13. Complications of Hernia Flashcards
Complications of Hernia
- Common
* Rare
Common Complications of Hernia
- Irreducibility
2- Obstruction
- Strangulation
Rare Complications of Hernia
- Inflammation
- Rupture
- Hydrocele of the hernial Sac
Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
- Treatment
DEFINITION of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
failure to return the contents into the abdomen
CAUSES of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
Adhesions between the contents and the sac
Adhesions between the contents themselves.
Pathogenesis of Adhesions in CAUSES of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
Chronic irritation )> fibrous tissue )> Adhesions
Pathogenesis of Adhesions between the contents themselves in CAUSES of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
Forms one mass larger than the defect
CLINICAL PICTURE of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
- No symptoms of intestinal obstruction
* The best person to reduce the hernia is the patient himself, failure to do so, it is considered irreducible
COMPLICATIONS of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
Irreducibility predisposes to obstruction and strangulation
Treatment of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
Urgent surgery.
Reduction by Taxis is contraindicated
Reduction by Taxis is contraindicated in Treatment of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
- Meaning of Reduction by Taxis
* The reason why it’s contraindicated
Meaning of Reduction by Taxis in Reduction by Taxis is contraindicated in Treatment of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
Manual Reduction of hernia
The reason why it’s contraindicated in Reduction by Taxis is contraindicated in Treatment of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
As it may lead to
- Reduction of strangulated loop to the abdomen.
- Reduction en bisac
- Rupture of the hernia.
Reduction en bisac in The reason why it’s contraindicated in Reduction by Taxis is contraindicated in Treatment of Irreducibility in Common Complications of Hernia
Reduction of the sac between the layers of the abdominal wall
Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
- Incidence
- Investigations
- Treatment
Incidence of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
In cases of Enterocele only
DEFINITION of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
- Occlusion of the intestinal lumen from without or from within
- without affecting its blood supply.
Meaning of from without in DEFINITION of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
All causes of intestinal obstruction regardless the hernia such as F.B
Meaning of from within in DEFINITION of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
Obstructing adhesions
Meaning of lncarcerated hernia
Obstructed hernia by faeces
CLINICAL PICTURE of of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
The 4 Cardinal symptoms of Intestinal Obstruction
The 4 Cardinal symptoms of Intestinal Obstruction in CLINICAL PICTURE of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
- Vomiting.
- Abdominal distension.
- Abdominal colics.
- Absolute constipation.
COMPLICATIONS of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
predisposes to strangulation
Investigations of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
- Serum electrolytes (Na & K)
- KFTs & LFTs
- ABGs
- Plain x-Ray abdomen erect & supine
CBC in Investigations of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
Pathogenesis of Leucocytosis in CBC in Investigations of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
if intestinal bacteria translocate into the bloodstream, causing the systemic inflammatory response syndrome or sepsis.
ABGs in Investigations of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
Hypokalemic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
Pathogenesis of Hypokalemic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis in Investigations of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
due to severe emesis and loss of HCl
Plain x-Ray abdomen erect & supine in Investigations of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
Multiple fluid levels & distended loops.
Treatment of Obstruction in Common Complications of Hernia
Urgent surgery.
Most serious complication of Hernia
Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- Investigations
- Treatment
INCIDENCE of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- The most common hernia liable to strangulate
- The most common hernia seen strangulated
- It is the most common cause of Intestinal Obstruction in developing countries.
- It’s the most serious complication of Hernia
The most common hernia liable to strangulate in INCIDENCE of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
femoral hernia then paraumbilical hernia
The most common hernia seen strangulated in INCIDENCE of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
oblique inguinal hernia as it is the commonest form
of hernia.
The most common cause of Intestinal Obstruction in developing countries
Strangulation of Hernia
CAUSES of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- Presence of a constricting agent
- Narrowing of the neck of the sac by adhesions.
- It may follow other complications as irreducibility or obstruction.
Presence of a constricting agent in CAUSES of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- Examples
* Pathogenesis
Examples in Presence of a constricting agent in CAUSES of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- Deep or superficial inguinal ring in Oblique Inguinal Hernia
- Sharp edge of lacunar ligament in femoral hernia.
Pathogenesis of Presence of a constricting agent in CAUSES of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- Constriction of the contents leading to interruption of their blood supply.
- If the Constriction is not relieved, gangrene occurs in few hours.
Pathology of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
Very important
- The sequelae that The strangulated loop will suffer
* Note
The sequelae that The strangulated loop will suffer in Pathology of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
1- Pressure on the veins & impeded venous congestion
2- Pressure on the arteries & impeded arterial supply
- Gangrene occurs at the site of constriction
4- Perforation and peritonitis are the terminal events
Pathogenesis of Pressure on the veins & impeded venous congestion in The sequelae that The strangulated loop will suffer in Pathology of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- The strangulated loop becomes congested and distended with gas & fluid.
- increased congestion causes haemorrhage in the wall & lumen of the affected loop
Pathogenesis of Pressure on the arteries & impeded arterial supply in The sequelae that The strangulated loop will suffer in Pathology of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- Ischemia & infarctions of the mucosa )> Ulceration
- Mucosal barrier failure
- Bacterial translocation occurs & predisposes to septic shock.
Mucosal barrier failure in Pathogenesis of Pressure on the arteries & impeded arterial supply in The sequelae that The strangulated loop will suffer in Pathology of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- The devitalized loop exudates its contents (fluid, blood & bacteria) into the hernial sac which now contains Sero sanguinous highly toxic fluid.
- At this point the strangulated loop is still viable
Note on Pathology of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
Strangulated hernia is categorized as Mixed strangulation ( obstruction of both blood supply and intestinal lumen)
CLINICAL PICTURE of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- Symptoms
* Examination
Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
1- Acute pain in the hernia.
2- Sudden enlargement of the hernia.
3- Irreducibility.
4- Symptoms of intestinal obstruction
5- Finally perforation occurs with generalized abdominal pain of peritonitis.
Pathogenesis of Acute pain in the hernia in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
Due to Inflammatory reaction
Symptoms of intestinal obstruction in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- Vomiting.
- Abdominal distension.
- Abdominal colics.
- Absolute constipation.
Note on Absolute constipation in Symptoms of intestinal obstruction in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
Absolute constipation is absent in cases of
1- Strangulated omentum.
2- Littre’s hernia
3- Richter’s hernia
Examination in CLINICAL PICTURE of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- General
- Abdominal
- Local
- Clinical differentiation between obstruction and strangulation
General Examination in CLINICAL PICTURE of Strangulation in Common Complications of Hernia
- Fever.
2. Shock in neglected cases