1.5 Entrepreneurs & Leaders Flashcards
How technology leads to innovation
Changes in technology can lead to new product ideas that were not before possible.
For example, 10 years ago Virtual Reality would not have been possible before, but due to advances in technology it now is.
Changes in consumer wants
A lot of ideas are thought up as a way to satisfy customer needs.
When customer needs are changing, new business ideas are thought up in order to satisfy these new needs. For example, GTech designed a cordless vacuum to fulfil customer wants.
Products and services becoming obsolete
Technological advances can mean that certain products and services become obsolete. This can lead to new ideas.
For example, the DVD became almost obsolete because people could watch TV/movies online and the blu-ray became more popular.
Original ideas
Original ideas have not been thought of before. They are usually very different to anything else that is currently on the market (for sale).
The introduction of hybrid cars is an example of this.
These products are thought up because there is a gap in the market.
Adapting existing products (or services)
These new ideas make changes to current products to improve them in a way that no one had thought of before.
New technology may make the adaptations possible.
For example, Dyson didn’t come up with the idea of a vacuum cleaner, but he did adapt (change) the design to improve how it worked. Dyson’s dual cyclone vacuum cleaner was designed to not need a replaceable bag, whilst not losing suction.
Risk of failure
Starting a new company is very risky as they are most likely to fail in their early days.
They face the risk that consumers may not want to buy their product, especially if it is a brand new product.
Financial loss
Starting a new business often requires a lot of investment. Failure can often mean a large financial loss for the entrepreneur.
Lack of security
Entrepreneurs often lose the security that they had with their job in terms of a regular wage or salary.
This means that if the business isn’t making any profit, the entrepreneur may have no money to live off.
Financial reward
If a business is successful then an entrepreneur is able to make a profit.
They also may be able to sell the business for a large sum in the future.
Be their own boss
Setting up your own business means that you can work for yourself.
This means that you are likely to have more flexible working hours and more choice over the type of work that you do.
Dissatisfaction with their current job
Many entrepreneurs have had full time jobs in the past that they haven’t enjoyed which has led them to pursue their own idea.
Pursue an interest
Some entrepreneurs simply want to set up a business doing something that they are passionate about.
Enterprise effect on quality
The durability, finish, nature of the product may be better than what is currently being offered.
The Unique Selling Points (USP) is the thing about the product that is not currently being offered by similar products.
Convenience focuses on making the product more convenient for the customer in any way possible.
Branding involves coming up with a distinctive logo/image that adds value to the customer.
Role of enterprise on design
The product design may be superior to products currently offered on the market.
Why does an entrepreneur need to be organised
An entrepreneur must organise or do everything needed to run a business.
This includes accounting, marketing, sales and business strategy.
To be successful, an entrepreneur must stay on top of these tasks every day, whilst also planning for the future.
Why does an entrepreneur need to be innovative
Spotting gaps in the market and providing solutions to complex problems requires entrepreneurs to think outside of the box and be innovative.
Why does an entrepreneur need to be hardworking
An entrepreneur must motivate themselves every day to work without someone telling them that they have to.
At the beginning, this can often mean working alone and without being paid.
Why does an entrepreneur need to be willing to take risks
When setting up a business there is always a risk of failure.
However, if an entrepreneur never takes these risks when investing money and giving up their current job, then their idea (or business) cannot succeed.
A business faces a constantly changing environment and even if an entrepreneur is very organised and plans well for the future, they never know what will happen.
Increasing market share as an objective
Market share is the percentage of sales that a company makes relative to all the sales made in that market.
New companies start with a 0% market share, so increasing market share is an important goal for them.
Gaining market share involves stealing or taking customers from competitors or getting new customers to enter the market.
Profit maximisation as an aim
For most for-profit businesses, maximising profits is their main aim.
Some businesses may sacrifice short term profits in order to maximise profits in the long term.
Growth as an objective
For lots of firms, one of their key objectives is to grow.
Growth can mean lots of different things - firms can grow sales, grow the number of customers or grow the number of employees.
Companies may also look to expand internationally as well as expanding by introducing different products.
Dyson, for example, started the business by producing vacuum cleaners and have recently expanded into the market for hair dryers and electric cars.
Survival as an aim
More than half of new businesses in the UK don’t survive beyond 5 years.
Survival is therefore one of the biggest short-term aims for new businesses.
Maximising shareholder value as an objective
For limited companies (both private and public), maximising value for their shareholders is a key objective.
Shareholders get value from a share of a company’s profits, but also by selling the shares in the future.
The overall value of a business (how much they could sell it for) increases depending on how well the business is doing. So, maximising profits or growing the business can maximise shareholder value.
Social and ethical objectives
Some firms make sure that they do business without having a negative effect on society or the environment.
Often this means firms using renewable energy sources and funding projects aimed at benefiting society.
For example, Jaguar Land Rover uses recyclable materials in its production of cars.
For not-for-profit firms, especially charities, this is usually the main goal of the company.
Customer satisfaction
This objective measures how happy the customers are with the good or service they are receiving from a company.
It can be a key objective because it has a large effect on both short-term and long-term profits.
If customers are not satisfied they won’t buy the product again and might instead buy competitors’ products.
What is an aim
An aim is a long term, broad goal that does not need too many details to be set.
What is an objective
An objective is a SMART target. Objectives exist to make aims possible. They are what allows a business to operate efficiently as it provides drive with a clear goal.