13 Card SD Flashcards
On 2 card connecting flops, if you hold the 3 upper connecting cards, how many outs ? Nut outs ?
13, 13
What are the type of flops where a 13card SD can be possible ?
2 cards connecting
One card gaps
Two card gaps
Any two from T to K
On 2 card connecting flops, if you hold the lower connecting cards, how many outs do you have ?
13, 3
QJTx on 98x. Outs ? Nut outs ?
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765x on 98x. Outs ? Nut outs ?
13, 3
9TJx on 87x. Outs ? Nut outs?
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654x on 87x. Outs ? Nut outs ?
13, 3
89Tx on 76x. Outs ? Nut outs ?
13, 13
543x ob 76x. Outs ? Nut outs ?
13, 3
What must you have on a one-card gap flop in order to make a 13 card SD ?
The gap card
On one-card gap flops, if you have the gap and upper connecting cards how many outs do you have ? Nut outs ?
13, 13
On one-card flops, if you have the gap and lower connecting cardds, how many outs ? Nut outs ?
13, 3
8JTx on 97x. Outs ? Nut outs ?
13, 13
865x on 97x ? Outs ? Nut outs ?
13, 3
79Tx on 86x ? Outs ? Nut outs ?
13, 13