1.5 Post modernist Perspective on Religion Flashcards
How does Lyotard describe and criticize religion in society?
Religion provides a meta narrative which tries to
hold a monopoly on the truth. However such claims
are no longer acceptable in the postmodern world
because there is no such thing as an absolute truth.
What does Lyon mean by the term spiritual shoppers and Pick and mix culture?
The pick and mix culture outlines how postmodernity
has enabled the individual to become a spiritual
shopper. As a result, the individual will actively select
and choose a religion based on its suitability in
answering existential question
What is cultural amnesia?
Cultural Amnesia means the loss of the religion that was handed down by generations before, instead parents are letting their children choose their own belief systems.
How does reflexivity and disembedding affect religions belief?
Lyon describes how religion has become disembedded in postmodern society: it is no longer embedded in religious organisations or in a particular country or culture and beliefs are not embedded in their original contexts. This allows people to pick and mix lots of bits of lots of belief systems: take what they like and reject what they don’t.
argued that a lack of reflexivity fed secularisation theory: because sociologists in university departments were occupying a secular universe, they assumed everyone else was too.
What evidence is there that the postmodernist view is accurate?
Christian singers appearing on stage at Disneyland during religious festivals
to illustrate how religion has adapted to fit the postmodern society: it is no longer confined to traditional settings, and has become part of a more diverse,
What is meant by religious consumerism
consumerism means that people have
come to expect choice in every aspect of their lives: not only in terms of the products they
buy but also in terms of their religious beliefs and practices
Name 2 features of postmodernist ideas and religion?
Lyon – Spiritual Shoppers
Lyon - Disembedding
How might postmodernists criticise Functionalists?
It is unlikely that people taking part in watching sporting events, or ‘pledging allegiance’ to the
flag are as committed in their belief in America as traditionally religious people are to their
Name one study of postmodernist thinkers?
What is meant by believing without belonging
Sociologists Davie argue that, rather than religion declining it is instead changing.. The idea is that belief has become more privatised. people maintain religious belief but choose to keep their beliefs private, rather than join and participate in a traditional religious organisation.
What is meant by believing without belonging
Sociologists Davie argue that, rather than religion declining it is instead changing.. The idea is that belief has become more privatised. people maintain religious belief but choose to keep their beliefs private, rather than join and participate in a traditional religious organisation.
Disembedding has been overexaggerated?
example for many Muslims the Mosque is still a
big part of their belief system.