1.3 Phytohormones Flashcards
Main points on phytohormones
- provide important information to reach fundamental decisions (development, defense)
- can operate independently, but also antagonistic or synergistic
- mutant plants are useful tools
- SA, Et and JA are important hormones in defense responses
- one defense pathway may go at the expense of other pathways
Defence decision example
In order to activate the SA hormone (effective against bacteria)
- Plant must recognize attacker as being ‘bacterium’
- Recognition must lead to production of SA, but not JA
- SA-mediated defense active against bacterium or fungus
- SA suppresses JA-mediated defense (insects, nematodes)
- Plant becomes more vulnerable to insects or nematodes
Antagonistic hormone pairs
Auxin Cytokinin
Auxin Strigolactone
Gibberellin Abscisic acid
Salicylic acid Jasmonic acid
Hormone-mediated resistance to attackers
- Systemic Acquired Resistance = SA/MeSA signalling
- Induced Systemic Resistance = Et and JA signalling
- Wound responses = MeJA signalling
Three plant hormones important in defense
- Salicylic acid (against bacteria and biotrophic fungi)
- Ethylene (against necrotrophic fungi)
- Jasmonic acid (against insects and necrotrophic fungi)
Attackers can manipulate hormone-mediated defenses
- Some bacteria produce the JA analogue coronatine
- This suppresses SA activity making the plant less resistant to bacterial attack
Synergistic hormones
- Synergistic hormones have the same effect in a target cell and therefore amplify the results
- e.g. Ethylene and jasmonic acid
Defence decisions
- Plants have many types of attackers and many possible responses
- Therefore they must a defence decision base on all available evidence
- This decision determines the hormone pathways that are activated
What is a hormone
A signal molecule produced in one tissue/cell
type and exerting an effect in a different tissue/cell type
Aux (root formation, apical dominance)
CK (shoot formation, cell division)
GA (seed germination)
Abscisic acid
ABA (seed dormancy, water homeostasis)
SL (inhibits shoot branching)
Et (ripening, abscission, senescence, defense)
Salicylic acid
SA (defense against microbes)
Jasmonic acid
JA (wound response, defense against insects)
Hormone transport
Via vascular sytem OR cell to cell transport
Ethylene gas can travel via the air outside the plant
Which hormones can be methylated?
SA and JA can be methylated to Me-SA and Me-JA (volatiles)
Producing or having multiple effects from a single gene
Studying hormones
- Application of hormones or inhibitors
- Mutants defective in hormone production
- Mutants defective in hormone perception and response .
- Mutants overproducing hormone or “overreacting”
- Mutants often have pleiotropic, developmental phenotypes