1.4- The River Exe Flashcards
Describe the location of the River Exe
A river in the South-West of England that rises in the moorland of Exmoor and travels to reach the sea at Exmouth on the South coast of Devon flowing through the towns of Tiverton and Exeter on Route
what are the characteristics of the catchment (drainage basin)?
- area of catchment is 600km (squared)
- the river’s source is on Exmoor, an upland area of moorland and peat bogs rising to over 500m above sea level and used for sheep farming and shooting game birds
- the catchment is largely underlain by impermeable sandstones which leads to a high drainage density
the majority of the catchment is rural with grasslands accounting for over __% of the land use in the catchment
rainfall is high for the catchment as it lies in the South-West of the UK- how many mm annually?
based on the rural nature of the catchment, it may be expected that much of this rainfall will infiltrate, but actually
much forms run-off due to the impermeable nature of the underlying rocks, already saturated peat, and drainage ditches which have been dug to drain the moorlands and make them more suitable for farming and shooting
why is the regime of the River Exe not as flashy as perhaps expected?
although there is a clear response to rainfall events, this occurs relatively slowly- one reason for this is the rural nature of the catchment as over 80% of the catchment is either woodland or grassland
there is a reservoir on the the River _____, a tributary of the Exe
what is the significance of Wimbleball reservoir to the river Exe?
Wimbleball Reservoir supplies supplies water to Exeter and elsewhere in East Devon, but it also regulates the flow of the river smoothing out more flashy peaks and troughs which otherwise may have been expected
what human factors affect the regime?
water is abstracted at a couple of locations and used for agriculture- in some places effluent (liquid waste) is also returned to the river
the River Exe has experienced some significant flooding in the past and is projected to experience more in the future as ______ _____ makes extreme weather events more likely
climate change
__% of houses in the Exe catchment are at risk of a 1 in 100 year flood which is quite high
what provides justification for blocking drainage ditches on Exmoor in order to attenuate more water in the upper catchment rather than allowing it ti enter the river channel and become flood water
10% of houses in the Exe catchment are at risk of a 1 in 100 year flood
the very upper catchment of the River Exe is moorland with large amounts of
peat should be a carbon sink as
dead,organic matter is compacted in saturated conditions and is therefore unable to decompose much due to the anaerobic conditions
Since the ______ ____ ___ , in attempt to make the UK more agriculturally more productive, large areas of what peat been drained by digging drainage ditches in the peat evident in Yorkshire Dales and also on Exmoor
Second World War