15: Integrity, objectivity and independence Flashcards
Why does objectivity and independence matter
- Expectation of members of company is to provide objective assurance
- The public interest
What are threats to this?
Management threat
Advocacy threat
Self review
Self interest
What are self-interest threats?/Safeguards
- Financial interests
- Close business relationship
- Gifts and hospitality
- Loans and guarentees
- Overdue fees
- High percentage of fees
- Lowballing
- Percentage or contingent fees
Explain financial interests/safeguards
prohibited for anyone/assurance firm to have a direct financial interest in a client.
/Dispose of interest e.g. sell shares. Remove indiviudal from team. Make client aware
Explain close business relationships /safeguards
e.g. joint ventures, combining products, leases between parties.
/End assurance provision or terminate business relationship, unless immaterial and insignificant.
Explain gifts and hospitality / Safeguards
- Should not be accepted unless insignificant as looks like a bribe.
/ Firm should have policy on gift acceptance e.g. nothing special given out, only what they would give to own employees.
Explain loans and guarentees / safeg
- material loans require safeguards to reduce threat to independence.
/ Independent review re material loan from a lending institution.
Explain overdue fees /SG
- assurance provider runs risk of essentially making a loan to client.
/ Payment should be required before assurance report can be issued.
Explain high percentage of fees / SG
When total fees generated by an assurance client represebt a large proportion of a firm’s total fees. FRC states if annual fee income from all services to a client regularly exceed 10% for a listed company (PLC) and 15% for unlisted (LTD) of gross income this could constitute self interest threat. Also total non-audit fees must be no more than 70% average audit fee from last 3 years.
/ Monitor fee income - warning at 5% plc (10% ltd).
Disclose with audit committee/ICAEW.
Reduce dependency on client by increasing revenue elsewhere.
Explain Lowballing / SG
When a firm quotes a significantly lower fee for an assurance service than would have been charged by the predecessor firm, may cut corners or reduce scope to keep costs down.
/ Comply with all guidlines and keep evidence to show appopriate time/staff worked on engagement.
Explain percentage or contingent fees /SG
Fees based on outcome or result of the work performed. /Firm should not enter into any fee arrangement where its dependent on result.
What are self review threats
- Service with an assurance client
- Internal audit services
- Preparing account records and financial statements
- Valuation services
- Tax services
Explain service with an assurance client / SG
Audit firm members who have been a director or employee of client and in a position to exert significant influence over F/S.
/ These members should not be assigned to this client (until 2 years after leaving client)
Explain internal audit services
Providing internal audit services to an audit client is absolutely prohibited.
Explain preparation of accounting records and financial statements as a sef review threat. /SG
If firm prepares accounting records and F/S then audits them = significant risk of SR threat.
/Use staff members other than assurance team to carry out work.
Responsibility for F/S with client