14 Time series Flashcards
examples of time series data
Yearly GDP of Norway for a period of 20 years
Daily NOK/Euro exchange rate for past year
Quartertly data on the inflation % unemployment rate in the US from 1957-2005
Y_{t-j} is called __
jth lag
jth lag
Y{t-j} is called jth lag
jth future value
the first difference
Yt - Y{t-1}
Y_t - Y_{t-1}
the first difference
time series regression models can be used for
estimating (dynamic) causal effects
logarithmic growth
logarithmic grow or log-difference:
△ln(Yt) = ln(Yt) − ln(Y{t−1})
(≈ △Yt / Y{t-1})
The jth autocorrelation
ρj = Cov(Yt, Y{t − j}) / Var(Yt)
the denominator assumes stationarity of Yt
A time series is stationary if it’s probability distribution does not change over time
When the joint distribution of a time series variable and its lagged values does not change over time
forecast error
The difference between the value of the variable that actually occurs and its forecasted value:
Y{T+j} − Y{T+j | T}
NOT the same as residual
A forecast Y{T+j | T} and forecast error for j ≥ 1 are “out-of-sample”: They are calculated for some date beyond the data set used to estimate the regression. Y_{T+j} is not observed in the data set used to estimate the regression.
Root mean squared forecast error
RMSFE = sqrt( E[ (Y{T+1} − Y{T+1 | T})^2 ] )
First-order autoregressive model:
Yt = β0 + β1Y{t−1} + ut
Forecast in next period based on AR(1) model:
Y{T+1 | T} = β0 + β1Y_T
The pth order autoregressive model:
Yt = β0 + β1Yt−1 + β2Yt−2 + … + βpYt−p + ut
The number of lags p is called the order or lag length of the autoregression.
We can use ___ to determine the lag order p
We can use t- or F-tests to determine the lag order p
(or using an information criterion: BIC, AIC)