15. Reports - Opinions and Disclaimers Flashcards
What should the opinion refer to when an adverse opinion is expressed?
The opinion should directly refer to a basis for adverse opinion section that discloses the basis for the adverse opinion.
When is an adverse opinion expressed?
When the financial statements are not presented fairly in accordance with the applicable reporting framework.
What does a material misstatement require?
The auditor to express a qualified or an adverse opinion.
If an auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to conclude that the FS as a whole are free from material misstatement, what opinion should they express?
The auditor should either express a qualified opinion or disclaimer of opinion.
What does the auditor’s responsibility section state for a nonissuer?
“…we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit.”
What does a critical audit matter (CAM) result from?
The audit of the financial statements that (1) was communicated or required to be communicated to the audit committee; (2) relates to material accounts or disclosures; and (3) involved especially challenging, subjective, or complex auditor judgment.
What can result from the inability to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence?
(1) circumstances beyond the control of the entity, (2) circumstances related to the nature or the timing of the work, or (3) a management-imposed limitation.
What opinion should an auditor express if they are unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence?
A qualified opinion or a disclaimer.