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AQA A Level English Language
> 14.1.5 Discourse > Flashcards
14.1.5 Discourse Flashcards
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AQA A Level English Language
(73 decks)
1. What does language study mean at A Level?
2. Text producers and receivers
3. Mode and genre
4. Language use and language users
5. Language level 1: Lexis and semantics
6. Language level 2: Grammar
7. Language level 3: Phonetics, phonology and prosodics
8. Language level 4: Graphology
9. Language level 5: Pragmatics
10. Language level 6: Discourse
11. Introduction to analysing texts
12. Becoming a language investigator
13.1 Textual variations
13.2 Language analysis: methods and approaches
13.3 Language analysis: genre and mode
13.4 Language analysis: audience and purpose
13.5 Introduction to representations
13.6 Language and representations: people, social groups and gender
13.7 Language and representations: events, places and issues
13.8 Exploring similarities and differences between texts
13.9 Bringing textual variations and representations together
14.1.1 The process of spoken acquisition
14.1.2 A historical overview of acquisition theory
14.1.3 Environmental factors
14.1.4 Pragmatics
14.1.5 Discourse
14.1.6 Lexis and semantics
14.1.7 Grammar
14.2.1 Early exposure to printed language
14.2.2 Learning to read
14.2.3 The process of writing development
14.2.4 Attitudes and theories about learning to write
14.2.5 Environmental factors
14.2.6 Handwriting and orthography
14.2.7 Lexical and grammatical development
14.3 Bringing child language and development together
15.1 Varieties and diversity - an overview
15.2 Geographical varieties of English
15.4 Phonological variations: our accent
15.5 Personal and social varieties of English
15.6 Bringing language diversity together
16.1 Studying language change
16.2 The origins of English
16.3 Lexical change
16.4 Semantic change
16.5 Orthography
16.6 Grammatical change
16.7 Grammatical change
16.7 Standardisation
16.8 Why does change happen?
16.9 How does change spread?
16.10 Bringing language change together
17.1 What is a language investigation?
17.2 Choosing an area to investigate
17.3 What approach could you take?
17.4 Data collection
17.5 Data selection
17.6 Writing your investigation
17.7 Bringing language in action together
18.1 The writing process
18.2 The style model
18.3 The power of persuasion
18.4 The power of storytelling
18.6 The drafting process
18.7 Writing a commentary
18.8 Referencing your work
18.9 Bringing original writing together
19 Textual variations and representations (Enriching)
20 Language development (Enriching)
21 Language diversity (Enriching)
22 Language change (Enriching)
23 Language investigation (Enriching)
24 Original writing (Enriching)