무르다.머무르다 can be used any way and with any grammatical principle, but must be used in accordance with the 르 irregular. For example:한국에서 온 교환학생이 우리 집에서 1년 동안 머물렀어요 = A Korean exchange student stayed at our house for a yearHowever, 머물다 cannot be used with all grammatical principles.Any grammatical principle that starts with a consonant (and there is no option other than that one consonant), can be added to 머물다. For example:머물다 + ~자 = 머물자 = okay머물다 + ~고 = 머물고 = okay머물다 + 겠다 = 머물겠다 = okay머물다 + ~지 않다 = 머물지 않다 = okayIf a grammatical principle that is added to 머물다 is a vowel – and there is no other option other than a vowel – then that grammatical principle cannot be added to 머물다. The two most common grammatical principles where this occurs is when conjugating in the past or present tenses. For example:머물다 + ~아/어(요) = 머물어요 – this is incorrect머물다 + ~았/었어요 = 머물었어요 – this is incorrectSee Lesson 97 for more information.Example: 우리는 10일 동안 부산에서 머물렀어요 = We stayed in Busan for 10 days
to come by walking
걸어오다 Notes: Compound verb of 걷다 + 오다Example:우리는 차가 없어서 집에 걸어왔어요 = We didn’t have a car so we walked home
to go by walking
걸어가다Notes: Compound verb of 걷다 + 가다Example:전철역까지 걸어갈래요? = Shall we walk to the subway station?
to invite
초대하다 Examples:친구 열 명을 저의 생일 파티에 초대했어요 = I invited ten people to my birthday party저는 저의 친구를 파티에 초대하고 싶어요 = I want to invite my friend to the party나는 너를 파티에 초대하고 싶지 않아 = I don’t want to invite you to the party
to welcome
환영하다 Example:제 여자 친구는 저의 남동생을 반갑게 환영했어요 = My girlfriend happily welcomed my younger brother
to be warm
따뜻하다The pronunciation of this word is closer to “따뜨타다”Common Usages:따뜻하게 = warmly따뜻하게 입다 = to dress warmly따뜻한 마음 = a warm heart날씨가 따뜻하다 = for the weather to be warmExamples:날씨가 추워서 따뜻한 옷을 입었어요 = The weather is cold, so I put on warm clothes그 사람의 마음은 따뜻해요 = That person has a warm heart저는 따뜻한 날씨를 좋아해요 = I like warm weather오늘 날씨는 어제보다 더 따뜻해요 = Today’s weather is warmer than yesterday저는 따뜻한 옷을 입고 싶어요 = I want to wear (put on) warm clothes오늘 너무 힘들어서 저는 따뜻한 목욕을 하고 싶어요 = Today was really difficult, so I want to take a warm bath
to be high
높다 Common Usages:밀도가 높다 = to be dense (literally, for the density to be high)Notes: To increase (or to heighten) something, the verb 높이다 can be used.Examples:애기는 높은 소파에서 떨어졌어요 = The baby fell from the high sofa그 건물은 너무 높아요 = That building is very high한국 집값은 일본 집값보다 훨씬 높아요 = The price of Korean houses is much higher than the price of Japanese houses
to be poor
가난하다Common Usages:가난한 사람 = poor person가난한 동네 = poor neighborhoodExamples:저는 매우 가난해요= I am very poor그 동네에는 가난한 사람이 많아요 = There are many poor people in that neighborhood
to be low
낮다Notes: To decrease (or to lower) something, the verb 낮추다 can be used.Examples:이 탁자가 너무 낮아요 = This table is too low의자는 탁자보다 더 낮아요 = The chair is lower than the table이 산은 높고 저 산은 낮아요 = This mountain is high, but that mountain is low
a counter for books/magazines/etc
권 Common Usages:책 한 권 = one bookExample:저는 1년에 책 열 권을 읽을 수 있어요 = I can read 10 books in one year
person’ – high respect form, also a high-respect counter for ‘people’
분 Notes: This is used instead of “사람” when the person deserves high respect. “분” is also used instead of “명” as a counter when the person deserves high respect.Example: 그 분은 저의 선생님이에요 = That person is my teacher선생님 몇 분 올 거예요? = How many teachers will come?
원숭이 Example:대부분의 원숭이는 나무에서 살아요 = Most monkeys live in trees너는 원숭이 같이 보여 = You look like a monkey원숭이는 바나나를 많이 먹어요 = Monkeys eat bananas
subject in school
교과목 Examples:캐나다 선생님들은 항상 두 개의 교과목을 가르쳐요 = Canadian teachers always teach two subjects학생들은 교과목 두 개 중에 하나를 선택해야 해요 = Students must choose one out of the two subjects
교과서Common Usages:영어교과서 = English textbook교과서로 공부하다 = to study using a textbookExample:학교는 학생들한테 교과서를 제공하지 않아요 = The school doesn’t provide textbooks to the students
소문Common Usages헛소문 = false rumor소문을 내다 = to spread rumorsNotes: Often used with the ~는 것 conjugation of ~ㄴ/는다는 것. See Lesson 52 for more information.Example:그 여자의 남편이 비서랑 바람을 피운다는 소문이 있어요 = There is a rumor that that woman’s husband is having an affair with his secretary저는 친구를 통해 소문을 들었어요 = I heard a rumor from my friend
충전기 Common Usages:핸드폰 충전기 = cell phone chargerNotes: 충전하다 means “to charge.”Example:충전기가 없어서 핸드폰 충전을 못 해요 = I can’t charge my phone because I don’t have the charger
청구서 Common Usages:청구서를 내다 = to pay a bill전기요금청구서 = electricity bill가스청구서 = gas billExample:저는 은행에서 청구서를 냈어요 = I paid the bill at the bank
계산원 Notes: 계산하다 means “to pay” or “to calculate”Example:계산원들은 돈을 많이 벌지 않아요 = Cashiers don’t earn a lot of money
계산기 Notes: 계산하다 means “to pay” or “to calculate”Example:한국학생들은 수학문제를 계산기 없이 풀어요 = Korean students solve math problems without calculators
business trip
출장 Common Usages:출장비 = business trip expense출장을 가다 = to go on a business tripExample:부장님은 내일까지 출장을 갔어요 = The boss went on a business trip until tomorrow
rice cooker
밥솥 Common Usages:밥솥에 밥을 짓다 = to make rice in a rice cookerExample:한국에서는 모든 집에 밥솥이 있어요 = All houses in Korea have a rice cooker
소설 Common Usages:소설가 = a novelist단편소설 = short story novel장편소설 = full length novelExample:어떤 소설을 읽고 있어요? Which novel are you reading?소설가의 설명은 아주 섬세해요 = The novelist’s explanation is very delicate/sophisticated
백과사전 Common Usages:위키백과 = Wikipedia백과사전에서 찾다 = to look up in an encyclopediaExample:저는 그 사실을 백과사전에 찾았어요 = I looked up that fact in an encyclopedia
major (in university)
전공 Common Usages:부전공 = minor경제를 전공하다 = to major in economics외국어를 전공하다 = to major in foreign languagesExample:대학생 때 저의 전공은 영어였어요 = In University, my major was English
가위 Common Usages:가위로 자르다 = to cut with scissorsExample:종이를 가위로 잘라요 = To cut paper with scissors
피부Common Usages:피부색 = skin color (the color of skin)피부색깔 = one’s skin colorExample:그 여자의 피부가 너무 부드러워요 = That girl’s skin is very smooth유럽 사람의 피부는 하얘요 = European people’s skin is white
군대 Common Usages:군대에/를 가다 = to enter the military군대를 파견하다 = to dispatch an army군대를 지휘하다 = to command an armyExample:저의 사촌은 군대에 갔어요 = My cousin went to the army미국군대는 한국군대보다 더 커요 = The American military is bigger than the Korean military
어깨 Common Usages:어깨에 메다 = to put something on one’s shoulders어깨를 주무르다 = to massage one’s shouldersExample:저는 가방을 어깨에 멨어요 = I put the bag on my shoulders
department store
백화점 Common Usages:롯데 백화점 = Lotte Department Store현대 백화점 = Hyundai Department StoreExample:백화점에 옷이 너무 비싸요 = Clothes are too expensive in department stores백화점에는 외부 주차장도 있어요 = There is a parking lot outside the department store as well
공기 Common Usages:공기가 맑다 = for the air to be clear공기가 좋다 = for the air to be good공기가 나쁘다 for the air to be bad공기가 건조하다 = for the air to be dryExample:캐나다 공기는 아주 건조해요 = The air in Canada is very dry공기가 나빠서 저는 숨을 못 쉬어요 = I can’t breathe because the air is bad
새벽 Common Usages:새벽에 일어나다 = to wake up early새벽 2 시에 = at 2:00 in the morningNotes: The word 오전 generally refers to anything before noon, but 새벽 is used to refer to something that is really early in the morning. Typically, 새벽 refers to the time before the sun rises.Example:저는 매일 새벽 5시에 일어나요 = I wake up every day at 5 a.m.
inside part
내부 It is easy to understand the meaning of 내부 and 외부 if you understand their simple Hanja origins. 내(內) means “inside” and 외(外) means “outside.” You don’t need to worry about the Chinese characters just yet, but knowing that 외 and 내 usually have these meanings can help you tremendously when learning new words. If you want to go further, 부(部) (as in, 내부 and 외부) means “part.” 내부 then means “the inside part/the inside”, and 외부 means “the outside part/the outside.”Example:스타벅스의 내부 분위기는 매우 안락해요 = The atmosphere inside Starbucks is very comfortable
outside part
외부 It is easy to understand the meaning of 내부 and 외부 if you understand their simple Hanja origins. 내(內) means “inside” and 외(外) means “outside.” You don’t need to worry about the Chinese characters just yet, but knowing that 외 and 내 usually have these meanings can help you tremendously when learning new words. If you want to go further, 부(部) (as in, 내부 and 외부) means “part.” 내부 then means “the inside part/the inside”, and 외부 means “the outside part/the outside.”Example:백화점에는 외부 주차장도 있어요 = There is a parking lot outside the department store as well이 쪽은 건물 외부로 나갈 수 있는 길이다 = This way/direction will take you outside (to the outer part of the) the building
to cut
자르다 Common Usages:머리를 자르다 = to cut one’s hair사람을 자르다 = to fire a person (literally “to cut a person”)Example:저는 어제 미용실에서 머리를 잘랐어요 = I got my hair cut in the beauty parlor yesterday손톱을 왜 이렇게 짧게 잘랐어요? = Why did you cut your nails so short (like this)?옆 집에서 사는 사람은 그 소나무를 잘랐을 것 같아요 = It seems like the person who lives in the house next door cut the pine tree
to ask, to request
요청하다 Common Usages:도움을 요청하다 (to ask for help)Example:저는 선생님에게 숙제에 대한 설명을 요청했어요 = I asked the teacher for an explanation of the homework
to be wet
젖다 Example:수영장에 들어간 후에 옷이 완전히 젖었어요 = My clothes are completely wet after going into the pool빨래를 다 하고 젖은 옷을 줄에 걸었는데 빨래가 무거워서 줄이 바닥으로 늘어졌어요= After doing the laundry, I hung the wet clothes on the line, but the laundry (clothes) were so heavy the line drooped to the floor
to be unfortunate
안타깝다 Common Usages:안타까운 상황 = unfortunate situationExamples:엄마가 우리랑 같이 못 먹어서 안타까워요= It’s too bad that your mom can’t eat with us상황이 조금 안타깝지만 어쩔 수 없다= The situation is unfortunate, but there is nothing we can do (about it)너무 안타까워서 내일 그 왕따를 놀리지 말자= Let’s not tease that outcast tomorrow because it is too sad/sorry (of a situation)성공하기 위해 매일 애쓰는 사람들을 보면 대단하면서도 안타까워요= When I see people struggling to try to succeed, it is amazing but also sad at the same time
mainly, mostly
주로Notes: 주로 is an adverb that sounds a lot like an adjective in sentences. It is often put before nouns (like adjectives) to mean “mainly/mostly (noun).”Example: 저의 친구는 주로 남자예요 = My friends are mostly men저는 주로 과일과 야채를 먹어요 = I mainly eat fruits and vegetables
western food
양식 Example:한국 사람들은 양식을 보통 안 먹어요 = Korean people usually don’t eat Western foodPLAY한식은 양식보다 더 매워 = Korean food is spicier than western food
키 Common Usages:키가 크다 = to be tall키가 작다 = to be shortNotes: 키 means “height” in Korean, but not the “height” of a building or some other object. It is only used when talking about the height of a person. “크다” means ‘big.’ The adjective for tall is 키가 크다, which just indicates that your height is big.Example:그 남자가 키가 너무 커요 = That man is very tall저는 그보다 키가 더 커요 = I am taller than him
별Common Usages:별자리 = constellationExample:하늘에 별이 많아요 = There are many stars in the sky
태도좋은 태도 = good attitude나쁜 태도 = bad attitudeExample:그 학생의 태도가 나빠요 = That student’s attitude is bad
pay cheque
월급 Common Usages:월급을 받다 = to get paid, to receive pay cheque월급(을 받는) 날 = the day one gets paid월급이 오르다 = to get a raise월급이 깎이다 = to get less money than before (a pay cut)Example:저는 매월 24일에 월급을 받아요 = I get paid every month on the 24th
도심 Example:저의 여자친구는 안산 도심에서 살아요 = My girlfriend lives in the downtown of Ansan저는 친구들과 도심에서 영화를 봤어요= I saw a movie with friends downtown2호선은 서울 도심 주위를 돌아요 = Line 2 circles around the downtown of Seoul
시내Example:저는 보통 친구들과 시내에서 놀아요 = I usually play with (meet) my friends downtown
추억 Common Usages:추억을 쌓다 = to make memories (literally, “for memories to be piled up”)추억을 만들다 = to make memoriesExample:저는 우리 엄마와 추억이 많아요 = I have a lot of memories with my mom
후보자 Example:후보자들은 내일까지 와야 돼요 = Candidates have until tomorrow to come그들은 많은 후보자들 중에서 저를 뽑았어요 = They chose me from many candidates
주년 Notes: 주년is usually preceded by a number.Example:내일은 우리의 1주년이에요 = Tomorrow is our one year anniversary우리 학교가 세워진 지 10주년이에요 = It is the 10th anniversary of our school opening
body position/posture
자세 Notes: When exercising, the Konglish word “폼” (form) is often used.Example:이 자세 맞아요? = Is this posture right/correct?운동할 때 알맞은 자세로 해야 돼요 = When you exercise, you need to do so with the correct posture
평소 Common Usages:평소보다 = to be comparing something to the usual amount평소처럼 = as usual평소에 = usuallyExample:저는 평소보다 더 열심히 공부하고 있어요 = I am studying harder than usual저는 오늘 평소처럼 공부해야 돼요 = I have to study today, as usual현재 날씨는 평소보다 조금 추워요 = The present/recent weather is colder than normal
old love
옛사랑 Example:그녀는 옛사랑이었어요 = She was an old love
old road/path
옛길 Example: 우리는 옛길을 따라 걸었어요 = We walked along, following the old road
to wash
씻다Common Usages:손을 씻다 = to wash one’s handsNotes: When washing one’s hair, the verb “감다” must be used.Example:손을 잘 씻고 먹어요 = To wash one’s hands well, and then eat손을 씻으세요! = Wash your hands!
to confirm, to check
확인하다 Example:첨부파일을 확인하세요! = See/Check the attached file시험을 끝내기 전에 답을 확인하세요 = Check your answers before finishing the test그것을 확인해 봐!! = Try checking that가격을 확인해보자 = Let’s check the price
to gather, to collect
모으다Common Usages:돈을 모으다 = to save money우표를 모으다 = to collect stampsExample:그는 옛날 동전을 모아요 = He collects old coins
to collect
수집하다 The noun form of this word translates to “collection”Example:실험을 하기 전에 자료를 수집해요 = To collect data before doing an experiment