151005 Mischievous Tom Flashcards
adj. causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.
ex: Mischievous HY farted in front of Daddy and ran away.
adv. not often. rarely.
ex: The grouchy hobbit was seldom in a good mood.
adj. completely baffled. very puzzled.
ex: SY was perplexed on how the magician was able to lift the table without any wires.
v. interrupt or intersperse something with.
ex: HY’s singing was punctuated by her hiccups. She couldn’t help it!
n. climbing plants related to the grapevine. (like tomato vines)
v. be (a part) of a whole.
ex: Cabbage, peppers, onions, an 고추장 constitutes 김치.
n. serious and immediate danger.
ex: When the car broke down in the middle of the snow storm, we realised we were in peril.
adj. feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
ex: HY was so hungry that she was desperate for any kind of food. She could eat anything.
n. playful misbehaviour, especially on the part of children.
ex: There are was a lot of mischief in the nursery.