13 - Infertility Flashcards
What is the definition of subfertility?
Failure of conception in a couple having regular (once every 2-3 days) unprotected coitus for one year
Primary: never concieved
Secondary: have concieved in the past, even if abortion or ectopic, and struggling to concieve again

If couples try to concieve for three years, what is the likelihood they will get pregnant in the next year?
What are some causes of subfertility in men?
- Pretesticular: HPG axis
- Testicular: sperm production or storage, e.g STIs, torsion
- Post testicular: e.g obstructive or erectile dysfunction
25% of cases reason for subfertility unknown

What are the main causes of subfertility in both men and women?

What are the three classes of subfertility causes in women?
- Tubular damage
- Uterine/peritoneal disorders
- Ovulatory disorders

What are some ovulatory disorders causing subfertility?

What are some uterine and peritoneal disorders that lead to subfertility in women?
- Fibroids
- Scarring or adhesions: PID, Asherman, endometriosis, abdominal surgery
- Abnormal uterus from issues with mullerian duct

What are some mullerian duct development anomolies?

What are some conditions that can cause tubal damage and lead to subfertility?
- Endometriosis
- Pelvic surrgery leading to damage
- Infection like chlamydia
- Ectopic pregnancy

What are some important investigations to do when investigating subfertility in both men and women?

What are some physical examinations you may do to investigate subfertility?

What are some questions may you ask in a history to investigate subfertility?

What is a hysterosalpinogram?
Can check patency of tubes by injecting dye into cervix, x-ray and see if dye spills into peritoneum

What is some advice a GP can give to a couple who are having fertility issues, without referral?

When should you refer a couple to fertility clinic?
- After 1 year of trying to concieve
- Sooner is woman is older (over 36) or known risk factors for infertility
Everyone entilited to investigations but not all to treatment

What are three main types of treatment after diagnosis of subfertility made?
- Surgical
- Medical
- Assisted reproductive techniques

What should you do for a woman if her partner has been given a chlamydia positive diagnosis?
Do not hold back - prescribe antibiotics before diagnosing her with NAAT
What are the complications with PID?
- Peritonitis
- Tuboovarian abscess
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Changed position of uterus
What is the most common causes of infertility in males and females?
Males: abnormal sperm
Females: anovulation (primary when never ovulate, secondary when used to ovulate but now can’t)