1.4 Flashcards
Define - staff as an asset
Treats employees as the most important resource in the business and a source of competitive advantage. ▪ Employees are treated as individuals and then needs our plan accordingly.
Define staff as a cost
Treats employees simply as a resource of the business.
▪ Strong links with corporate business planning - what resources do we need, how do we get them and how much will they costs
How businesses treat staff as an asset
Permanent contracts
Develeop staff skills with training
Pay staff a salary
Builds loyalty from staff
How businesses treat staff as a cost
Flexible contracts, perhaps 0 hours
Minimal training offered
Low pay, often a hourly rate
Often leads to a high staff turnover rate
Define Flexible workforces
The ability a business to adapt its operations to changes in patterns of demmand
Pros and Cons of multi skilled staff
Definition - Training employees in more than one skill set
Flexibility: can adapt to changes in demand, cover sickness or provide more resource (immediately) on project critical issues.
Cost efficiency: You can use your resource more efficiently and productively by utilising their paid hours to suit the needs and demands of the project. Where a requirement may be two workers for a few hours you can cover the project needs with one worker over the course of a day.
Reliability: It removes the need to rely on sub-contractors who you wouldn’t normally work with. Being able to use the workers you know and trust on your projects as opposed to outsourcing to specific skill sets.
Loss of production as employees switch between jobs
Increased training budget required
Define part time and temporary staff
Temporary staff are employes on short-term contracts, meaning that if the employer no longer needs them, the contract is not renewed
Part time - someone who works fewer hours that a full-time worker
Define outsourcing
Contracting another business to perform certain business functions, allowing significant increases in capacity when needed
Pros and cons of outsourcing
Pros - Ongoing fixed costs can be kept low level within the business
Sudden surges in demand can be dealt with quickly
Companies to whom work in outsourcing can offer high quality services
Cons- Company to whom work is being outsourced from will charge
Arrangements may be time consuming
Work may not reach quality standards
Explain the difference between a dismissal and a reduncancy
Law requires businesses to have to compensate those made redundant according to how long theyve worked for the business and occurs because you no longer need anyone to do their job.
Dismissals occurs when an employee is deemed ‘not fit fot their job’ or when they have commited a major breach of their terms of employment (e.g. theft). In the case of the employee being fairly dismissed, no payments are made.
Define indervidual and collective bargaining
Indervidual employment agreements are negotiated between an indervidual and their employer and only bind to their parties
Collective bargaining occurs when an employer deals with of or a few representatives for the whole workforce when discussing problems, or negotiating pay rises or changes to working conditions. Usually representation is a trade union
3 adv and dis of collective bargaining
Workers get representation on issues like health and safety and workplace bullying.
Employees benefit as acting together gives them more power in their relationship with the employer.
Prevents employees going on strike as they have representation with them who will work for their benefits
Trade unions cause increased wages and so less jobs in the economy+increase inflation
Can lead to inequality if one side of the negotiation is weaker than the other.
Can widen the gap between employers+employees.
What’s the difference between rectuitment and selection
Recruitment is as process which entails searching for candidates.
Selection is a process of picking the candidates from the shortlisted ones.
Adv and Dis of External recruitment
Brings new ideas and innovation
Busness can cast a wider net to recruit the best workers with the most suitable skills which increases your chances of recruiting experienced and qualified candidates.
New recruits have little knowledge of the company + culture.
Greater risk than internal employment
More expensive+ time consuming than internal.
adv and dis of Internal recruitment
Cheaper and faster than external
Saves time and money on training as internal applicant will have knowledge of the organisation + culture
Promotes loyalty which may improve employee morale.
Limits the chances of innovation which may lead to a stagnant culture
Leaves a gap in the workforce which you will need to find a replacement for.
On the job training + methords
Training whilst the employee remains in the workforce
Coaching for an experienced member of staff
Role play- acting out a scenario to see how employee would react
Rob rotation
Adv and dis of on the job training
Training is specific to the companys needs
Employees may feel more at ease
May be cheaper as internal training doesnt need to be paid for
Quality of training may be worse than off the job
May pick up bad habits from other workers
Concentration may be poor due to work interruptions
Adv and dis of off the job training
Higher quality training usually delived by experts
Higher levels of concentration as less interruptions
Cost of external training courses may be high
Productivity decreases due to time being spent away from place of work
Employees may learn skills not relevant to the business
Advantages of providing training
Higher skill levels can boost productivity and innovation
A wider range of skills can enhance the businesses flexibility
Motivates staff who feel they’re been invested in by the business
Possible consequences of not providing training
Lack of productivity
Business quality may decrease
Customers may recieve lower quality of customer service as workers are not as knowledge to answer questions
Define a tall structure + 3adv 2dis
A tall structure is one with many layers and narrow spans of control
Allows close supervision of staff
Communication within the immediate team (boss and immediate subordinates) is likely to be excellent
Many layers of hierarchy means plents of opportunites for promotion
Staff may feel over-supervised + not trusted by management
Communications as a whole may be poor with so many layers for messages to pass through
Define flat strucute + 2adv 2dis
An organisation with few (if any) levels of management between the workforce and the highest-level managers
Few layers- better communication
More autonomy + responsibility for employees leading to employees feeling more motivated and so more productive
Lack of progression opportunities
Higher workloads for managers
Define matrix structur + 2adv 3dis
The structure is usually built around specific products or projects.It combines the functional areas of a business (HR, finance, marketing, sales) with a specialist team that operates inside the business
Working together allows expertise from each department to be immediately available, preventing possible delays in progress
Learning from views of collegues in other departments helps develeop each team member
Each project team member will have at least 2 bosses
Two bosses means it can be unclear whose orders should take priority
Getting staff from different functional areas to agree may be difficult
What is delayering
A stratey to remove one or more layers of hierarchy from the organisational structure
Advantages of delayering
Offers opportunities for better delegation,empowerment and motivation as number of managers decreases and more authoriety is passed down the hierarchy
Can improve communication within the business as managers pass info through fewer levels of hierarchy
Can reduce costs as fewer high wage managers are required
Disadvantages of delayering
Mass production companies with low skilled workers may not adapt easily
Can have a negative impact on motivation due to job losses
Period of distruption may occur as people take on new responsibility and fufill new roles
Explain what is meant by centralisation + adv and dis
An organisational structure where most major decisions are taken at the very top of the organisation structure
Clear chain of command, clear vision
Delays in work, limits creativity
Explain what is meant by decentralisation and adv+dis
Decision making is passed down the organisation through the process of delegation
Improves employees motivation as have more responsibilty
Lack of consistency
What is FW Taylors motivation theory + recommendations
Scientific management
Pay your staff according to their output (piece rate)
What is Elton Mayos motivation theory + recommendations
Human Relations theory
Communicate and consult with staff and provide team working
What is Abraham Maslows motivation theory + recomenations
Hierarchy of needs
Try to satisfy your staff’s needs. Needs may vary, and range from basic needs to self -actualisation
What is Fredrick Herzberg theory of motivation + recomendations
Two-factor theory
Treat your staff well, make their job intresting, offer training and develeopment prospects
Ensure hygine factors are met (pay, working conditions and job security) and motivate using motivators (responsibility, recognition and opportunities for promotion)
What is the order of Maslows hierarchy of needs top to bottom
Self actualisation
Esteem needs
Social needs
Safety needs
Physical needs
Define piecework + adv and dis
Paying each member of staff a set amount of money each time they repeat a task
This encourages speed as the quickest staff earn more money
Likely to lead to quality problems as staff rush to complete as many tasks as possible
Define comission + adv and dis
Paying staff whose role involves selling, a certain percentage of the revenue they generate, usually on top of a low basic salary or hourly rate
This incentivises staff to sell as much as they can
May lead to mis-selling as staff try to sell more expensive products or services to maxismise their commission, causing customer dissatisfaction.
Define a bonus + adv and dis
Playing a lump sum as an additional reward to members of staff if a target is hit, typically once a year
This can provide an excellent way of offering staf a valued extra thank you
Large bonuses can distort staff behaviours, emphasising the need to reach the bonus target by whatever means possible
Define profit-sharing + adv and dis
Allocating a certain proportion of annual profits to be shared as a bonus among staff
adv- This aligns staff goals with business goals
Dis- Hardworking staff may resent others who receive the same profit-share bonus without putting the same amount of effort
Define performance related pay
+adv and dis
This involves rewarding staff when work performance exceeds a certain level where work performance is hard to quantify. The decision whether to award a bonus usually depends on some form of appraisal system
Adv -
This allows individual performances to be clearly rewarded financially
Employees may feel the process used to decide on the award of PRP is unfair or biased against them.
Define delegation + adv and dis
Passing decision-making power to staff over how to perform a task
Allows staff to meet Maslow’s esteem and self-actualisation needs, as well as being a motivator for Herzberg
Dis- Staff must have the skills and experience to make good decisions
Define empowerment + adv and dis
Passing even more power to staff, to the extent where they may be given authority to decide what job needs doing
Adv- Allows staff to meet Maslow’s esteem and self-actualisation needs, as well as being a motivator for Herzberg
Dis- The need for appropriate skills and experience is even greater than that needed for successful delegation
Define consultation + adv and dis
Seeking staff’s opinions before making a decision
Adv- May help to meet esteem needs on Maslow’s hierarchy.
Dis- Many decisions will appear to go against the views of many staff - consultation maybe seen as a meaningless process
Define Team-working + adv and dis
Allowing staff to work in a group rather than indervidually
Adv- Allows staff to meet Maslow’s social need; recognises Mayo’s belief that human relations are necessary to motivate staff
Dis- The performance of more productive individuals may be dragged down to a team average level
Define flexible working + adv and dis
Allows staff to adjust where and/or when they work to suit their lifestyle
Helps to ensure Maslow’s lower level needs are met, and can be a key factor in meeting Herzberg’s hygiene needs
Dis- Co-ordinating the workforce can be harder to achieve
Define Job enrichment + adv and dis
Giving staff added responsibilities and challenge by widening the scope of their job
Adv -
Meets herzberg’s motivators and Maslow’s top two levels of needs
Some staff may view extra responsibility as an unwanted burden
Job rotation + dis and adv
Moves staff between different tasks of the same level of complexity
Helps to prevent boredom - little theoretical justification
Prevents the potential productivity benefits that come from workers specialising in one task
Job enlargement + adv and dis
Gives staff more, similar tasks of the same level of complexity
Adv -
Can make staff feel a sense of esteem
Dis -
In reality, most staff recognise they are simply being asked to do more for no extra reward.
Explain the distinction between management and leadership
Management consists of controlling a group or a set of entitles to accomplish a goal. Leadership refers to an inderviduals ability to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute toward organizational success.
Explain the autocratic leadership style
Style derived from -
Approach to staff -
Approach to remuneration -
Approach to human resource management-
Style derived from- A Taylorite view of staff
Approach to staff- Orders much be obeyed
Approach to staff remumeration - Payment by results, eg piece rate
Approach to human resource management - Recruitment +training based on skills- appraisal linked to pay
Explain the Paternalistic leadership style
Style derived from -
Approach to staff -
Approach to remuneration -
Approach to human resource management-
Style derived from - Mayo’s work on human relations +Maslows lower_middle order of needs
Approach to staff - Consultation with staff
Approach to remuneration - Salary + extensive frindge benefits
Approach to human resource management- Emphasis on training and appraisal for personal develeopment
Explain the Democratic leadership style
Style derived from -
Approach to staff -
Approach to remuneration -
Approach to human resource management-
Style derived from - Belief in maslows higher-order needs + Herzbergs motivators
Approach to staff - Delegation of Authority
Approach to remuneration - Salary + extensive fringe benefits
Approach to human resource management- Recruitment + training based on attitudes and team work
Explain Laissez Faire leadership style
Litterally meaning “leave to do”, managers leave staff to get on with things, generally without provifing a clear sense of direction. While often the result of a manager being lazy/busy to provide clear focus+structure, could also be used by a new business needing ideas+creativity and so leave staff alone to hopefully innovate the business.
What are appraisals
An appraisal is a formal opportunity to analyse your
performance at work, which also offers you a chance to talk to
your employer about your career plans. Can be
used to evaluate pay increases and bonuses.