1.5 Perfect competition, Imperfectly competitive markets and Monopoly Flashcards
What is a concentration ratio (CR)?
- ratio that indicates the size of firm in relation to the industry
- number of firms that domiate the market
What are the four barriers to entry?
- Legal = patents, insurance, licenses
- Technical = start up costs, sunk, EoS, natural monopoly
Strategic = Pricing - predatory, limit
heavy advertising - Brand loyalty
What are some barriers to exit?
- Sunk costs
- Redundancy
- Undervaluation of assets
- Penalty for leaving contract early
What is Perfect Competiton?
Theoretical market structure that economists use to asses efficiencies of other market structures
- Many buyers & sellers
- Homogenous goods
- No barriers to entry/exit
- D = Price elastic
- perfect info
- profit max.
- firms can sell all output
- price takers
What is Imperfect Competition?
Type of market structure that has some but not all elements of perfect competition
- less firms in market
- differentiation
- some barriers
- suppliers can influence price
- D = downward sloping
What is Monopolistic Competition?
when there are many firms in market but there is some form of product differentiaion
- barriers = low
What is a Monopoly?
Price leaders - can charge high prices but restricted by gov.
Use promo to inform and persuade customers
Can increase sales revenue through increasing market size
have atleast 25% market share - in UK
barriers = high costs, EoS, legal barriers
What is a Oligopoly?
- Only a few firms in market
- compete on non-price
- If one firm cuts price others are likely to follow
What is some objectives of firms?
- profit satisficing
- sales max.
- revenue max.
- profit max.
- other
What is profit satisficing?
- profit below profit max.
- satisfices needs of owners or managers
- covers TC
What is sales maximisation?
max sales to gain market share
increases size of firm
What is revenue maximisation?
max sales revenue
point where MR = 0
What is profit maximisation?
What are the assumptions of Perfect Competition?
- Large no. of buyers and sellers
- Able to buy/sell all output at market price
- Homogenous goods
- No barriers
- Perfect knowledge
- Profit max. (MR=MC)
In Perfect competition firms are price takers and can sell all output at market price
What does this lead to?
- Will not lower prices
- AND will not decrease as consumers will go to other firms
- D = Perfectly price elastic
What are the Disadvantages of Perfect competition?
- Limited choice for consumer
- lack of investment
- no incentive to innovate
- Lack of EoS
Short run and Long run equilibrium in Perfect competition
(see notes 1.5.3)
What is Monopolistic competition?
- Large no. of firms in market
- Differentiated products
- small degree of monopoly power
- barriers = low –> strong competition
- LR = no barriers