1.3 Marketing mix and strategy Flashcards
Construct the Design mix
o function
o aesthetics
o cost
Design for waste minimisation - reducing the quantity if resources that are discarded in the production process
Desgn for recycling - businesses use of making increasing use of recycled materials in designs
Ethical sourcing - using materials, components and services from suppliers that respect the environment, treat thuey work force well and generally trade with integrit
Above the line promotion
placing adverts using the media e.g. television or newspapers
Types of promotion
Above the line promotion- placing adverts using the media e.g. television or newspapers
Below the line promotion - any promotion that does not involve using the media
i.e sales promotions, public relation, merchandising and packaging
Types of branding
Manuafacturer brands - brands createb by the producers of goods or services
Own label brands - products that are maufactured for wholesales or retailers by businesses
Generic brands- products that only conain the names of product category rather thatn the company of product name
Benefits of strong branding
Added value
ablity to charge premium prices
reduce price elasitcity
Ways to build a brand
Exploiting a unique selling point
using social media
Changes in branding and promotion to reflect social trends
Viral marketing- any strategy that encourages poeple to pass on message to others about a product or a business electronically
emotional branding- the practice of using emotions of a consumer to build a brand
Types of pricing strategy
cost plus (calculating mark-up on unit cost)
o price skimming
o penetration
o predatory
o competitive
o psychological
cost plus pricing benefits
set price to generate profit
cost plus pricing disadvantage
Ignores market conditions - the mark up may be too high price compared to rivals
Price skimming advantage
High prices - higher revenue
price skimming disadvantage
Can only be used if demand is price inelastic
Penetration pricing
product target low income consumers
fast growth throug sales
put pressure onto rivals to lower prices or differentiate
Predatory Pricing disadvantage
An illeagal method by charging low prices
competitve pricing advantages
Pricing war is avoided by charging same pice as competitors
Factors that determine the most appropriate pricing
strategy for a particular situation:
o number of USPs/amount of differentiation
o price elasticity of demand
o level of competition in the business environment
o strength of brand
o stage in the product life cycle
o costs and the need to make a profit
c) Changes in pricing to reflect social trends:
o online sales
o price comparison sites