14 CRF Part 107 Operational Knowledge Review Flashcards
Who has final authority over the UAS operation?
Remote Pilot in Command
T/F - The PIC is always the person manipulating the controls of the UAS
AC 107-2A 5.2.2: as long as he or she is directly supervised by a remote PIC and the remote PIC has the ability to take immediate, direct control of the small UAS.
What are the responsibilities of the Remote Pilot in Command?
AC 107-2A 4.2.7: Remote Pilot in Command (Remote PIC or Remote Pilot). A person who holds a Remote Pilot Certificate with a small UAS rating and has the final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety of a small unmanned aircraft operation conducted under part 107.
What documents are required for flight of a UAS?
- Remote Pilot Certificate
- Goverment issued photo ID
- Waiver/exemptions
- UAS Registration (physical copy)
What constitutes “night time” for purposes of operating a UAS?
30 minutes before morning civil twilight to 30 minutes after evening civil twilight, based on the Federal Air Almanac.
What is required for civil twilight flight under 14CFR107?
Anti-collision visible from at least 3 sm.
What is the required visibility at the takeoff location?
3 sm
How far away from a cloud may you fly a UAS?
500ft below, and 2000ft horizontally.
What vision aides are allowed to comply with the “See and Avoid” requirements?
Corrective lenses only. Binoculars may be used only to provide momentary situational awareness.
What is the maximum operational speed for a UAS under 14CFR107?
87 Knots (100mph)
What is the maximum height above ground level you may operate a UAS under 14CFR107?
400ft, unless within 400ft of a structure. May operate 400ft above a structure
Who is responsible for yielding right of way to other aircraft?
T/F - First person camera view on the UAS satisfies the “See-and-Avoid” requirement of 14CFR107?
What is the maximum weight of UAS and payload allowed under 14CFR107?
Less than 55lbs.
Can you operate a 55lb UAS under 14CFR107?
No. Weight must be LESS THAN 55lbs.
How long before a planned operation should a certificate of waiver be applied for if needed?
90 days
According to 14 CFR part 48, when would a small unmanned aircraft owner not be permitted to register it?
- If the owner is less than 13 years of age
- All persons are eligible to register a small unmanned aircraft
- If the owner does not have a valid United States driver`s license
If the owner is less than 13 years of age
According to 14 CFR part 107, an sUAS is a unmanned aircraft system weighing:
- 55 lbs or less
- Less than 55 lbs
- 55kg or less
Less than 55lbs
Which of the following individuals may process an application for a part 107 remote pilot certificate with an sUAS rating?
- Commercial Balloon pilot
- Remote Pilot in Command
- Designated Pilot Examiner
Designated Pilot Examiner
Which technique should a visual observer use to scan for air traffic during a remote flight?
- Continuous sweeping of the windshield from right to left.
- Concentrate on relative movement detected in the peripheral vision area.
- Systematically focus on different segments of the sky for short intervals.
Systematically focus on different segments of the sky for short intervals.
After receiving a part 107 remote pilot certificate with an sUAS rating, how often must you satisfy recurrent training requirements?
- Every 12 calendar months
- Every 6 calendar months
- Every 24 calendar months
Every 24 calendar months
Unmanned aircraft means an aircraft operated
- For hobby and recreational use when not certificated
- Without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft
- During search and rescue operations other than public
Without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft
What class of airspace is designated by a solid blue line on a section chart?

Class B
What class of airspace is designated by a solid magenta line on a section chart?

Class C
What class of airspace is designated by a dashed blue line on a section chart?

Class D
When can you not operate in a restricted airspace?
- When It’s Active
- When It’s Inactive.
- Anytime as long as you don’t violate the right of way of military aircraft.

What Class Airspace does not require approval before entering?
- Class E Airspace
- Class C Airspace
- Class G Airspace
Class G
On a VFR sectional chart, what do blue hash marks indicate?
- Class A Airspace
- Wildlife Refuge
- Restricted Area

Restricted Area
How would you find out if the MOA is active?
- Refer to the legend for special use airspace phone number.
- Locate the information in the Small UAS database.
- Refer to the Military Operations Directory.

Refer to the chart legend for special use airspace phone number.
What are the three types of weather briefs available from 1-800-WX-BRIEF?

- Standard
- Abbreviated
- Outlook
What are three characteristics of STABLE air?
- Stratiform clouds
- Fair to poor visibility
- Continuous precipitation

What are three characteristics of UNSTABLE air?
- Cumulous clouds
- Good visibility
- Showery precipitation

What is caused by heat radiating from the ground at night heating the lower layer of air?
Radiation fog

What is caused by warm, moist air moving over a colder surface, causing its temperature to drop?
Advection fog

What is caused by moist air flowing up a slope, and cooling as it rises with the terrain?
Upslope fog

What does the suffix “nimbus” mean in relation to clouds?
Rain (ex. cumulonimbus, nimostratus)

Given the following METAR, what is the visibilty?
KINK 121845Z 11012G18KT 15SM SKC 25/17 A3000
15 Statute Miles
Given the following METAR, what is the wind direction and speed?
KINK 121845Z 11012G18KT 15SM SKC 25/17 A3000
Wind coming from 110 degrees at 12 knots, gusting to 18 knots
Given the following METAR, what is the cloud formation?
KINK 121845Z 11012G18KT 15SM SKC 25/17 A3000
SKC = Skies clear
Given the following METAR, what is the cloud formation?
KBOI 121854Z 13004KT 30SM SCT150 17/6 A3015
SCT150 = Scattered clouds at 15000 feet
Given the following METAR, what precipitation is present?
KLAX 121852Z 25004KT 6SM BR SCT007 SCT250 16/15 A2991
BR = Baby Rain (Mist)
What does SPECI designate at the beginning of a METAR?
Special METAR, released outside of the normal 55 minute schedule. Indicates significant change from scheduled METAR
What is the definition of a ceiling, as it pertains to weather & clouds?
The lowest broken (BKN) or overcast (OVC) layer. (Not scattered and few)
Are the wind directions in a METAR or TAF given in relation to true north or magnetic north?
True north. (Rule of thumb: if you READ it, it’s TRUE; if you HEAR it, it’s MAGNETIC)
What are characteristics of unstable air?
- Turbulence and good surface visibility.
- Nimbostratus clouds and good surface visibility.
- Turbulence and poor surface visibility.
Turbulence and good surface visibility.
True/False - A UAS may carry a payload of hazardous materials
False, UAS may not transport hazardous materials without a waiver
As density altitude increases, what happens to the performance of the UAS?
What causes density altitude to increase?
High altitude, high temperature, high humidity
What is the critical angle of attack?
The angle at which lift is no longer generated and the UAS goes into an aerodynamic stall.
According to 14 CFR part 107, who is responsible for determining the performance of a small unmanned aircraft?
- Owner or operator
- Remote Pilot in Command
- Manufacturer
Remote Pilot in Command
A stall occurs when the smooth airflow over the unmanned airplane`s wing is disrupted, and the lift degenerates rapidly. This is caused when the wing:
- Exceeds maximum allowable operating weight
- Exceeds the maximum speed
- Exceeds its critical angle of attack
Exceeds its critical angle of attack
What type of hazardous attitude is characterized by someone who does not/refuses to follow rules or requirements?
What type of hazardous attitude is characterized by someone who wants to make quick decisions without thinking through and following good aeronautical decision making practices?
What hazardous attitude is characterized by someone who refuses to believe problems can happen to him?
What type of hazardous attitude is characterized by a desire to show off, or be cocky?
What type of hazardous attitude is characterized by a loss of a feeling of control of a situation?
What are the three crew roles for UAS operation, as defined by the FAA?
Remote Pilot in Command, Visual Observer, Person Manipulating the Controls
Who is the person who holds a current remote pilot certificate with a sUAS rating and has the final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety of the sUAS?
Remote Pilot in Command
Who is the person who acts as a flight crewmember to help see and avoid air traffic or other objects in the sky, overhead, or on the ground?
Visual Observer
Who is the person controlling the sUAS under the direct supervision of the Remote PIC?
Person Manipulating the Controls
What is the legal BAC limit for operating a sUAS?
LESS THAN .04% (Be aware of trick questions listing .04 and below)
What are the four hazardous attitudes?
- Macho, Impulsivity, Resignation, Quitter
- Macho, Impulsivity, Resignation, Anti-Authority
- Macho, Impulsivity, Resignation, Control Freak
Macho, Impulsivity, Resignation, Anti-Authority
What does the acronym NOTAM stand for?
Notice to Airmen
What does the acronym TFR stand for?
Temporary Flight Restrictions
Where can NOTAMs be obtained?
Weather briefs, sUAS flight planning apps, online from FAA
TFRs and NOTAMs should be checked before EVERY flight? True/False
When reading sector maps or aeronautical charts, an obstacle is listed with the following elevation 1623/(604). What is the height Above Ground Level?

- The upper number is the height above Mean Sea Level, the lower number in parentheses is the height Above Ground Level
What is the term for the first turn after leaving the runway in normal airport traffic patterns?

Starting with the takeoff leg, identify all the legs of a normal airport traffic pattern.
UPWIND = takeoff leg; CROSSWIND = first 90 degree turn after takeoff, usually to the left; DOWNWIND = second turn, parallels runway, has tailwind; BASE = third turn, across the wind, preparing for final turn into landing runway; FINAL = Approach to runway to land

Where does class E airspace begin?
1200 ft (or 700 ft around airports indicated with shaded magenta)
What is standard temperature and pressure?
15 degrees C/ 29.92 pressure
On a VFR sectional chart, what does an “R” with a circle around it represent?
- Refueling Area
- Remote pilot only airspace
- Private airport
Private airport
A lost link situation is classified as an emergency situation by the FAA. True/False
False, a lost link by itself, without a fly away, is NOT an emergency situation per the FAA.
A fly away is classified as an emergency situation by the FAA. True/False
If a fly away occurs in controlled airspace requiring authorization, who should be notified?
Air Traffic Control
If an FAA classified accident or emergency occurs, within how many days must the RPIC make a notification to the FAA?
Ten days
While operating a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS), you experience a flyaway and several people suffer injuries. Which of the following injuries requires reporting to the FAA?
- Scrapes and cuts bandaged on site
- Minor bruises
- An injury requiring an overnight hospital stay
Within how many days must an sUAS accident be reported to the FAA?
- 90 days
- 30 days
- 10 days
10 days
According to 14 CFR part 107, the responsibility to inspect the small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS) to ensure it is in a safe operating condition rests with the:
- Owner of the sUAS
- Remote Pilot in Command
- Visual observer
Where should your registration number be located on your drone?
Any area that can be easily seen, or is accessible without tools
When is pressure altitude equal to density altitude?
On a standard day (15 degrees C/59 degrees Farenheit & 29.92 Hg pressure)
Upon request, you must provide your remote pilot certificate to?
Local law enforcement
If humidity is 100%, what effect on performance can be expected?
Decrease in performance
The weather report lists the ceiling at 800 feet AGL. What is the highest you can operate your sUAS?
300 feet (must be at least 500 feet from the clouds)
Can the remote PIC reduce the intensity of the anti-collision lighting during civil twilight operations?
YES, if they determine that because of operating conditions, it would be in the interest of safety to do so.