14bc Personality eating disorders Flashcards
Defense mechanisms
unconscious mental process that the ego uses to resolve conflicts. (i want to punch him but I know I shouldnt)
Personality parts
- 50% temperament “nature”
- Character
- Development- negative repeated childhood events can have negative effects
- Psyche- self awareness and ability to learn, adapt, and change
Immature defense mechanisms
Acting out
dissociation- drastic temporary change in personality etc.
Displacement- husband yells at wife- wife yells at child
identification- modeling behavior after someone more powerful
Isolation- separating feelings from ideas or events
Projection-projecting your own unacceptable impulses 2 someone else
Reactio formation- think of sex join monestary
regression- toilet trained child wets bed
Repression- involuntary witholding ffelings or thoughts from consciousness
splitting- all good or all bad- no inbetween
Mature defenses
Altruism- alleviating guilt by helping others
Humor- i.e. making a joke about Step 1
Sublimation- replace impulse with more acceptable one- angry at dad- take out frustrations scoring goals in soccer
Suppression- intentionally witholding thought or idea from consciousness- choosing not to worry because there are other things to do right now.
Personality disorder
- Ingrained.inflexible
- Gets in the way of realtionships or functioning
- Stays stable
- distresses people around them
Personality disorders stats
10-18% of population
30-50% psychiatric outpatient populations
>50% inpatient
34% of Axis 1 disorder patients
Cluster A
Detached and eccentric
- Schizoid
- schizotypal
- paranoid
Schizoid PD
Emotionally detached doesnt want relationships SchizoiD --> Distant *M>f *No positive symptoms of Schizophrenia
SchizoTypal PD
Eccentric/ awkward
magical Thinking
*genetic predisposition
“I dont like your vibe man”
Paranoid PD
pervasive distrust
No hallucnations or thought disorder
Cluster B personality disorders
Dramatic and imulsive
Borderline PD
- Frantic fear of abandonment
- Unstable and intense relationships- Idealization or devaluation
- mood swings (minutes to hours, not days like bipolar)
- suicide and self mutilation common
- F>M
- Familial- associated with MDD and substence abuse
Antisocial PD
Sociopath criminal, deceitful, impulsive Aggressive, irritable Irresponsible -M>F -very genetic
Histrionic PD
Paris hilton
sexually provocative, attention seeking, emotional and excitable
Narcissistic PD
*Self-important grandiosity- lack of empathy
*Success, pwer, brilliance, beauty, love
*arrogant, entitled, envious
*require admiration, take advantage of others
rages at criticism
Cluster C personalities
Cowardly, clingy, compulsive
- avoidant
- Obsessive compulsive
- Dependent
*Fixated on details- lose scope
*Perfectionism that interferes
*Inflexible values that are unattainable
rationalize, intellectualize, reactionary, controlling