13.1 Trade Flows + Trading Patterns Flashcards
What is global interdependence?
- describes the world wide mutual dependence - individual countries rely on other countries to supply the goods + services they can not produce themselves = trade
- countries have become more interdependent as many places do not have the raw materials + manufactured goods they need, so buy from elsewhere
What is visible trade?
Involves items that have a physical existence + can actually be seen
What is invisible trade?
Trade in services that include travel + tourism, and businesses and financial services
What is a trade deficit?
When the value of a country imports exceeds the value if it’s exports
What is a trade surplus?
When the value of a county’s exports exceeds its imports
What is terms of trade?
The price of a country’s exports relative to the price r of its imports, and the changes that take place over time
How does terms of trade impact global trade?
- country’s that rely on low value exports + need high priced imports, will need to export large quantities to afford them
- many LICs are primary product dependent = general low world market price
- when the price falls, a country’s economy will see a sharp fall in export income = higher trade deficit = can’t fund state led investment in education, healthcare + infrastructure
Example of terms of trade?
- Zambia’s main export is copper
- 2000-2010 the Zambian economy grew by 7% due to high price of copper which was 80% of their exports
- this boom ended in 2011 - copper prices fell + Zambia had to borrow money to spend on infrastructure
What is resource endowment?
the natural occurrence of resources in a country
How does resource endowment affect trade?
- country’s that are endowed with a particular resource control + dominate world trade of that resource
- HOWEVER - this is dependent on value of export = agricultural products are low value + puts these countries at a disadvantage due to fluctuations
Examples of resource endowment?
- OPEC made of many Middle Eastern countries regulate oil prices by controlling oil supply —> increase in supply = decrease in price + vice versa
- 80% of Uganda’s exports are agricultural products —> overproduction of e.g. coffee between 1995-2000 led to a fall in export price + their ability to earn foreign currency
What is comparative advantage?
idea that countries will specialise in producing specific goods + services in which they are best endowed
How does comparative advantage affect world trade?
- a country will trade its good to other countries to obtain the goods + services it needs
- HICs often specialise in high value goods rather than primary goods
- some countries dominate the production of manufactured goods through trade blocs
Example of comparative advantage?
- Japan is a big producer of high-tech + Germany of cars
- EU is a major trade bloc which charge high tariffs on imports outside of the bloc = protecting HICs + creating an unfair advantage as businesses in NICS/LICs find it difficult to compete in the world market
What is locational advantage?
When location of market demand influences trade patterns