13 Anat, Phys, and Path of Small Intestine Part 1 Flashcards
13.3 Distinguish between the different sections of the small intestine
Duodenum - First 10-12 inches - ends at a sharp bend called the duodenojejunal flexure
Jejunum - 8 ft
Ileum - 12 ft - Joins large intestine at the ileocecal valve
13.4 Identify the key histologic features of the small intestine that enable it to provide optimal absorption
Maximal surface area accomplished through:
- Pilcae circulares
- Villi
- Microvilli
13.5 Intestinal villi contain crypts of Lieberkuhn. What kind of cells are found in the crypts?
- Surface absorptive cell
- Goblet cell
- Enteroendocrine cell
- Regenerative cell
- Paneth cell
13.5 What do enteroendocrine cells do?
Secrete CCK, secretin, GIP (DNES cells; APUD cells)
13.5 What do paneth cells do?
Secrete lysozyme and other antibacterial agents
13.9 What does pancreatic amylase do?
Degrades polysacharides into disaccharides and “oligosaccharides”
13.9 What enzyme degrades disaccharides?
A group of brush border enzymes called disaccharidases
13.10 Glucose and galactose are absorbed through what kind of cotransporter?
How does this cotransporter function?
A Na-dependent cotransporter known as SGLT 1.
A high luminal concentration of Na faciliates absorption of these 2 sugars against their gradients
13.10 Fructose is absorbed through what kind of process and transporter?
Does this process require Na?
Facilitated diffusion via glucose transporter 5 (GLUT5)
Does not require Na
13.10 All monosaccharides are transported out of the enterocytes and into capillaries by what process and transporter?
Facilitated diffusion (GLUT2)
13.12 To what extent will the stomach digest proteins?
It will denature proteins, but it is not as effective at cleaving off individual amino acids (pepsin does some of this)
13.12 Where are amino acids cleaved off?
Occurs mainly at the brush border with aminopeptidases and with the active pancreatic enzymes (proteases)
13.13 What two transport mechanisms are used for amino acid absorption?
- Na-dependent cotransporter (like glucose)
2. Facilitated diffusion (like fructose)
- 6 What kind of epithelilal cells make up the intestinal villi?
(e. g. Simple/Stratified, squamous, columnar, cuboidal)
Simple columnar epithelial cells