1.3 sources of wisdom&authority Flashcards
What books does the Old Testament contain?
What does the New Testament contain?
How many books does catholic and orthodox Christians have compared to Protestants?
OT: law, prophets and writings.
law: decalogue
prophets: joshua and judges
writings: proverbs and daniel
NT: 4 gospels(mmlj), acts of the apostles, letters(st.paul&st.john) and revelations
catholics & orthodox christians have 47 books in the OT but Protestant have 39 books.
why is the bible important for catholics?
- records jesus’ teachings
- records life, death and resurrection of Jesus
- reveals what god is like and what he does for christians
- contains commandments (guidelines for catholic life)
What the does is mean by the church as a body of Christ?
Christians carry out Christ’s work on Earth,
Christians are united with each other and with Christ through baptism,
All catholics receive the body of Christ in mass which joins them in unity with people across the Earth,
Body of Christ and the human body are both interdependent and none is superior so there should be no division in the body.
Why is the church as body of Christ is important for catholics?
- how the church is described in the new testament and CCC
- it means Christ did not leave Earth at his ascension (body remained on Earth with the church)
- church is carrying out the work of Christ in the world
- we are all united (Christians) as we form one body
- importance of mass, sharing the consecrated host at communion catholics share the body of Christ this then renews their membership of Christ’s body
- working and teaching gods word because they are all part of Christ’s body
- we all have different roles within the community yet we all work together, like the human body.
Explain the divergent views of the church as one body:
- Catholics accept authority of the Pope and believe it is the role of the Pope to guide the Church and pass on true teachings of Christ
- Orthodox Christians reject the Pope’s authority and believes authority comes from patriarchs (highest bishop in Ochristians) acting together
- Protestants believe the bible has sole authority and the Pope cannot decide beliefs and teachings for catholics. Churches should be ruled democraticically.
What is the ecumenical movement?
This believes that the teachings of St. Paul means that Christians should unite as the body of Christ. Protestants and orthodox Christians have come together in the world council of churches.
Use a SoWaA to support the church as body of Christ.
- st Paul said in Romans 12 that although there are any Christians, Christians are all one body in Christ and so are members of one body.
- CCC states that the church is the body of Christ and in sacraments, especially the eucharist, Christ establishes the community of believers as his own body.
“The Christian church does not deserve to be called Christ’s body”
W Christian church is divided unlike a body which is united.
W Most Christians do not behave like Christ, which they should if they were carrying out his work.
S The church does not appear to be Christ’s body as it is rich and he was poor.
S The church does not seem like Christ’s body because it has power and political influence whereas Christ rejected power and influence.
S how the church is described in CCC and NT
S church carries out the work of Christ in the world
S by sharing consecrated host at communion Christians share the body of Christ and renew their membership of Christ’s body
S Christians live out gods word because they are part of Christ’s body on earth.
4 reasons why Catholics believe the church is one.
- it is based on ONE Lord, Jesus Christ.
- it has one baptism and the forgiveness of sins
- it is inspired by one spirit
- it has one faith, agreed within the creed
What are the 4 marks of the church.
What does catholic mean?
How do Catholics believe the church is catholic?
- Jewish religion was for one race whereas Christianity is for all
- Christian message is for everyone regardless of ethnicity age and other factors
- Christian message can be believed and understood by anyone
4 reasons why the church is considered holy?
- god made it and therefore it belongs to him
- Christ gave his life to make the church holy so it is devoted to god.
- the church has been given true faith and is guided by the Holy Spirit
- church is the source of the sacraments, they bring gods grace to humanity therefore empowered by god and makes it holy.
4 reasons why the church is considered apostolic?
- founded by apostles
- receive apostolic tradition and therefore teaches us what the apostles taught
- bishops are successors of the apostles and they preach Jesus’ message
- authority of St. Peter was passed down by apostolic succession to current Pope
How are the 4 marks understood by different Christians today?
- protestants see the oneness of the church based on the Bible and creeds. For Catholics and orthodox it is based on creeds AND CCC
- all Christians agree the church is holy
- they also all agree the church is universal and catholic
- Protestants believe the church is apostolic because it is based on the bible. Catholics and orthodox also believe it is based on apostolic tradition and the line of bishops.
SoWaA for the 4 marks of the church.
- in Matthews gospel Jesus says; ‘you are peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven’
- ‘I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic church’- nicene creed
“The church is too divided to be called one and holy”
S it cant be one if it is divided into catholic, orthodox and Protestant.
S there is different attitudes towards the bible which divides Catholics.
W church is not one because there is different attitudes towards contraception and abortions (weak because it is usually people’s opinions)
S The church cannot be holy if it labels gay people as evil and refuse sacraments to them as well as divorcees.
S church is one as it has one baptism and forgiveness of sins
S states as one faith in the creed
S The church is the source of the sacraments and so is empowered by God
S church is holy as it is guided by the Holy Spirit and has been given true faith.