13. Structure and function of the eye Flashcards
What are the two foramina found above and below the orbit?
Supraorbital foramen
Infraorbital foramen
Which bones form the medial part of the orbit?
Orbital plate of the ethmoid
Lesser wing of sphenoid
Frontal process of the maxilla
Which bones form the roof of the orbit?
Lesser wing of the sphenoid
Orbital plate of the frontal bone
Which bones form the lateral wall of the orbit?
Zygomatic process of the frontal bone
Greater wing of the sphenoid
Zygomatic bone
Which bones form the floor of the orbit?
Orbital surface of the maxillary
Zygomatic bone
What is the limbus in the external eye?
A dark ring that separates the iris from the sclera. It is where the corneal stem cells sit in
What is the tear film?
A thin layer of fluid that covers the cornea
It maintains a smooth cornea-air surface
It is important for maintaining clear vision and removing debris during blinking
It is a bactericide
What are the functions of the tear film?
To protect and lubricate the eye
Contribute to the optical properties of the eye
Supply oxygen and nutrients to the cornea
Remove debris
What are the three layers of the tear film?
Superficial Oily Layer
Aqueous Tear Film
Mucinous Layer
What is the function of the superficial oily layer of the tear film?
Reduces tear film evaporation – prevents the layers underneath from evaporating
It allows smooth blinking
It is produced by the Meibomian Glands along the lid margin
What is the function of the aqueous tear film layer?
Main bulk of the tear film
Delivers oxygen and nutrients to the surrounding tissue
It contains bactericide
What is the function of the mucinous layer of the tear film?
Produced by goblet cells
Maintains surface wetting
Ensures that the tear film sticks to the eye surface
The mucin molecules act by binding water molecules to the hydrophobic corneal epithelial cell surface
Where is mucin produced from?
The conjunctiva - this is a transparent layer on top of the cornea that is very vascular. It has goblet cells that produce mucin
Where is the lacrimal gland located?
The lacrimal gland is located within the orbit, latero-superior to the globe
What are the three types of tears produced by the lacrimal gland?
Basal Tears - These are tears that are produced at a constant level, even in the absence of irritation or stimulation Reflex Tears - This refers to increased tear production in response to irritation. The tear reflex is made up of an afferent pathway, CNS and efferent pathway and the lacrimal gland Emotional Tears (crying)
How are reflex tears produced?
The cornea is one of the most sensitive tissues in the body
Irritation is detected within the cornea which is innervated by sensory nerve fibres via the ophthalmic branch of the Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)
The efferent pathway is mediated by a parasympathetic nerve which innervates the lacrimal gland
How are tears drained?
Tears drain through two puncta from tiny openings on the upper and lower medial lid margins
The puncta form the opening to the superior and inferior canaliculi within the eyelids
The two canaliculi converge as one single common canaliculus which drains the tears into the tear sac
The tears are drained out of the tear sac via the tear duct (nasolacrimal duct) which opens up in the nasal cavity in the inferior meatus
There is a valve between the canaliculi and the tear sac which does not allow the reflux of tears onto the surface of the eye
What is the conjunctiva?
A thin, transparent tissue that covers the outer surface of the eye.
It begins at the outer edge of the cornea, covers the visible part of the eye, and lines the inside of the eyelids.
It is nourished by tiny blood vessels that are nearly invisible
What does the ciliary body produce?
Aqueous humour
What can be seen when you look into the back of the eye?
The optic disk and optic nerve
What is the vitreous body?
Clear gel that fills the space between the lens and the retina
What is found between the lens and the cornea?
A transparent fluid called the aqueous humour
What are the three layers of the coat of the eye and their functions?
Sclera - this is the white of the eye. Hard and opaque
Outermost layer so protects the eye and maintains its shape
High water content
Choroid - pigmented and vascular
Provides circulation to the eye
Shields out unwanted scattered light
Provides nutrients for the retina
Retina - neurosensory tissue
Converts light into neurological impulses to be transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve
Deepest in the eye so is the most protected
What is the cornea?
The cornea is in front of the sclera. It is the transparent, dome-shaped window covering the front of the eye. It is continuous with the scleral layer
What are the functions of the cornea?
Powerful refracting surface, providing 2/3 of the eye’s focusing power
due to its convex curvature and refractive index that is greater than air
Physical Barrier – it is a very tough layer and is very hard to be damaged. Blowout fractures can occur when the bony orbit is broken but the eye does not break
Infection Barrier
Outline the 5 layer structure of the cornea
Epithelium – has a turnover of 36-48 hours so corneal injuries heal really quickly
Bowman’s Membrane
Stroma – regularity contributes towards transparency. This is the thickest layer
Descemet’s Membrane
Endothelium – pumps fluid out of corneal stroma and prevents corneal oedema
Why is the endothelial layer that forms the cornea so important?
It has no regeneration power
Endothelial cell density decreases with age
Endothelial cell dysfunction may result in corneal oedema and corneal cloudiness
What happens if you hydrate the cornea?
It goes opaque and you are unable to see
What is the Uvea and what is its structure?
This is the vascular coat of the eyeball and lies between the retina and the sclera
Is composed of three parts: The iris, cilliary body
and choroid
What is uveitisand what does it affect?
An inflammation of the eye or uvea is called uveitis
Anterior uveitis mainly affects the iris, intermediate uveitis mainly affects the cillary body and posterior uveitis affects the choroid
What is the function of the choroid?
Lies between the retina and the sclera (as it is a part of the uvea)
Made up of blood vessels that nourish the back of the eye
Nourishes mainly the outer part of the retina as the central retinal artery nourishes the inner retina
What are the functions of the inner and outer retina?
The outer retina mainly transforms light signals into electrical signals and the inner retina will modulate these signals and send them back to the brain
What is the ciliary body and where is it located?
Ciliary body is a ring shaped tissue, surrounding the lens
It is between the anterior and posterior segments of the eye and is located behind the iris. It is medial to the ciliary muscle
What is the function of the iris and what is it made of?
The Iris is the coloured part of the eye that controls the light levels that can enter. The iris is embedded with several muscles that restrict the pupil size. Also allows focussing of the eye.
It is composed of TWO layers:
Anterior Layer - Stromal Layer containing muscle fibres
Posterior Layer - Epithelial
How do the ciliary body and iris arise from the retina and the choroid?
The retina gives rise anteriorly to the ciliary body epithelium and the posterior (epithelial) layer of the iris
Choroid gives rise anteriorly to the ciliary body stroma and the anterior (stromal) layer of the iris
What is the structure of the lens?
Outer acellular capsule
Regular inner elongated cell fibres - transparency