13. Arsenic Metabolism Flashcards
What is the oxidation states of the following: Arsenate, Arsenite and arsine
Arsenate - +5
Arsenite - +3
Arsine - -3
Is arsenic toxic?
Yes but not the elemental form (0) as it is not soluble
How is arsenate toxic?
Enters cells via phosphate transport system and replaces phosphate in ATP synthesis. Arsenic is not viable for life.
How is arsenite toxic?
Enters cells via diffusion/glycerol transport system and inactivates proteins by binding to the thiol group (and inactivating it)
How is elemental arsenic oxidised to arsenite then arsenate?
Arsenic to Arsenite - chemical oxidation
Arsenite to Arsenate - microbial oxidation (aerobic/anaerobic)
How may arsenate be reduced to arsenite?
What is the equation for the oxidation of arsenite? What is the gibbs free energy of the reaction?
2H3AsO3 + O2 –> HAsO4 2- + H2AsO4- + 3H+
-175.8kJ/mol (at pH7)
Place the oxidation of arsenite, iron and sulphur in order of how much energy they produce
How does the pH of the medium change when arsenite is oxidised?
pH decreases (similar way if you oxidised sulphur to sulphuric acid)
What is thingies favourite arsenite oxidiser from the granites goldmine in australia?
NT26, its got two cute little villi
What are the two types of arsenite oxidation?
Chemolithoautotroph (uses CO2 as energy source) and heterotroph (use organic matter for energy source)
What does arsenite oxidase do? Describe it’s structure
Catalyses oxidation of arsenite to arsenate
Heterodimer/heterotetramer with 85/98kDa and small 15kDa subunits
Metalloenzyme - Mo, Fe, S redox cofactors
How does the AiO enzyme work?
The molybdenum cofactor goes from VI to IV, catalysing a 2 electron transfer reaction.
The electrons are then transferred from molybdenum to 3Fe-4S (in alpha subunit) then to Rieske 2Fe-2S (in beta subunit)
How does autotrophic arsenite oxidation occur?
Calvin cycle is used to fix CO2. NADH (generated by reverse electron flow) and ATP (from oxidation) is then generated.
As(III) oxidised to As(V), electrons passed to AroA then to AroB then Cyt C. From here the electrons can travel down two separate pathways. Either it travels through the bc1 complex to produce NADH or goes to aa3 cyt c oxidase to produce ATP
How is arsenite (III) oxidase expression regulated?
Some organisms it is constitutive, others it is induced - As III acts as inducer