15 The Crumbling North Flashcards
Golden section of crumbling earth.
Age of wealth and prosperity (6 kings).
Dark section of crumbling earth.
Age of civil strife (7 kings).
Orange/red section of crumbling earth.
Age of rapid decline (6 kings).
Golden calf on Jeroboam segment.
King Jeroboam est shrines at Dan and Bethel in an attempt to de-emphasize Jerusalem as worship center.
Volcano on Omri segment.
Syria threatens Israel’s freedom in reigns from Baasha through Omri.
Snake symbol on Ahab segment .
Baalism cult gains solid foothold in Israel during Ahab’s reign.
Elijah and Elisha banners on Ahab segment.
These prophets denounce Israel’s identification with Baalism cult.
Prophet banners black and white.
Prophetic voices make pronouncement of doom and hope.
Amos and Hosea banners on Jeroboam II segment.
These prophets warn against impending dangers of spiritual laxness in Israel during Jeroboam’s age of gold.
Erupting volcano on Menahem segment.
Assyria becomes a violent threat to Israel’s freedom during reign of Menahem.
Two coins at base of volcano.
Israel is forced to pay tribute money to Assyria to maintain semblance of peace.
Manuscript peg on Pekah segment.
Pekah seeks freedom from Assyrian threat by entering into military alliance with Syria to the north.
Isaiah banner on Pekah segment.
Isaiah cites futility of military alliances and prophesies destruction of the Northern Kingdom.
Manuscript peg on Hoshea segment.
Hoshea attempts military alliance with Egypt to rid Israel of Assyrian threat.
Dark red color on Hoshea segment.
Full-scale destruction comes to the North during Hoshea’s reign.
Overall portrayal of crumbling kingdom.
Assyria destroys Northern Kingdom in 722BC.