15-09-21 - Cells and Organelles 2 Flashcards
How do vesicles/organelles move away and towards the Golgi?
What determines what direction they will move in?
What else can this method be used for?
- Vesicle cargo sits on top of motor proteins and use microtubules as a track to move towards or away from the Golgi.
- Microtubules have polarity, meaning they have a positive and negative end
- The vesicle will move in a certain direction, based on the charge of the motor (positive or negative) in relation to the polarity of the microtubule.
- Typically, the negative end of a microtubule is embedded in the mass of protein called the centrosome in the middle of the cell (next to Golgi) and positive end towards the plasma membrane.
- Other organelles may also be moved using microtubule tracks.
- This is how the cell becomes organised.
- This would mean a negative end motor drives vesicles from the Golgi to the plasma membrane and a positive end motor would drive vesicles from the plasma membrane to the Golgi.

Where are microtubules found?
What is the structure made from?
Where is it found?
- Microtubule tracks usually originate from the centrosome (the centre for organising microtubules)
- The centrosome is a mass of protein in the middle of the cell next to the Golgi.
- The centrosomes contain 2 centrioles
- Centrioles are an array of 9 microtubule triplets.

Give a brief explanation of uptake and degradation.
How is uptake done?
What organelles is cargo delivered to?
- Uptake is done by endocytosis.
- The membrane/ cargo is brought into the cell and delivered to endosomes, then passed to lysosomes for degradation.
- Some membrane is recycled back to the cell surface to be used again.

What is autophagy?
How does the process occur?
What triggers it?
- Autophagy is a type of degradation in which parts of the cell are walled off and digested in the lysosomes.
- The cell invaginates (makes a membrane around) parts of the cell (organelles and cytosol)
- This closes in a membrane which is delivered to the lysosomes for degradation.
- Autophagy can occur with the appropriate signals, such as starvation.

What are the 3 methods of endocytosis
Are they specific or non-specific?
What molecules are they used for?
- Phagocytosis (cell eating) – For larger particles like yeast and bacteria
- Pinocytosis (cargo uptake – non-specific) – for smaller molecules
- Receptor mediated endocytosis (selective uptake of cargo – highly efficient) – cargo binds to receptors collected in the coated pits of membranes.
- These receptors with cargo then invaginates into and pinches off the cell membrane into the cell.

What are lysosomes?
How are they specialized?
What is their purpose?
- Lysosomes are specialised membrane-bound organelles in the cell
- They are specialised as they have a low pH of 5 and they contain hydrolytic enzymes.
- Lysosomes act as recycling containers.
- The hydrolytic enzymes chop up cargo delivered for degradation into smaller components.
- The smaller components are then transported into the cytosol to be used by the cell.
What do endosomes act like during uptake and degradation?
Why are the endosomes so essential during uptake and degradation?
- The endosome acts as the Golgi would during this process.
- The endosomes are important as during endocytosis, cargo as well as membrane components used for uptake are taken into the cell.
- We don’t want to degrade membrane components used for uptake, we want to recycle them, this is what the endosome system is responsible for.
- Without the endosomes, there would only be uptake and degradation, which would lead to the degradation of the cell in a couple of hours.
Where are proteins for the upgrade and degradation systems formed?
How are they distinguished?
- Membranes of RER, Golgi, secretory vesicles, plasma membrane, lysosomes and endosomes are all made on RER.
- These proteins are diverted by special sequences (sorted away from secretory pathway) in the Golgi.
What is another method of degradation?
How does it differ from degradation in lysosomes?
What is responsible for it?
Give a brief explanation of the process
- Degradation can happen in the cytosol without membranes (lysosomes)
- This is known as protein degradation and is done by the protein complex proteasome
- Junk protein is tagged with ubiquitin
- The protein is then recognized by proteasome, fed into proteasome and chopped into component fragments.

Why is protein turnover essential in cells?
What can happen if the processes become deficient?
- Protein turnover is essential for cells to function efficiently.
- If some of these processes become deficient, this can lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.
What is compartmentalization?
Why is it useful for eukaryotic cells?
Give an example
- Compartmentalisation is the formation of internal membrane compartments with a range of specialised functions.
- This allows for specialised reactions (that can be potentially harmful) to be separated from the rest of the cell, concentrated and optimized.
- An example of this are the lysosomes.
- They have a pH of 5 and hydrolytic enzymes, which could harm the rest of the cell.
- Compartmentalization ensures they are kept separate.
What is a consequence of membrane compartments?
What do vesicles do?
What does this maintain?
- Vesicle transport is a consequence of membrane compartments
- Vesicles transport membrane and cargo between compartments
- This selective transport maintains composition of membrane compartments
Describe what aids vesicle formation
Describe the process of vesicle transport between compartments/to extracellular environment
- Vesicle budding is aided by molecular scaffold supports, which are important for bending and maintaining curvature (vesicle coats - ex clathrin)
- Vesicle coat assembles to form vesicle and pull-out cargo from organelles
- This is done by the vesicle coat binding receptors, which bridge through the membrane to bind the cargo.
- The vesicle then pitches off from the organelle via endocytosis.
- Once the cargo crosses from the organelle into the cytosol, the cargo is in the exoplasmic compartment (the outside equivalent of the cell)
- The vesicle can now fuse with an organelle or the plasma membrane.

How did mitochondria become a part of cells?
What advantages did it bring?
What followed?
- About 2 billion years ago, a large non-nucleated cell (archaea) engulfs a bacterium.
- The bacterium provided energy (ATP) + multiplied to provide energy for growth (bigger cells become possible)
- During further evolution, cell membrane invaginates to form internal membranes – Segregation of protein synthesis on ER and ER coats nucleoid to form nuclear envelope.

What are 4 features of mitochondria?
How do they reproduce?
Where are all mitochondria inherited from?
- Produce most of ATP supply
- Enabled cells to grow bigger
- Present in all eukaryotic cells
- Two membranes – inner membrane folded into interior
- Contain their own DNA – reproduce by dividing in two
- All mitochondria come from mothers’ egg