135 Workplace Violence Prevention Flashcards
If an employee requests a court order restraining any person from harassing or approaching him or her, the employee should inform their supervisor about the issuance of such order and provide a description of the individual cited in the order.
Physical Harassment: Examples include, but are not limited to hitting, pushing, kicking, holding, spitting, impeding or blocking the movement of another person
The Workplace Violence Prevention Program is administered by the Human Resources Department.
The Human Resources Director, or their designee, will assist in the development and implementation of a workplace safety plan as deemed appropriate for the situation.
All directors, managers and supervisors are responsible for implementing and maintaining the Workplace Violence Prevention Program and Policy in their work areas and for answering employee questions about the program. A copy of the WVPP is available on the City web.
Safety Committees will assess the vulnerability to workplace violence in their respective worksites.
Training will be coordinated by the Human Resources Training Division.