1491 Flashcards
Wampanoag sachem
Motive for tisquantum and Massasoit’s meeting with the pilgrims
To allow them to stay indefinitely if they ally themselves against the Narragansett
Tribe (confederacy) of Indians that Plymouth colony met
Repercussions of Wampanoag and pilgrim alliance.
The survival of the Plymouth colony ensured the British would colonize New England en masse
What language did the Wampanoag speak?
First US settlements
St. Augustine 1565
Roanoke 1585
Jamestown 1607
Plymouth 1620
How did smith first meet tisquantum?
Whaling/fishing and furs excursions off the coast of Maine around 1614, given a brief tour of gardens orchards and great troupes of people. Brought to Spain where he was converted and found his way to England. Found a ride to a settlement on new found land and eventually back to Maine
How did tisquantum learn English?
Kidnapped when aboard John smiths lieutenants boat, Thomas hunt, and taken to Europe for 5 years.
What did tisquantum find upon his return?
Utterly devoid of life. Ruined homes, field overrun with black berries, and sun bleached skeletons by 1619
Massasoit met tisquantum with around 50 men. Sent them back to France. Hepatitis a probably, had taken 3 years to exhaust itself and kill 90% of the people in NE.
How did each side view the pestilence?
That it was divine intervention.
What happened after tisquantum was captured by Massasoit?
Extolled the English and proposed brokering a deal to ally the Wampanoag with them against the Narragansett
NE smallpox epidemic?
1633, killed a third to a half of Indians in NE
Truth about Pocahontas
Mataoka. Priestess in trading. Played a role in a ritual at 12 staged to establish authority over Smith.
Eventually married Rolfe, died sick in England.
How did Indians shape their environment?
Almost every Indian group set fire to the woods, plains, and meadows each Fall. The first Settlers remarked the land ape resembled an English park. John smith ride through the Virginia forests at full gallop.
What did landscape burning promote?
Import of bison eastward. Spacious groves, garden plots. More herbivores, more predators, more people.