15 lines Flashcards
A Poison Tree
I was angry with my friend / I told my wrath…
The Destruction of Sennacherib
The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold
Extract from the Prelude
One summer evening (led by her) I found
The Man He Killed
Had he and I but met just once
Cousin Kate
I was a cottage-maid / Hardened by sun and rain
Excuse me / Standing on one leg / I’m half caste
Our brains ache, in the merciless iced winds that knives us…
The Charge of the Lights Brigade
Half a league, half a league, half a league onwards
I can remember you, child
War Photographer
The reassurance of the frame is flexible
Belfast Confetti
Suddenly as the riot squad moved in, it was raining exclamation marks.
The Class Game
How can you tell what class I’m from?
Three days after Armistice Sunday / And poppies had already been placed
No Problem
I am not de problem / But I bear the brunt
What Were They Like
Did the people of Viet Nam use lanterns of stone?