1.5.1 - Computing Related Legislation Flashcards
What are the 7 rights you have under the DPA?
- Be informed about how your data is being used
- Access your personal data
- Have incorrect data amended
- Have data erased
- Restrict the processing of your data
- Restrict the portability of your data
- Object to how your data is processed in certain circumstances
What are the 9 types of sensitive information?
- Trade union meberships
- Gender or sexual orientation
- Race
- Ethic background
- Religious beliefs
- Genetics
- Biometrics
- Health status
- Political opinions
What are the 6 principles of Data Protection?
- Kept up to data where necessary, and accurate
- Handled in a way that ensures appropiate security
- Used fairly, lawfully, and transparently
- Kept for no longer thaan necessary
- Used for explicitly specified purposes
- Used in a way thats adequate, relevant, and limited to only what’s necessary
What is the Computer Misuse Act?
Makes it illegal for anyone to break into a computer system, or to change programs or data without permission
What is section 1 of the CMA?
- Unauthorised access to a computer
What is section 2 of the CMA?
Unauthorised access to a computer in order to commit an offence
What is section 3 of the CMA?
Unauthorised acts that could impair the operation of a computer system or network
What is section 3A of the CMA?
Making or supplying tools that can be used in computer misuse offences
What is sectio 3ZA of the CMA?
Unauthorised acts causing, or creating a risk of serious damage
Why was the RIPA needed?
Because of growth in interenet communications
What does the RIPA do?
Defines the limits of police and government agencies’ powers
When was teh RIPA enacted?
In 2000