13. Durable Healthcare Power of Attorney Flashcards
What is required for durable healthcare power of attorney?
1) Writing
2) Signed by Principal/Another (in P’s direction + presence)
3) Capacity
4) Witnessed by 2 witnesses
- NOT designated agent (most states)
- Designated agent (Family consent statute)
- NO Ws (Uniform Health Care Decisions Act)
5) Principal becomes incapacitated => PoA effective
What is durable healthcare power of attorney?
Agent is appointed to make healthcare decisions on Principal’s behalf (who is incompetent)
What is required for appointment of agent?
1) Act in good faith
- Act according to PoA/P’s discretion/P’s best interests
- Otherwise subject to civil/criminal liability/discipline
2) Not owner/operator/employee of Principal’s healthcare provider
- Related to Principal
How may power of attorney be revoked?
Notice to Agent/P’s healthcare provider (oral/written)
Subsequent instrument
Physical act