135 Regs Flashcards
135.415 Svc Difficulty Reports. What relevant items must be reported?
9 Pertinent: Fire in flight (even false indication)
Exhaust sys dmgs acft, smoke in cabin, Eng Shutdown for FOD/Ice ingestion, Fuel leak, Structure Maj Repair, Cracks/deform/corrosion, EP other than eng shutdown, Catch all: any if endangers safe flight.
135.19 Can you Deviate from rules? If you do what must be done?
135.19 gives PIC Deviation authority
Also Requires report to FSDO w/in 10 days
What docs must be in acft per 135?
GOM: WB proc, Opspecs, Mx proc away base, MEL, Briefing items.
- Mx Can
- Airworthiness Cert (also must be in airworthy condition)
- Load Manifest if required
- Applicable charts and Checklist
135.67 What are you required to report to ATC?
Hazardous Wx and irregularities w/ nav stations must be reported
Can you continue to a destination airport if a hazard has been reported there?
No, must suspend flight unless reasonable to expect hazard will be gone by ETA.
If continue to airport for lack of other option: considered an emergency situation.
135 Preflight Requirements
135.17: Can’t fly unless req’d mx complete
EMS: Determine Min Safe alt. based on obs/terrain
–ID/Document highest obstacle along route
–Plan ceiling to clear obst by 300’ Day | 500’ Night
–Risk assessment Req’d
What FAA Form must an inspector show?
FAA Form 110A
What is required for Flightplan/flight following?
At least min req’d in VFR flight plan
Flight following must have way to notify FAA/Search and rescue
135.89: When is O2 req?
10,000’ to 12,000’ for more than 30 min duration
Abv 12,000’ entire duration
135.117 What is required in a pax brief?
7 Pertinent Smoking Seatbelts Doors Survival Equip Fire Extinguisher (Ditching and O2 if applicable)
What Additional equipment is required by 135 Subpart C and L?
-Sensitive Altimeter
-Carb anti-ice/alternate air source
-Radar Altimeter
-2 way Radio
—Flight Data Monitoring
3 gyros
Instrument lights
Anti-Collision Lights
Nav Equip appropriate to route
Can you fly night VFR if thunderstorms forecasted?
Not w/out operable onboard wx radar
N/A for Mx, Ferry, Trng flights
What is the only way to fly w/ INOP equip?
Approved MEL has to be in OPSpecs and allow flight w/out that equip
What is an MEL
What can’t be on it?
Min Equip List: approved change to type design w/out re-certification.
Can’t MEL: Req’d by airworthiness, AD’s, Specific Ops.
Subpart D. VFR Wx mins
Over Congested area >300’ abv surface
G <1200 | Controlled Sfc area: 1/2 Mi Day | 1 Night
View of surface req’d