1.3.3 Networks Flashcards
an interconnected set of devices
network topology
actual architecture of a network / structure
networks - positives
- allows sharing of data
- allows collaborative working
- allows communication
- allows sharing of resources eg. printers
- easy to backup to central server
networks - drawbacks
- user can become dependent on the network
- efficiency of a network can be affect by barriers
- network manager required (costly)
- as traffic increases on a network, bandwidth decreases and performance falls
- difficult to secure network from security breaches
set of rules which govern data transmission over a network
TCP - transmission control protocol
used with IP to ensure error free transmission and packet switching
IP- internet protocol
used to transfer all packets across the internet between routers
NIC network interface card
receive and sends electrical signals in a network
devices which are used to connect networks, they recieve data packets from one network and route it to another
devices used to connect devices on a network, use MAC address to send data to destination node
MAC address
identifier permanently added to a device by the manufacture
connects nodes together by broadcasting a signal to all possible destinations
WAP wireless access point
connects node to network wirelessly
coaxial copper cable
older, slower, cheaper
fibre optic cable
newer, faster and high capacity
bus topology
nodes are connect to central communication channel.
each end of backbone is connected to a terminator
each node is passive and data is sent in one direction at a time only
Bus topology - advantages
- cheap to set up
- devices can easily be added
- good for small networks
Bus topology - disadvantages
- main cable is a single point of failure
- limited cable length
- performance degrades heavy use
- poor security
star topology
where central node or hub provides a common connection point for all other nodes
star topology - advantages
- easy to isolate problems
- good performance
- more secure as switch is used, data only sent to recipient
star topology - disadvantages
-expensive to set up due to length of cable required
- central device is a point of failure
ring topology
where node connect to two others to form a ring
mesh topology
where ever node is connected to every other node
client-server model
one device (client) requests services from another device (server)