132b - Histology of the GI System Flashcards
Which parts of the GI tract contain goblet cells?
Small and large intestine
(more abundant in the large intestine)
Where in the GI tract is this?

Has Peyer’s Patches (lymphoid follicles)

Which part of the stomach stains brown with an immunostain for gastrin?
- Gastrin is produced by G cells
- Only found in the antrum of the stomach

What common feature is present in the regions of the digestive system covered by stratified squamous epithelium?
They are closely associated with the ouside environment and stressors
- Oral cavity
- Esophagus
- Anal canal
Where in the GI tract are Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses found?
What are they?
Invaginations of the gallbladder epithelium (simple columnar) that extend toward the smooth muscle layer

What is secreted by the Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas? (3)
- Insulin
- Glucagon
- Somatostatin
What is the histologic hallmark of the duodenum?
Brunner glands

Describe the flow of bile
- Produced by hepatocytes
- -> R and L hepatic ducts
- -> Common hepatic duct
- -> Cystic duct
- -> Gallbladder
- Stored here until it is needed
- -> Cystic duct
- -> Common bile duct
- -> Through the Ampula of Valter
- -> Sphincter of Oddi
- -> Duodenum

Where in the GI tract is this?

Stomach - gastric surface epithelium
- Simple columnar epithelium
- No goblet cells
- Goblet cells in the stomach = intestinal metaplasia
Which structure is the bile duct?

- Slightly bigger than the artery, apparently

What are the 3 layers of the mucosa?
Lamina propria
Muscularis mucosa

What is the difference between adventitia and serosa?
- Serosa covers the organs that move freely inside a cavity
- Adventitia covers the organs that are bound to the surrounding structures
Both serve as the outermost histologic layer of GI tract organs
What color will chief cells be on an H&E stain?
Chief cells will be purple/blue (basophilic)

Which organs of the GI tract contain secretory mucosa?
(The mucosa secretes enzymes; in the SI, enzymes are secreted by the pancreatic cells, not the mucosa)
What color will parietal cells be on an H&E stain?
Parietal cells will be pink (eosinophilic)
Pink = many mitochondria;
parietal cells need these to make ATP for the H+/K+ ATPase

Where in the GI tract is this?

- No Brunner’s glands (duodenum) or Peyer’s patches (ileum)
- Has plica circularis
- Most prominent in distal duodenum and jejunum

Where in the GI tract are goblet cells most abundant?
Large intestine
(But found throughout the small and large intestine)

Which structure is the hepatic artery?


What is the histologic hallmark of the Ileum?
Peyer’s patches

What is the difference between plica circulares and villi?
- Villi are smaller, core is mucosa
- Plica circulares are larger, core is submucosa

Describe the blood flow to and through the liver
- Portal vein (75%) and Hepatic artery (25%) supply the liver
- -> Sinusoids (space between hepatocytes)
- Sinusoids may be blocked by cirrhosis
- -> Central vein
- -> Hepatic vein
- -> Inferior vena cava

Which structure is the portal vein?


Which part of the GI tract contains crypts but no villi?
Large intestine

Which strucutre is the hepatic vein?