1.5 Systems Software Flashcards
OCR GCSE Computer Science J277
Operating System
System software that manages hardware, software and resources, and provides services for other software. It will also usually provide an interface for the end user.
OS Major Functions
- User interface
- Peripheral management and drivers
- File management
- Memory management and multitasking
- User management
Utility Software
A subcategory of system software that improves the security or performance of a computer system. Examples include antivirus software and registry cleaners.
Defragmentation Software
Encryption Software
Data Compression Software
They are not essential to the running of a computer, but make specific tasks easier or add an additional layer of housekeeping.
User Interface
Allows the user to interact with the computer. Can be Command Line Interface (CLI) where user types in specific commands, requiring a low amount of storage and RAM. Can be Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allow the user to click on icons and select option from a menu. Can be Natural Language Interface (like Siri) where you can talk to the device.
The OS provides a means of interacting with the computer, often through buttons, keyboard or mice.
An interface may be:
purely text using a command line interface, menu driven,
or a Graphical User Interface (GUI) / WIMP Interface (e.g. Windows, WIMP standards for Windows Icons, Menus and Pointer)
Graphical User Interface.
A type of interface that allows the user to interact with a computer system. It usually involves clicking on icons or selecting options from a menu.
Pointers (mouse clicks or screen presses)
Also known as a WIMP Interface - Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointer.
Before GUIs were developed, users had to use the command line interface (CLI).
A CLI allows the user to interact with the system by typing in specific commands.
There are no graphics or icons that you would commonly find on devices such as a smartphone or tablet computer; instead the user enters in text at a command prompt. It is at this prompt that the user is able to issue commands that are executed by the system.
CLIs still tend to be used by network managers who want to do things that are not possible using the standard GUI.
The main benefits of a CLI include the fact that it requires a low amount of secondary storage and RAM as there are no graphics.
Experienced users and system administrators also often prefer to use a CLI as it allows greater control over the computer system than restrictions often applied to a graphical user interface.
Natural Language Interface
This interface involves the user giving instructions for the computer to perform using language you would normally use when speaking to another human being. Unlike the CLI, you don’t need to learn specific commands.
A natural language interface can be text based, but also can be used with audio commands, such as a home personal assistant.
“Hey assistant, turn on the lights in the kitchen, please.”
several programs running at the same time.
Though only one process can be completed at a time, it happens so quickly it appears as if the programs are running simultaneously.
Switching quickly between tasks is known as multitasking.
Modern computers often have multiple cores, which makes them more efficient at multitasking.
However, each core can only carry out one process at a time.
Files and programs need to be in memory for the CPU to perform tasks on them.
The OS moves programs and files in and out of memory (from the hard drive or from virtual memory) so processes tasks as required.
Processor Management
Makes sure that all the hardware is processing the right instructions at the right time. Finds the appropriate data from secondary storage and loads it into main memory (RAM) before the processor is instructed to execute the processes needed to open that program.
When you open a program on a computer, the operating system works behind the scenes to make sure that all the hardware is processing the right instructions at the right time.
To do this, it starts by finding the appropriate data from the secondary storage and loads it into the main memory (RAM).
The Processor is then instructed to execute the processes needed to open that program.
The part of a computer system that carries out the fetch-decode-execute cycle.
Main memory
A unit with addressable memory locations that can be accessed directly by the processor. Stores data and instructions while they are being processed.
A computer with a single processor Core can only carry out one process at a time;
however, the OS will use a scheduler to swap tasks in and out of the processor so that it appears to the user that the computer is carrying out more than one task at the same time.
Memory Management
Instructions and data needed for a process have to be available in main memory. The memory manager keeps track of what portions of memory have been allocated, maps memory to each process, determines how much memory to allocate each process and determines when a portion of memory should be available for a process.
The Operating System manages the available memory in RAM.
When a program finishes, or data is no longer needed, the memory manager frees up the space in RAM so it can be reused.
You could compare this to a restaurant manager assigning diners to tables in the restaurant, and clearing tables after diners finish their meals so more diners can sit down to eat.
The instructions and data needed for a process have to be available in main memory.
To ensure this, the OS runs a memory manager program, which:
Keeps track of what portions of memory have been allocated
Maps memory to each process
Determines how much memory to allocate to each process
Determines when a portion of memory should be available for a process
Additional hardware devices that are external to the core components of a computer system. These devices can be used for input, output, or data storage.
E.g. Printer
The physical components of a computer system.
A generic term used to refer to applications, scripts, programs and systems that run on a device and execute specific tasks.
Device Drivers
All peripheral hardware devices (like printers) are controlled by the operating system using programs called device drivers.
These act as a translator to allow the CPU and the devices to communicate correctly.
a device driver provides an Interface that allows the operating system to interact with the device, which in turn allows it to interact with the software on your computer.
the person interacting with a computer system through its user interface.
User Management
User management controls who can access a system.
Supports the security of a device by ensuring that the system resources are protected from unauthorised access. Provides the ability to create user accounts. Those with admin rights can allocate other users specific permissions such as which files they are able to access and modify, and the ability to add new users or install/uninstall software.
Different users will each be provided with an account with their own username and password.
Each user can be granted different levels of access depending on their needs and levels of security.
The OS can also monitor login activity and log out users after set periods of inactivity.
File Management
Allows user to perform tasks on files and folders such as creating, renaming, moving, deleting. Behind the scenes the OS controls how data is stored and retrieved. It keeps track of where files are stored on the secondary storage device so they can be quickly accessed when requested.
The OS allows users to create, delete, move, save and copy files, or allocate them to folders.
It can search for files, restore deleted files, free up space for new files and prevent conflicts when two users attempt to modify the same file at once.
Access rights to individual files may also be managed.
Backing Up
Copies files to form a backup should files need to be restored.
Used for disk organisation
The operating system keeps a directory of where files and programs are stored so that they can be accessed quickly when they are requested and transferred into main memory.
Keeping a directory also speeds up storage and saves computational resources, rather than having to search for free space every time a user wants to save a file.
Device Drivers
Program that controls the operation of a specific type of device like a printer that is part of a computer system. Provides an interface allowing the OS to interact with the device, which in turn allows it to interact with software on the computer. Translates between apps and devices.
Scrambles/encodes/mixes up data - so it cannot be read/understood if intercepted/stolen
Used for security
The process of applying an encryption algorithm to plaintext to produce ciphertext that cannot be understood (without decryption).
Encryption is the process of applying an encryption algorithm to plaintext, to produce ciphertext that cannot be understood (without decryption). This software is responsible for both applying the encryption algorithms as well as decrypting data using an encryption key.
- Empty spaces collected together (collated)
- Files are moved to be stored together (collated contiguously) so that all the data for each file is stored consecutively
Fewer disk accesses are needed because:
1. When one page is read it does not have to search for the second
2. Disk does not have to physically move as far to get to next part of file, so saves time
Used for disk organisation
The process of organising file blocks stored on a disk by grouping them into adjacent sectors.
Over time data on a hard drive becomes more fragmented.
Parts of a file are saved to different areas on the disk where there is free space.
This slows down the computer, as more disk access is needed to read all of the file.
A disk defragmenter is software that:
looks at all of the data on a hard drive
and reorganises it, so that related data is stored together.
Defragmentation is the process of organising file blocks stored on a disk by grouping them into adjacent sectors. The disk defragmenter looks at all the data on a hard drive and reorganises it so that related data is stored together. This improves the performance of the system and reduces disk thrashing on magnetic storage.
Magnetic Storage
A technique to store data using polarised magnetic dots. The polarity of the dot is used to represent a 1 or a 0.
Data becomes fragmented after a while of use
Solid State Drive
A storage device composed of flash memory that is non-volatile. Binary data is stored in electrical circuits and can be accessed at random.
Solid state drives (SSDs) do not require disk defragmentation as SSDs are able to read blocks of data that are fragmented, just as quickly as they can read data that is stored sequentially (together).
Reduces the file size of files / makes files smaller by removing unnecessary data - uses less storage space - faster transmission e.g email - store more files in space
Used for disk organisation
the process of reducing file size by applying a compression algorithm.
Compression is the process of reducing file size by applying a compression algorithm. This utility is specifically responsible for compressing and decompressing files saved on the device. It reduces the amount of data inside files, for instance to save space, reduce transmission time or meet email system limits for attachments. Can be lossless or lossy.
Types of Compression
Lossy Compression
Data is permanently lost when compressed
Lossless Compression
Data can be restored to the original when decompressed. Text is compressed with this.
Antimalware / Antispyware / Antivirus
Help protect computer/data against malware - scans the computer to look for malware - quarantines/removes when found
Used for Security
Examines ingoing and outgoing traffic - helps restrict/prevent unauthorised access over a network
Used for security
System Information
Displays important data about the current state of the computer - e.g. temperature, free memory, network speed, % processor used
Used for hardware management
Diagnosis Utility
Attempts to detect / resolve items that are not working correctly e.g. missing drivers, network connection
Used for hardware management
Disk Analysis / Repair / Checker
Scans disk to look for faults - prevents loss of data due to faulty disk
Used for hardware management
Checks Internet for new version of software / the OS - downloads and installs without user interaction
Used for security
Full Backup
All data and software
May take time to complete if a lot of files
Safer as have more past version to revert to
Backs up changes to settings
Faster to restore backup
Has to be completed before an incremental backup can take place
Incremental Backup
Only the changes need to be backed up
However a full backup needs to take place before the first incremental backup
Changes to settings unlikely to change between them
Small number of files to be backed up each time
Takes less time and space