14.1 Conditional Tense Flashcards
I would buy a house in Italy
Comprerei una casa in Italia
I would invite all of my friends and relatives
Inviterei tutti i miei amici e parenti
She would listen to her mother
Lei ascolterebbe sua madre
He would go skiing
Lui andrebbe a sciare
We would give the keys to Roberta
Daremmo le chiavi a Roberta
You (pl) would buy many presents
Voi comprereste molti regali
You should walk
Dovesti camminare
She should get up early
Dovrebbe alzarsi presto
We couldn’t go
Non potremmo andare
You (pl) would know the truth
Voi sapreste la verità
Maria and Carlo would go to Florida
Maria e Carlo andrebbero in Florida
I would like to give Luisa a gift
Vorrei fare un regalo a Luisa
I would like to go to the cinema
Mi piacerebbe andare al cinema