13.4 Intestacy and Property Passing Outside The Estate Flashcards
When do the rules of intestacy apply?
- deceased died without having made a will or didn’t make a valid will (mistake / error)
- the deceased’s will did not dispose of the entire property because the gift has failed; this is a partial intestacy.
What is the first step on the death of an interstate person?
Personal representatives must pay the funeral, testamentary and administrative expenses, debts and other liabilities of the deceased from cash and the other proceeds of the sale of assets.
What is the spouse or civil partner of the deceased entitled to under the rules of intestacy if they leave issue?
- personal chattels
- the statutory legacy (prescribed sum of money) currently £322,00 but was £270,000
- one half of the residue absolutely
Meaning of issue
children and grandchildren
If the intestate leaves no issue and a spouse, what happens
They take the whole state absolutely
How many days must the spouse survive after the death of their partner to be subject to the rules of intestacy
28 days
If there is no surviving spouse, what is the order of entitlement
parents - equally etc
brother and sisters of whole blood
siblings of half blood
grandparents - equally
uncles and aunts of whole blood
half blood uncles and aunts
the Crown as bona vacantia
Earlier classes take the
Exclusion of later classes
lower classes are excluded by the upper class beneficiaries
The statutory legacy - how does it work
take the 322,000 from the total amount of assets, give that to the spouse then divide the residue equally between the spouse and the issue
What was the statutory legacy amount between 6 feb 2020 to 25 july 2023
What is the statutory legacy amount currently?
What does ‘statutory trusts’ mean?
In short: for classes (apart from parents and grandparents) if they die their issue will inherit the trust.
means that, for all classes other than parents and grandparents, a class
member’s issue takes their parent’s share per stirpes if the class member has predeceased
(provided the issue attain 18 or marry earlier). Per stirpes means “through the root” and this
term is used because children inherit through their parent’s share.
Per stripes means
“through the root” and this
term is used because children inherit through their parent’s share.
Adopted children and illegitimate children are treated as
children for the purposes of the intestacy rules
they will inherit as their child
Property owned as a joint tenant, in contrast to tenants in common - will the property pass under the rules of intestacy?
passes outside of the intestacy rules
right of survivorship - passes to the partner who is left
However, if the property had been owned as tenants in common, it would pass via their will (their share in the property) or intestacy if there was no valid will