14. Character Evidence & Misconduct Flashcards
How may character be proven?
Specific acts
Opinion testimony
- Witness’ personal opinion
General community reputation testimony
- Views of those who live in the person’s community
Why may character evidence be introduced?
To prove person’s character when it is ultimate issue in the case
To serve as circumstantial evidence of how person probably acted
- Difficult to prove in terms of relevance
When may character evidence be introduced in civil cases?
Character must be ‘directly’ in issue (essential element of claim/defence)
- Child custody
- Negligent hiring
- Negligent entrustment
- Defamation
NOT to show actor probably acted according to her prior behaviour pattern
- Waste of time in examining collateral issues
How may defendant’s character be introduced in criminal cases?
1) Witness must open door for D’s character for rebuttal/impeachment (places character in issue)
- Testify re D’s good character for ‘trait in question’
- Give personal opinion re D’s trait in question
- Testify that W ‘heard’ of specific acts of misconduct (NOT direct testimony)
2) Prosecution must rebut D’s good character
- Cross-examine W re basis for his opinion/knowledge of D’s reputation
- Call own W to testify to D’s bad character/give opinion testimony re D’s character
- NOT extrinsic evidence
How may victim’s character be introduced in criminal cases?
1) Witness must open door for Victim’s bad character for rebuttal
- Opinion/Reputation testimony
- Evidence to show Victim was first aggressor (Homicide - Self-defence)
- NOT rape victim’s bad character
2) Prosecution must rebut
- Opinion/Reputation testimony
- Evidence to prove Victim’s good character (trait in question)
- Evidence to prove Defendant’s bad character (trait in question)
What is the difference between offering character evidence in criminal and civil cases?
Criminal case
- Character trait must be in issue => Places character in issue
- Defendant introduces character evidence
Civil case
- Character must be in issue
- Plaintiff/Defendant introduces character evidence
How may specific instances of misconduct be introduced?
1) Criminal/Civil case
2) Either;
- Crime
- Misconduct (sufficient evidence to support jury finding that D committed uncharged crime)
3) Probative value > Danger of unfair prejudice
4) Prosecution must provide reasonable notice before trial re general nature of such evidence
- Criminal cases
5) Prove certain relevant items relevant to crime charged (NOT person’s character/disposition to commit crime)
- Motive
- Intent
- Mistake/Accident
- Identity
- Common plan
How may prior acts of sexual assault/child molestation be introduced?
1) D is charged with sexual assault/child molestation
2) Party introducing act must disclose evidence to Defendant (15 days before trial)
3) Criminal/Civil proceedings