1.5 understanding external influences on business Flashcards
What is a stakeholder?
A stakeholder is anyone who is affected by a business.
Who are the stakeholders in a business?
shareholders (owners), employees, customers, managers, suppliers, local community, pressure groups, the
Why are owners the most important stakeholders?
They make a profit if the business is successful and decide what happens to the business. In a limited company the shareholders are the owners and shareholders usually want high dividends and a high share price.
Why are managers and employees important stakeholders?
Managers and other employees are interested in their job security and promotion prospects. Employees also want a decent wage and good working conditions. So they may benefit most when objectives are based on profitability and growth.
what are suppliers important stake holders?
A firm buys its raw materials from suppliers. If the firm is profitable and grows it’ll need more materials and the supplier will get more business. So suppliers benefit most when the firm sets objectives based on profitability and growth.
Why is the local community a stakeholder?
1) The local community will suffer if the firm causes noise and pollution.
2) They may gain if the firm provides good jobs and sponsors local activities.
3) If the business employs local people these employees will then have money to spend in local shops which is good for the local economy.
4) So the local community may benefit when objectives are based on minimising environmental impacts, ethical considerations, profitability, and growth.
Why is the government a stakeholder?
The government will receive taxes if the firm makes a profit. They may benefit most when objectives are based on profitability, Growth, or job creation.
Why are customers important stakeholders?
Customers want high-quality products at low prices. They may benefit when objectives are based on customer satisfaction.
What is a pressure group?
A pressure group is an organisation that tries to influence what people think about a certain subject.
What can a pressure group influence?
They can influence the decisions a firm makes by creating bad publicity for the firm if they don’t agree with the firm’s actions.
What things will a business need to keep in mind if they want to survive?
1) No business can ignore its customers. If it can’t sell its products it won’t survive.
2) A business may want to hold onto its money for as long as possible but suppliers will become unhappy if they’re not paid on time.
3) If a business doesn’t have happy workers it may become unproductive.
4) A company may not mind being unpopular in the local community if it sells most of its products somewhere else.
What is E-commerce?
E-commerce is using the internet to buy and sell products.
What does it mean if a business uses E-commerce
E-commerce means that firms can reach wider markets compared to just having traditional shops.
Why is it good to use E-commerce?
E-commerce can be really convenient for consumers - it means they can buy products from all over the world at any time of the day and they don’t have to spend ages queuing up to buy products.
What do firms have to do in order to use E-commerce?
Firms have had to adapt to e-commerce as it’s become more important. For example, they’ve had to build websites, employ IT specialists an develop systems to distribute products to online customers.
What technology can a firm use for E-commerce?
Websites, email, mobile apps, live chats, and video calls.
Why is website a good way for a firm on E-commerce?
Websites are a great way to communicate with customers e.g. by posting blogs or providing customer service (such as FAQs). Websites can also be used to publish reports to shareholders.
How can a firm use emails in E-commerce?
Email is a very quick way of communicating with stakeholders, either on a personal level (e.g. to respond to a customer query) or on a bigger scale (e.g. to tell all the employees they can go home early).
Why are mobile apps good for E-commerce?
These are programs used on mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets. They are usually used by firms to communicate with customers, for example by giving information about where stores are located, the products the company sells, and any special offers.
Why are live chats useful for E-commerce?
Live chats are an instant messaging service. They have many uses e.g. employees can use them to talk to each other from different locations, or customers can use them to speak with a customer service advisor.
Why are video calls good for E-commerce?
Employees who work for the same business in different locations may use video calling to hold meetings, rather than travelling to meet. This can also be a good way for businesses to communicate with important shareholders, who may all live in different places.
Why is social media good for E-commerce?
Social media makes it really easy for users to share information with other users - information can be in many forms, such as written messages or articles, pictures, videos, or links to other sites.
Why is social media useful for businesses?
Social media is a great way for businesses to communicate it can be used to display lots of different types of information, it can be updated regularly and it can be seen by loads of people at once.
Why do businesses use social media?
To provide customer service, to advertise their products, or to promote local events.
What are the different types of payment systems?
online payments, chip and pin, Contactless payments.
How will adapting to new technology help a business?
Businesses can often use new technology to carry out processes in place of people. This can lead to reduced costs in the long term, e.g., fewer man-hours are needed to carry out tasks.
What could be a factor affecting the business to adapt to technology?
Adapting to new technology can be very expensive. For example, a business may have to buy equipment or train staff to use new computer systems. They may also need to hire staff with the skills to use the new technology.
what should businesses keep in mind when hiring new employees?
Workers aged 24 or over have to be paid the national minimum wage and workers aged 25 and over have to be paid the national living wage this is slightly more than the national minimum wage.
What does the national minimum wage and the national living wage mean?
The NMW and the NLW mean that companies can’t cut their costs by paying workers less than the legal minimum. If they do they are breaking the law.
What will happen if a company doesn’t pay it’s staff enough?
If a company doesn’t pay its workers enough it could be given large fines. It could also get bad publicity and consumers might stop using the business.
How will the NMW and the NLW effect the business?
The NMW and the NLW can increase a firm’s costs. this can lead to increased prices meaning a possible fall in sales and a reduced income for the firm. Some firms may not be able to afford to pay the NMW and the NLW to all of their staff, so may have to lose some staff in order to survive.
How will following the NMW and the NLW help the business?
The NMW and NLW can have benefits for companies though they can lead to better motivated staff and increased productivity.
What are the recruitment procedures?
Must not discriminate against anyone because of their religion, gender, race, age, sexual orientation or because of disabilities. This is covered by equality act 2010
What else do firms need to consider when employing someone?
Firms must also make sure that any new recruits have a legal right to work in the UK. This can involve extra work for firms as they may have to carefully check new recruit’s documents e.g. passports and visas.
What could happen to a firm if they employ people illegally?
Employing people illegally can result in big fines and possibly even the closure of the firm.
What else will firms need to consider when employing someone?
All employees must be paid the same if they do the same job (or work of equal value) for the same employer.
What will happen to a company if they have discriminated against someone?
They’ll have to pay compensation.
What could companies do to prevent discrimination?
They can provide staff training and writing company policies about equal rights.
What does health and safety legislation help to make sure?
It helps to make sure that risks to people at work are properly controlled.
What can the firms do to keep a safe working environment?
*Firms need to carry out risk assessments to identify possible dangers and take reasonable to reduce the risks. e.g. accident books need to be kept, and first aiders trained.
*All staff must receive health and safety training and suitable equipment must be provided e.g. hard hats on building sites.
What does a safe working environment mean?
Fewer accidents, fewer injuries and hopefully it means a more productive workforce too - since people should need less time off work to recover.
What is the problem with following health and safety laws?
It can be expensive to pay for staff to go on safety courses.
What will happen to the firms who don’t follow health and safety laws?
They can be prosecuted, fined and even closed down and they may also have to pay compensation to anyone who is injured and could get bad publicity.
Which law covers how goods and services can be sold?
The consumer rights act 2015
What 3 criteria should the goods meet before sold?
1) The product should be fit for its purpose.
2) The product should match its description.
3) The product should be satisfactory quality.
What does it mean by that the product should be fit for its purpose?
The product has to do the job it was designed for - if you buy a bucket say it’s not much use if it leaks water out of the bottom.
what does it mean by that the product should match it’s description?
*The way a business describes a product it’s selling is called a trade description. It’s illegal for a retailer to give false trade description.
*This includes the size or quantity of the product the materials it’s made from and its properties.
*It’s also illegal to claim that a product has been endorsed or approved by a person or an organisation unless it really has been.
What does it mean by that the product should be of satisfactory quality?
*This means that the product should be well made it shouldn’t fall apart a couple of uses
*It also means that it shouldn’t cause other problems for the buyer e.g. a fridge should keep food cold but it shouldn’t make a noise like a jet plane at the same time.
What can happen if the product don’t meet the legal requirements?
The customers can ask for their money back, a repair or replacement.
What will happen to a business if they break the consumer law?
*It can be faced with the cost and inconvenience of having to refund the customer or repair or replace their item.
*The business case could even end up in court if the customer is unhappy with the business’s response about their item (which costs the business even more if the customer wins the case)
*It could also harm the reputation of the business which could lead to a reduction in sales.
What does unemployment mean?
Unemployment means the economy as a whole produces less output than if everyone was employed.
how can come firms benefit from unemployment?
*They may be able to pay lower wages if there are lots of unemployed people desperate for a job.
*It can also mean they can fill jobs easily.
*In areas of high unemployment the government may even give grants to firms who open and provide jobs in the area.
What are the problems for the business when there are high levels of unemployment?
Less unemployment means a lot of people have less disposable income and this can lead to a lack of demand for products so sales can fall.
So a firm may respond by reducing prices, reducing output or making redundant.
What are the problems for the business when there are high levels of unemployment?
Less unemployment means a lot of people have less disposable income and this can lead to a lack of demand for products so sales can fall.
So a firm may respond by reducing prices, reducing output or making redundant.
What are the problems for the business when there are high levels of unemployment?
Less unemployment means a lot of people have less disposable income and this can lead to a lack of demand for products so sales can fall.
So a firm may respond by reducing prices, reducing output or making redundant.
What could be a problem when hiring people in an area which has been unemployed for a while?
People may lose skills while they are unemployed so firms may need to retrain them.
What type of tax do consumers pay?
Income tax
What type of tax do consumers pay?
Income tax
What happens if the amount of income tax that consumers need to pay falls?
The consumers will have more disposable income and this means that consumer spending is likely to increase leading to increased revenue for firms.
This is the opposite if the income tax rises.
What happens to a business if the amount of tax they need to pay increases?
It reduces the amount of money they have available to reinvest and this can lead to slow growth for a business.
What happens to a business if the amount of environmental tax they pay rises?
They have to try to be more environmentally friendly to avoid paying extra tax e.g. by recycling more.
What can a business do when taxes are high?
It may force the firm to find ways to cut costs in order to survive or meet their profit targets e.g. by making staff more redundant.
They may also consider relocating abroad to a country where businesses pay less tax.
What are the advantages to a business when the government reduces taxes?
It means they will have more money available to reinvest and this can help the business to grow.
What are the advantages to a business when the government reduces taxes?
It means they will have more money available to reinvest and this can help the business to grow.
What are the advantages to a business when the government reduces taxes the businesses pay?
It means they will have more money available to reinvest and this can help the business to grow.
What are the disadvantages to a business when the government reduces taxes the businesses pay?
It might encourage firms from abroad to set up in the UK and this increases competition in the market and may lead to a fall in sales for UK businesses if they don’t compete well.
What is inflation?
Inflation is an increase in the price of goods and services.
What happens when inflation rises?
Consumer spending is likely to go up in the short term because people will rush to buy more products before prices go up even more.
What happens when inflation rises?
Consumer spending is likely to go up in the short term because people will rush to buy more products before prices go up even more. This creates extra revenue for the business which can lead to higher profits depending on how much the increase in inflation has affected its costs.
What is a disadvantage of inflation?
If wages don’t go up at the same rate as inflation demand for products can start to fall.
How will inflation affect the cost of labour?
With high inflation, employees can put pressure on employers to increase wages so that they can afford the higher prices being charged for the things they need. This can increase the business’s costs and reduce its profits.
How will inflation affect global competition?
A high inflation rate makes UK exports expensive, so UK firms become less competitive globally. This means that a firm that sells lots of exports may see its sales fall. However when inflation is low sales of exports are likely to increase.
What sets the interest in England?
In the UK the bank of England sets the base rate of interest - most other interest rates are linked to this.
The base rate fluctuates depending on how god the economy is.
What happens to firms and consumers when interest rates are low?
*When the interest rate is cut, it’s cheaper to borrow money. But you get less interest when you save money at the bank.
*When rates are low, firms and consumers borrow more and save less.
*Consumers have more money to spend, so the demand for goods and services increases. This means that firms are likely to make more profit and may need to increase output.
How will firms benefit from lower interest rates?
Firms that borrow money to finance their spending will have smaller interest repayments, so they have more money available to spend on other parts of the business. They may also choose to borrow more while interest rates are low e.g. if they want to grow the business.
What happens when interest rates rise?
*Borrowing money becomes more expensive but savers get better returns on their investments.
How will the increase in interest rates effect firms?
*Firms and consumers will have less money available to spend since they’ll be paying higher rates on money they’ve borrowed. They’re also likely to be trying to save more in order to take advantage of higher returns.
*This reduces demand for products so firms often sell less and their products may go down.
*It may also mean that firms can’t afford to pay everyone who works for them, so some people may be redundant, and unemployment may go up.
What does SPICED stand for?
Strong pound imports are cheaper and exports are dearer.