15. Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications Flashcards
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
15.1 Team Approach
- RBI requires data gathering from many sources: specialized analysis, such as risk analysis, financial analysis, materials and corrosion engineering, mechanical engineering, inspection, and other areas followed by risk management decision-making.
- The initial implementation of an RBI program will normally require additional
resources. - After the initial implementation, the level of resources should revert to a lower number in order to sustain the RBI program.
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
- 2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
- 2.1 General
- Some team members may be
part-time due to limited input needs. It is also possible that not all the team members listed may be required if other
team members have the required skill and knowledge of multiple disciplines - It is useful to have one of the
team members serve as a facilitator for discussion sessions and team interactions
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
- 2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
- 2.2 Team Leader
- The team leader should be a full-time team member and should preferably be a stakeholder in the facility/equipment being analyzed, and otherwize, should be familiar with the RBI methodology employed
and the types of processes to be assessed - The main function should be to integrate the inputs, outputs, organizational structure, and communications of the assessment team
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
- 2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
- 2.2 Team Leader
a) Formation of the team and verification that the team members have the necessary skills, experience, and
b) Assuring that the study is conducted properly:
1) data gathered is accurate;
2) assumptions made are logical and documented;
3) appropriate personnel are used to provide data and assumptions;
4) appropriate quality and validity checks are used on data gathered and on the data analysis.
c) Preparing a report on the RBI assessment and distributing it to the appropriate stakeholders who are either
responsible for decisions on managing risks or responsible for implementing actions to mitigate the risks.
d) Following up to assure that the appropriate risk mitigation actions have been implemented.
e) Assure adequate documentation of the teams activities.
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
- 2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
- 2.3 Equipment Inspector or Inspection Specialist
- Responsible for gathering data on the condition and history of equipment in the study. This data include: design condition when new and the current condition
- If condition data is unavailable, the inspector/specialist and corrosion specialist, should provide predictions of the current condition.
- Responsible in conjuction with and materials and corrosion specialist for assessing the effectiveness of past inspections.
- Responsible for implementing the recommended inspection plan derived from the RBI assessment.
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
- 2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
- 2.4 Corrosion Specialist
- Responsible for assessing the types of damage mechanisms and their applicability and severity to the equipment considering the process conditions, environment, metallurgy, age, and other data.
- Should compare this assessment to the actual condition of the equipment, determine the reason for differences between predicted and actual condition, and provide guidance on damage mechanisms, rates, or severity to be used in the RBI assessment.
- should provide recommendations on methods of mitigating the POF (such as changes in metallurgy, addition of
inhibition, addition of coatings/linings) and methods of monitoring the process for possible changes in damage rates
(such as pH monitoring, corrosion rate monitoring, contaminant monitoring).
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
15.2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
15.2.5 Process Specialist
- Provision of process condition information, generally will be in the form of process flow sheets.
- Documenting variations in the process conditions due to normal occurrences (such as start-ups and shutdowns) and abnormal occurrences.
- Describing the composition and variability of all the process fluids/gases as well as their potential toxicity and flammability.
- Should evaluate/recommend methods of risk mitigation (probability or consequence) through changes in process conditions.
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
15.2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
15.2.6 Operations and Maintenance Personnel
- For verifying that the facility/equipment is being operated within the parameters set out in the process operating window.
- For providing data on occurrences when process deviated from the limits of the operating windows, and on any trends in the operating data over the past unit run, including IOW parameters.
- Verifying that equipment repairs/replacements/additions have been included in the equipment condition data supplied by the equipment inspector.
- For implementing recommendations that pertain to process or equipment modifications and monitoring.
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
15.2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
15.2.7 Management
- Management’s role is to provide sponsorship and resources (personnel and funding) for the RBI assessment.
- For making decisions on risk management, establishing risk acceptance criteria, and/or providing the framework/mechanism for others to make these decisions based on the results of the RBI assessment.
- For providing the resources and follow-up system to implement the risk mitigation decisions.
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
15.2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
15.2.8 Risk Analyst
This person(s) is responsible for assembling all of the data and carrying out the RBI analysis. This person(s) could be a separate specialist or one of the above team members and is typically responsible for the following:
a) defining data required from other team members;
b) defining accuracy levels for the data;
c) verifying through quality checks the soundness of data and assumptions;
d) inputting/transferring data into the computer program and running the program (if one is used);
e) quality control of data input/output;
f) manually calculating the measures of risk (if a computer program is not used);
g) displaying the results in an understandable way and preparing appropriate reports on the RBI analysis.
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
15.2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
15.2.9 Environmental and Safety Personnel
- For providing data on environmental and safety systems and regulations.
- For assessing/recommending ways to mitigate the COFs.
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
15.2 Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities
15.2.10 Financial/Business Personnel
- For providing data on the cost of the facility/equipment being analyzed and the financial impact of having pieces of equipment or the facility shut down.
- Should recommend methods for mitigating the financial COF.
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
15.3 Training and Qualifications for RBI Application
15.3.1 Risk Assessment Personnel
- Should have a thorough understanding of risk analysis by education, training, and/or experience.
- Should have received detailed training on the RBI methodology and on the procedures being used for the RBI assessment.
- An owner-user may require this person to be certified to the API Supplemental Individual Certification Program for API 580.
- Contractors that provide risk assessment personnel for conducting RBI analysis should have a program of training and be able to document that their personnel are suitably qualified.
- Facility owner-users that have internal risk assessment personnel to conduct RBI analysis should have a procedure to document that their personnel are sufficiently qualified.
15 Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
15.3 Training and Qualifications for RBI Application
15.3.2 Other Team Members
- Should receive basic training on RBI methodology and on the software program(s) being used. This training could be provided by the risk assessment personnel on the RBI team or by another person qualified on RBI methodology and on the program(s) being used.
- An owner-user may request that one or more team members be certified to the API Supplemental Individual Certification Program for API 580.
16 RBI Documentation and Recordkeeping
16.1 General
Elements of a documented management system to implement and sustain RBI program that shall be developed
a) procedures covering implementation, maintenance, and reassessment;
b) roles/responsibilities, experience/training requirements;
c) documented assumptions;
d) timeframe for RBI analysis applicability;
e) data requirements;
f) risk targets
g) program audit requirements;
h) scope and boundary limits;
i) triggers for reassessment (e.g. process changes, equipment damage, failures, IOW exceedances, etc.);
j) timeframe for reassessment.
16 RBI Documentation and Recordkeeping
16.1 General
Data and information to fully document the RBI assessment.
a) type of assessment, objectives, and boundaries;
b) procedure for how the selected RBI methodology will be applied at the site (e.g. how to deal with all the options provided by the methodology);
c) team members performing the assessment and their skill set relative to RBI;
d) timeframe over which the assessment is applicable;
e) inputs and sources used to determine risk;
f) assumptions made during the assessment;
g) risk assessment results (including information on probability and consequence);
h) follow-up mitigation strategy, if applicable, to manage risk;
i) mitigated risk levels (i.e. residual risk after mitigation is implemented);
j) references to in-service codes or standards being applied.
16 RBI Documentation and Recordkeeping
16.2 RBI Methodology
- The methodology used to perform the RBI analysis should be documented.
- The basis for both the probability and COF shall be documented.
- If a specific software program is used to perform the assessment, this also should be documented.
16 RBI Documentation and Recordkeeping
16.3 RBI Personnel
- The assessment of risk will depend on the knowledge, experience, and judgment of the personnel or team performing the analysis.
- A record of the team members involved should be captured, as well as the skill set that they bring to the team for RBI purposes.
16 RBI Documentation and Recordkeeping
16.4 Timeframe
- The level of risk is usually a function of time. This is either a result of the time dependence of a damage mechanism or simply the potential for changes in the operation of equipment.
- Should be defined and captured in the final documentation.
16 RBI Documentation and Recordkeeping
16.5 Basis for the Assignment of Risk
The various inputs used to assess both the probability and COF shall be captured. This should include:
a) basic equipment data and inspection history critical to the assessment (e.g. operating conditions, materials of construction, service exposure, corrosion rate, inspection history);
b) operative and credible damage mechanisms;
c) criteria used to judge the severity of each damage mechanism;
d) anticipated failure mode(s) (e.g. leak, crack, or rupture);
e) key factors used to judge the severity of each failure mode;
f) criteria used to evaluate the various consequence categories, including safety, health, environmental, and financial;
g) risk criteria used to evaluate the acceptability of the risk.